Chapter Four|Part 2✨

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Neveah's POV✨
So far the things I've heard mostly about myself have shocked me. I can't believe I used to be so mean and thoughtless. I can definitely say I've changed.
"I don't wanna go". Everyone looks Morgan.
"Same. I really don't want talk about the fight or hear about it. It brings a back bad memories". Says Sharee.
"We're trying to bring back her memory idiot. Who cares about yours". Julian says to Sharee
"Don't talk to her like that,if she don't wanna go,she ain't going okay. No long ting". Says Junior.
"Yeah,just go without us". Morgan says. Me,Julian and Lorenzo stand up.
"Aren't you coming Junior?". I ask.
"No,I'm staying here with Sharee". He says. I nod.
We're all about to go when Morgan calls Lorenzo's name.
"Lorenzo,where are you going?". Morgan says.
"To the youth clu---".
"No,you're staying here with me". She says while cutting off Lorenzo.
"But, I ain't going to be lo--".
"Lorenzo,stay,please". She says forcefully. Lorenzo sighs and goes to sit next to Morgan.
"Is that a world tour or your girls tour?" Julian says out of nowhere. We all laugh quietly. Lorenzo looks raged.
"Just go,you wasteman". Lorenzo says.
"How you telling me to go in my own house? Am I a dickhead". Julian says.
"Yeah,you are". Lorenzo says. The both stare at each other hard.
"Julian, can we go now". I say trying to distract him.
"Let's go". With that leave and with him slamming the door shut behind him. Julian must think he's rude.

🌸15 Minutes Later🌸
We arrive outside a small rectangular colourful building. I guess this is the youth club.
"Does your head hurt? Like do you think you're going to have one of them vision tings". Julian asks.
"No,it comes unexpectedly". He nods.
"Let's go inside". He suggests.
"To let people know I'm here init". He says smirking.
"You think you're prestige init because your presence is not that important". I say. He looks offended. I laugh a bit.
"Well,that's where you're wrong b. I don't think I'm prestige. I am prestige". He says while putting his arm around me. I roll my eyes and we enter the youth club. We walk in and everyone's busy chatting away,doing their own thing.
"See your presence is not that important, nobody notices that your here". I say,laughing.
"Cos your killing my vibe init". He kisses his teeth. This boy actually thinks he's the shit.
"OI,YOU MAN". He shouts,getting everyone's attention.
"What you saying". He says,grinning bare hard. Everyone grunts and sighs and goes back to what they were doing.
"These lot trying to violate?Shit den". He says. I just laugh in his face. He kisses his teeth
"Let's go to the basketball court".
"You're wasting time,boy. I wanna know about the fight". I say.
"It will be quick I promise". He says pulling my arm. I follow him into the basketball court and I'll I see is BOYS😍😱. Shirtless,muscular boys,with clear,smooth skin. I have I just entered heaven or what?
"I beg you get me all their numbers  ask,excitedly.
"No,you're mine". He laughs. I kiss my teeth. "Stay here,I'm gonna go greet few man". I nod. I look around just preeing every single boy. They're all so fine. There are a couple girls in a corner,who are just staring at me. I smile and they screw me. Shit den. I look away and stare at the floor. Suddenly I see a pair of shoes appear and the a few more start appearing.
Shoe game strong though.
"Longtime Neveah-Rose". I look up to see the group of girls standing right before me. All 6 of them have surrounded me with angry expressions on their faces.
"Hey...erm you guys are?" I say quietly. I feel a bit intimidated.
"Ohhh don't act dumb". One of the girls say.
"Init,why the fuck are you back? Everything was good without you for the last 2 years. Are you here to fuck shit up again". Another girl asks.
"No..I ain't...what did I do". I ask.
"What did you do? Bitch you need to ask yourself what we're going to do to you,now that you're back". The same girl asks.
"Remember what your old friends did to you, Morgan and Sharee?". A different girl asks. All the other girls start laughing and nodding,agreeing that they know what happened. I'm about to speak a short girl with a half shaved head interrupts me.
"It happened right here outside the youth club as well. Everyone a school thought she was gonna pussy out because she don't seem like the type of girl to fight".
"Oh yeah and she came bare early by herself an--"
"No I swear Julian came with her? Or was it Junior?".
"Who cares they both ended up filming it and laughing at her for the next 2 months and believe they both 'liked' her". All the girls start laughing. I just stand,staring at the floor trying to contain my tears.
"I remember when Morgan got there with bare people behind her, she straight away grabbed her hair and gave her mad blows to the face". The short girl says.
As soon as she finishes her sentence, a sharp pain flows through my head and I securely shut my eyes. *I see me and Morgan surrounded by people in school uniform,so i guess it was people from school. I also see Julian and Junior with their phones out,screaming "WORLDSTAR" and Lorenzo just watching.Morgan's sending mighty blows to my face whilst gripping my hair. She then swings me around,twice and I land on the ground face first,right in front of Sharee. She then pushes my over so that I'm not facing the ground anymore and she gets on top of me and starts punching me over and over again. Morgan then again comes up to me and starts kicking my head repeatedly. Sharee stands up and begins to vigorously kick and stomp and my stomach. I see myself just lying on the floor defenceless,taking all the pain. In surprised I'm not even crying. The crowd is going mad wild when someone shouts out "FEDSSS".
Everyone,including junior,Julian&Lorenzo starts sprinting away from the scene. I manage to crawl and sit up against the of wall youth club. Streams of tears exit my eyes as I cry hysterically. Then I see Santana come up to me.*
Suddenly I get interrupted by one of the girls pushing me.
"What the fuck are you doing". One of girls asks.
"I was just... I had... I just had a vision of the fight. I'm starting to get my memory back". I say.
"You lost your memory?". She asks.
"Swear down. So you don't remember all the pain Morgan and Sharee put you through". The girl with the shaved head asks. I shake my head. They all exchange smug looks.
This tall,lanky girl moves towards me with with her fist cupped in her other hand.
"Since you can't remember I guess we're going to have to refresh your memory". She says.
Nope. No way. I'm not getting beaten up to a pulp again. Still holding back tears, I aggressively push her out my way and run out the basketball court. I run out the way me and Julian came in, passing all the people I saw before. One of them goes "I swear that's Neveah". I don't take notice of who says it and I continue running and run out the youth club. I slam the door behind me and sit down against the wall. Same place I sat after the fight. I bury my face into my hands continue bawling even harder.
"Ayy,who's this crying tho". I hear a deep voice say. I look up to see Santana. He helds out his hand and  I hesitantly grab hold of it. I wipe my tears away while he stares at me. "I'm gonna go inside". He says.
"Okay". I reply. He walks towards the door and I start walking away from the youth club.
"Oi,my gyal ain't you gonna come with me?". He shouts. I continue walking. How has he not recognised me yet? I hear footsteps behind me and he suddenly appears next to me.
"What's the matter?why were you crying". He asks.
"Just found out about somethings that hurt me but I'd rather not talk about it". I say.
"Oh mad,what's your name". He asks. This boy actually seem likes a  fuck boy.
"Neveah-Rose". He stops walking and his mouth drops. He looks me up and down and then back at my face.
"I swear you died?". This nigga. I don't know why but that made me laugh.
"No,after the accident my parents and I moved to Birmingham".
"Oh,so why you back". He asks.
"Because my parents thought me coming back might bring back memory".
"You suffered amnesia?".
"Yeah,I've recently started to remember things".
"Do you remember me?Santana Riccardo Santos. Buffest lighty in North London,Gyaldem glucose". He says vainly.
"Yeah but don't  flatter yourself you ain't that buff". I say.
"What?Shut up. You can't chat. That accident fucked up your face".
I turn around,cross my arms and start walking in the other direction.
"Ay come back,it was just banter. Your tits have grown". He grabs me by my hand a spins me around. I hit his chest hard.
"I'm sorry,let me walk to wherever you're going".
"Walk me to my house. I don't know  how to get there by myself from here". I say.
"What's your address". He asks. I shrug.
"Then how am I meant to take you home?".
"Erm, I haven't moved houses. I still live in the same house I used to live before we moved. Please tell me you know where that is".
"Yeah I remember where that is still. I used to walk you home everyday after school for like 2 months after the fight between you,Morgan&Sharee".
"Because you told me you were scared and I was basically your only friend. Lorenzo talked to you sometimes but Morgan would get pissed if he did because she started liking him".
"Did he?Did I get bullied at school?".
"Yeah and outside of school.Julian&Junior posted the fight on their facebooks and Sharee hacked your Facebook and posted the video on there too. The video went viral for 2 whole months".
"Did it? I can't even feel sorry for myself to be honest. I hurt a lot of people back then".
"Not a lot of people just you're old squad and Morgan's squad".
"I had another squad before Morgan's?".
"Yeah,they're always at the youth club. Do you wanna go back and see them. All 6 of them are always at the basketball court". He says. Shit. I looks as if I've already met them.
"No,no. I just want to go home". He nods.

🌸Half an hour later🌸
We've reached the outside my house. Journey hear was to much bants. Santana ain't that much of a fuck boy, he just says things without thinking. He's a bit like Jordan. Weird. I have come to learnt that this boy stuck beside me through out my tough times and I love that.
"I'm about to dip still,need to go back to the youth club". He says.
"Yeah alright I see--". I get cut off by my phone ringing. It's an unknown number. I put my phone onto silent and I'm about to put it back into my pocket when Santana snatches it out my hand. Damn boy.
"Yo who's this".
"That's mad still just don't call this number again yeah. Ite safe,keep it locked". He hangs up and gives the phone back to me.
"Some random youte prank calling".
"Oh alright,give me your number quick".
"Er,I have a man". He says in a girly voice. I burst out laughing and while he types his number into my phone.
"Wagwarn with your life?". I ask him.
"Don't watch that young one,I'll catch you later".
"Alright,bye. Roll safe". I shout as he walks away.
"Keep it locked". He shouts back.

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