Chapter Fifteen|Part 1

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Last week was chaotic. There was some ups and downs but most of the days were just too much for me to handle. There was so much revelations for me and others around me. I have never experienced a week so mad like last week. I just never expected it but I guess I should of seen it coming😓.

🌪Last Monday🌪
Deep in my sleep,I'm having the most sexiest dream ever! All this fine fine chocolate is mine😍💦🍫. It tastes so smooth and soft in mouth as I rub my tongue against it. It's so BIG too. Boyyy,I've never felt so satisfied in my life. You just got love a snickers bar man🍫. I can eat them forever without getting tired.
Suddenly I feel something sucking on my face. The suction is getting,stronger and stronger and louder. What's happening? I force my eyes open and find my mum watching over me. With a vacuum cleaner. In her hand. Which is pressed against my face.
"Mum bruv! What's the mean of this!". I shouted. She howls with laughter.
"It's not even funny. Explain yourself". I said kissing my teeth.
"Ooo,sorry.". She laughs once again. "I came in here to clean your room and found you sleeping in your bed when you should be on your way to college. So I thought lemme surprise this  ugly youte". She said.
"Mum man,you always have to do the most init? What's the time anyways".
"9:30. You're lesson starts at 10:30. And you take forever to get ready so I was I woul--".
"Okay mother, I need to skrrrr". I said before she could finish her sentence. I shoot up from my bed, grab my towel from the back of the door. I'm about to strip when I realise my mum is still in my bedroom. Whenever I take my clothes off in front if her she's always violating me because my breasts are still not developed. It's peak for me in this household. So instead I go into the bathroom and sort out my hygiene.

5-7 minutes later,yes I was that quick, I go into my bedroom and find my mum still I there.
"Mum,do you mind leaving so I can get dressed please". I asked.
"Yeah but do me favour a Nevs". She said.
"Yeah what". I replied.
"Stop smoking weed,I don't want you being like me". She said. How the hell did she clock me?
"Who snitched on me?". I asked.
"You snitched on yourself, idiot. You put it on your snapchat story". She said. Who on my snap chat snitched tho? It's not that deep to go telling my mum you know.
"Kmt,people need to start minding their own business". I said walking into my bedroom.
"Nobody told me, I added you on snapchat long time ago". She said.
"WHAT? You have snapchat? How did you get my na--". She slams my door before I could ask her.
My mum has been preeing my life behind the scenes😅. I guess I need to make a new snapchat.
Anyways,my mum has just wasted even more of my time, so I ain't got time to put on any make up. I have to go college looking like an orangutan. I've picked out my clothes last night so I won't have to take forever picking out what to wear.  I selected navy skinny jeans,white Ralph Lauren polo and a black fur collar coat. And I'm also wearing those digestive biscuit colour ugg boots. They're too cute. So I put all my clothes on and put Vaseline on my lips. It's now 10:05. It's mad how time flies🙄. I pick up my black duffer backpack and swing it over my shoulder. I grab my phone,keys,charger and my earphones from my table then leave my house saying bye to my mum and Trinity on my way out.

I arrive at the bus stop and sit down under the shelter whilst listening to music. I look up at the bus time thingy and it says that my bus should be coming now but it's nowhere to be seen. My music starts to  quieten down meaning someone's calling me. Hate it when this happens. I take my vibrating phone out of my pocket and it's a call from a +44 number. I look at my phone and kiss my teeth. I answer it anyways.
"Hello" I said.
"Hey Neveah".
"Lorenzo?How comes your number came up as +44? Have you got a new one?".
"No not even. I just don't have credit so I'm using Juniors phone". He said. I kiss my teeth.
"Why are you kissing your teeth. Ain't you and Junior good? I mean he did protect you from that guy. You should be grateful".
"Ohh okay,is that what the dickhead told you now?". I said.
"Neveah,what's wrong man? Why are you being like this?".
"Go chat to your boy then you'll find out why I'm acting like this". I said.
"You girls are so long man. Forever creating unnecessary drama. Are you coming college today?".
"Bye Lorenzo".
📲 I hang up.
Some boys are so whipped over their friends that they either can't see their friends real colours or believe everything they say. I think Lorenzo is colour blind.
The bus I was waiting for has finally come. I put my hand out for it to stop and I get on. I stay on the bottom deck because I'm getting off in like 4/5 stops. I got sit down at the back of the bus and continue listening to my music.

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