Chapter Nine

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🌸3 Weeks Later,Sunday 6th December🌸
Ever since I've started college I've stared to socialise more. I've made a couple new friends and started to get to know the area better. I must've been very bait before I had my accident because now it seems like everyone knows me. Like someone would literally come up to me in the middle of road and be like 'I know youu....girl where the hell have you been" and some people will just come up to me and start having a full on conversation with me say I know them, but not everyone knows I suffered amnesia. I'm getting used to it though. Things between me and Junior have gotten to an extent where I can't even look at him in the eyes anymore, I just can't face him. But him and Sharee are cool and I don't wanna mess that up by saying anything to Sharee so, I'm just going to live with his presence being around me nearly 24/7. Julian and Morgan are on a level where they might just be seeing each other lowkey. Like I don't know what it is they be flirting every second like it's nobody's business. Like I'm surprised she moved on from Lorenzo so quickly. It really shows there was no love between them two. Speaking of Lorenzo,we've basically claimed each other but he still hasn't asked me out yet. I know it's mad, but I don't care he loves me and I love him a question doesn't have to prove that. But I haven't fully moved on from my little crush I had on Santana. I miss him a lot. He doesn't speak to me,look at me or come near me even and I still don't know why. Knowing that we aren't on good terms for some reason makes it all worse. But today at My aunties dinner I'm going to confront Faith because I know she might just have something to do with this. My aunties dinner is at 17:30 and she wants everyone there by 17:00. I don't know how everyone is going to fit in her yard but there's food so that's ain't my problem. I don't know what I'm going to wear but I know it's going have to something presentable and eye catching. My parents love standing out,especially because they're the ones with money in the family. Not so humble,eh? Anyways I've got time to pick out an outfit for later it is still like 10am. I asked Lorenzo if he could come to aunties dinner but he's going to his Nan's with his parents after church. Yepp, 'YM' goes church. It's mad. I don't know why he has that tag name because he's not on shit. But he's not the type of boy you would want to get in a fight with,unless you wanna die. But that is yo businesssss🐸☕️.
I crawl out my bed and when I say crawl,I mean literally crawl. I really don't want to get out of bed but I know my mom will come up in here complaining If I don't get up now because apparently I do nothing around here😴. She's gone stricter on me these pass few weeks. I take my towel from the back of my door and make my way to the bathroom. As I'm going in see my dad going into his bedroom with vast amount of boxes wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. Ay,Christmas seems likes its gonna be a madness. Hella gifts and thattt. But I won't be surprised if most of them are for Trinity, my parents spoil her and she's turning 2 months soon so that's another reason to buy her gifts.
"Father,where you going with all of them gifts". I ask.
"Oh Trinity's presents?". What did I say,lool . "Just putting them in the bedroom till we get a tree up?".
"What about mine". I say smiling like a fool.
"I have no idea what you're on,kid"He says.
"Come on mate,my presents?".
"Don't you think you're too old for presents".
"No?! Trinity doesn't even know about Christmas but you're getting her heaps of presents!". I exclaim.
"So? You're a big man,go buy your own presents". He says laughing.
I grunt and go into the bathroom slamming the door behind me. I'm not even a man? Erghhhhhh.
15 minutes later I come out the bathroom feeling refreshed. I haven't got anything to do for a while so I'm gonna chill for a bit. I cream my body whilst listening to,Nelly ft Jeremih-The fix. I love this song on levels. Once I'm done creaming my body, I put on matching bra& underwear, adidas joggers,grey long sleeved top&need socks with mini snowmen designed on them. Y'all don't know the love I have Christmas,I fully deep Christmas day,you don't understand. I put my hair into low ponytail,grab my phone and go downstairs to get something to eat. I get into the kitchen and find my mum,dad and Trinity at the island.
"Damon,you know I can't be going out with bludclart rollers in my hair?!". My mum says.
"So,I see bare gyal outside with them rolling pins in their hair".
"Why are you seeing other girls outside for?".
"What? Am I meant close my eyes when I'm walking?". My dads asks.
"If it means you not looking at other girls, yes!"
"Ah you're funny I ain't going. I've already been out shopping".
He starts to walk out shaking his head.
"I don't know why I married you! You fucking ugly piece of irrelevant shit". She shouts.
"Shut the fuck up you love this dick". My dad shouts back. I start laughing.
"Ahh,jokers!" I say.
"Your dad does my nut in you know, I ask him to go corner shop to buy milk and he refuses because it's too far. It's 2 rass minutes away!".
"Wait,you guys were arguing about buying milk?". She nods. LOOOOOOOOL! This is the reason why I love my parents. They will argue about the tiniest things but turn it all into banter. It never ends seriously.
"Neveah go for me please,I'll let you keep the change".
Eeee,how is she bribing me with change say I'm 12? I'm done.
"Yeah,whatever. Let me make some coco pops first".
"With what? Breastmilk?".
Oh yeah there's no milk.
"Please don't mention breast milk around me please!". She starts laughing.
I run upstairs and grab my khaki longline bomber jacket and put on my olive green superstars. I take my earphones from under my pillow and plug into my phone. I go back downstairs to the kitchen.
"Mum,where's the money?".
She hands me a £20 note. Breaking into a £20 note to buy £1 milk you know. Pure foolishness.
"Buy two please". She adds.
I nod and make my way out.
As bosswoman gives me my change,at tall black boy walks in. I can't see his face because he's got a hoodie and a SnapBack on. Anyways who cares, I really wanna get home now. It's kinda cold. I put the change into my pockets and I'm about to pick up the bag with milk inside when I realise that it's not double bagged. Any smart shop keeper would know to give you two bags when your buying two bottles of milk put into one back. But this one was obviously in set 6 for common sense.
"Erm,excuse me can I have another bag please?".
"Why,I've already given you one". She says.
"Well its definitely going to rip if I carry it like this so I need another bag".
"Alright but I gonna have to charge you an extra 5p". She says.
"Look I ain't trying to cause any beef but you can't be charging me 5p for a bag? Are you Tesco? You're not on that level yet so send me the bag please".
"Sorry but I simply just cannot do tha--".
"Ahhh just give her rass bag,I'll pay for it". A voice says from behind me. Wait. Rafael?!!! I quickly turn around and he's already looking straight at me. I turn back around. Ohlarddddd.
"Erm,you know what yeah. Forget the bag. If it rips I'm sure I can carry it on my head". I pick up the bag and speed walk out of the shop.
This boy is really telling me to slow down? I don't know who the hell he is. I as I start to speed up my speeding walking starts to turn into running. I can't run back home because I don't want this guy to know where I live. I turn around and see this guy jogging behind me with a bottle of Aloe Vera Water. I turn back around then BANG! I instantly fall onto the ground,landing onto my bum.
"Yo b,are you okay?".
I look up at him and don't answer.
"You banged into that lamppost bare hard you know".
Yeah I slammed my entire face into a lamppost. Fucking burnssss.
This guy doesn't know that I know that I know he ain't Lorenzo's brother so I'm about mess with a bit till I catch him out.
"Erm,my forehead is throbbing actually. Shit". I say.
He helps me up and I dust myself off.
"Where are you off too". He asks
"Home,went get some milk for the house".
"Oh do you want me to walk you?".
"Hell no,you should get home to your family. At times like this your mum needs all the support she can get".
"Huh? I mean yeah... She does".
"How did happen? I've asked Lorenzo but he just won't say. What was her name again".
Ohmydaysssss,he looks so confused😂😂😂.
"I don't like to talking about the way she die--".
"She died?! The cat only ran away".
"What? I thought you were--were talking about....his sis--"
"You ain't Lorenzo's brother init? He doesn't have a brother or sister or a cat!".
"Look b,it's kinda mad--"
Before I could say anything else 'Rafael' has already began to sprint down the road say he's being chased by police.
"Who the fuck is he?". I ask myself out loud.
I pick the bag with milk in it and on bottle out and hold it against my forehead. I probably look mad right now but right now I couldn't care less. I begin to go back home but this time I take the shortcut through an ally way. The ally way is full bins,unwanted furniture,smashed bottles and hella cigarette butts. I begin to walk through the ally way when I hear a couple voices whispering. On of them sounds like Adrianna. Ugh,this bitch. I can't believe she's carrying Leon's baby. Anyways, I quickly hide behind a old couch and listen to their conversation.
"Adri,I'm scared where are we gonna stay?".
"We're gonna have stay at a hostel or something,we can't go back to that house". Adrianna replies.
"But for how long are gonna stay at that rundown hostel? I really don't like them places,last time we went I was really scared". A little boy says,he sounds like he's 4/5 years old.
"Look I came up with a plan but I'm not sure if it will work. It's worth a try though".
"What it is it". Another girl says. This girl sounds a bit older.
"So you know Leon? I told him that I was pregnant with his baby".
"Oh my days Adrianna you're pregnant?! How's that gonna help this whole situation. We're homeless and on the run from abusive people!". The girl exclaims.
"But I'm not! I lied to him. Telling him I was pregnant means that he's gonna have to take us in to his house after I tell him that I'm homeless too. He'll take all of us in".
"How are you sure of this,Adrii".
"You're just gonna have to trust me. I know what I'm doing. Okay?".
"Okay". The boy and girl say in unison.
"Okay,we should start getting to that hostel before it starts getting dark".
They start walking out of the ally so I make sure I'm well hidden behind this couch. It's stinks. They finally leave and I finally come out from behind that stank couch.
I can't believe Adrianna is homeless and has to look after 2 other children. But who are these abusive people? Could it be her parents?

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