Chapter Fourteen

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2 Years Ago At Remarni's 16th🎉.

You can hear the faint music playing in the distance. I thought it would be quite loud since we're only upstairs. Its crammed downstairs. It's full of thirsty boys and desperate girls seeking for attention. I came here to enjoy myself and celebrate my cousins birthday but this girl showed up too. The girl I called my sister who decided to betray me,showed up with her brother and ruined my night. Only if I could tell her brother the truth. What she did was unforgivable so if she thinks I'm going to forgive her,she needs to think again.
"Neveah,just listen to me please. I didn't mean what I did". Leilani pleaded.
"I'm pretty sure you did so quit lying, and saying that you didn't, it will make no difference ". I said bluntly.
"It was just all a misunderstanding,just here me out please Neveah". She said.
Misunderstanding my backfoot. I kiss my teeth.
I stop walking around my Remarni's bedroom and sit down at the top of his bed,near his bedside table.
"Look,the thought of you and Lorenzo sleeping together just didn't seem right" she started off.
"WHY?". I shouted. "Is it because I've slept with other people?Is it because you think I'm a hoe?". I said.
"No,not even. It's because he's my brother and you're one of my best friends. It's just weird". She said.
"Stop lying Leilani. Lying isn't going to fix the fact that I will never forgive for what you did to me,you might as well tell me the truth". I said becoming frustrated.
"Okay,fine. I'll tell the truth but don't be mad when I tell".
"I'm already angry with you anyways,so go on".
"I did what I did because I didn't want Lorenzo around you,I mean you've slept with thousands of people and I don't want Lorenzo catching anything".
This girl is mocking it about thousands of people.
"Lorenzo can make his own choices,he's 15. And yeah,I've slept with a lot of people but I'm not dumb enough to be doing it without protection".
"If you say so". She scoffed.
"I'm being serious Leilani, I love your brother. If had anything, I would of never had have slept with him".
"Well Lorenzo doesn't love you,boys don't love hoes".
This is coming the girl who was begging for my forgiveness.
"Don't call me that". I snapped
"Face the facts Neveah,you are what you are mate".
"Half of the time I was pressured into it, it wasn't always my choice" I said.
"Still doesn't change the fact that you're a sket".
Argh,she's raising my stress levels. She's the one person I thought that would never turn on me. I want to hurt her,I want her to feel my pain. As she continues going on about my life like its got anything to do with her anymore and how she's giving up on me, I remember what Remarni said about what he keeps in his bedside drawers. This gives me an idea,I need to show her who she's messing with. I slowly take the object out of his drawers and put it behind my back.
I'm about to interrupt her when suddenly we hear gunshots go off. *BANG**BANG*
We both scream and drop onto the floor. The whole house goes DEAD silent. Shortly after, I can hear muffled screaming and shouting from downstairs. I start to rise from the floor,quietly sobbing. I fully stand up and rush towards the door. I touch the door knob and it feels wet and slippery. I look down at my hands and see a red substance covering both of hands.


It's 6am. I'm out here on my balcony staring into dark sky. I've just woken up from the worst dream ever. Although I can barely remember it,I know it was horrible. I know this because I can only remember my hands being covered in blood. I'm also here contemplating whether I should smoke this weed Rafael gave me. I mean he did say it takes all your bad thoughts and stress away,I guess that's why my mother smoked it. I'm a bit scared to do it anyways,I don't want to get caught by parents. God knows what they'll do.
Even though Rafael says he's not Sticks. I still have my doubts about him. Like,if he's not Sticks and Sticks is really dead how comes when I described him to Lorenzo he said that I described Sticks. Unless he's like a twin or something? Agh,I'm stressing myself out for no reason. Fuck this,I'm smoking this. I get up and go into my bedroom. From under my pillow I take out a Chanel lighter and swisher I took from my mums room. I thought she would of thrown it out but obviously she hasn't. I go back onto the balcony and shut the door behind me. I pick up the weed bag,containing the weed and stare at it for a moment. Do I really want to do this?

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