Chapter Tweleve|Part 2

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Sorry it's late x
Leon's POV continued
As you've guys of guessed,yes,my dad is a drug dealer. Has been since he was 17. I don't why he got into it but probably because he wanted more money since his parents didn't really have much to give him but all I know is that my dad and my uncle make bareeee money. Alongside making money and selling drugs, there are people who you thought that where loyal towards you but really they don't want you to succeed so they try fuck your shit up. So they turn into enemies which my dad and uncle end up dealing with themselves. Like for example Adrianna's parents. 4 months ago they tried raid my dads trap house but luckily,they came during the drought😅. Idiots. They said they raided the trap house for someone else,they said its one of my dads other rivals but they won't say who,so my dad is keeping them at his trap,in a small concealed room,till they spill the beans pon di toast. My dad is usually the type to finesse you in a hot sec but he needs answers,in case he gets hit again. But it's mad because I've seen them at my dads Trap and they both look nothing like their children. Is my dad sure he's got the right people.
"Wait dad,how do you know it's them for sure?".
"Acacia said that their parents have been gone for 4 months,then Adrianna tells me that their drug dealers. Their parents are definitely the ones that I've got hostage".
"So what are you gonna do,you can't let mum hire an investigator. They'll probably end up snitching on you to the Feds if they find Adrianna's parents at YOUR trap house and they're also Athena's biological parents too imagine how she would feel". I said.
"Athena wouldn't care,I'm just worried about this investigator actually finding their parents at my trap house. The business is gonna get locked off". My dad said in frustration.
"You might as well let them go then since they won't even tell you who sent them to raid the trap" I suggested.
"I can't do that either, I'm not risking getting hit again without knowing who hit me. I'm just gonna have to kill them still". He replied.
"And have Adrianna and her lot staying here for longer? Come on bigman don't do that". I said. Adrianna cannot stay in this yard. She can't.
"Leon,what other choice do I have!?" He said raising his voice.
"I don't know?... Ermm, whitemail them!". I suggested.
"You mean blackmail you fucking twat".
"Same difference man. Just tell them that you've got their kids. All 3 of them even say you've got Athena just to spice it up a little,make them really scared init". I said,rubbing my hands together.
"Good idea but Athena is my child,so I won't include her".
"No she's not,she wasn't stored in your balls".
He licks the back of my head with his huge hands.
"Don't ever say that again,you sounded slysly batty". He said.
I laugh.
"Okay but stick to the plan. Don't go spinning their jaws and killing them".
"Don't worry Lee I got this".
He gets up and opens the door.
"What have you got?". Athena asked.

Me and Nadia have just arrived outside Morgan's yard. I'm a bit scared because I know that I'm going to be bombarded with questions and also I have to face Lorenzo. But I'm not so scared about facing Lorenzo,I'm gonna talk to him and ask him where I stand in his life because I've had enough of this boy playing with my emotions.
"Press the doorbell then,shit". Nadia said. I screw her and she playfully pushes me.
I press it once and Nadia goes pressing it a thousand times more.
"Omds,you're just like Jordan". I said.
"Is he still seeing that Sofia yat?".
"No,why? Are you gonna move to him".
"No,not even. Ew". She said pressing the doorbell again.
I can hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. The door flies open.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT". Sharee shouted.
"Rahh,pipe down b". Nadia said.
"Oh Neveah?". She starts creasing for a good 30seconds. Me and Nadia exchange looks.
"Oh god. Who's this?". Sharee asked.
"My friend Nadia from Birmingham". I replied.
"Ohh,nice to meet you,I'm Sharee. Come in guys".
She lets us in.
"Neveah you ghosted, what were you playing at?". Sharee asked
"I know,I've got heaps of explaining to do. I've missed you guys though".
I said walking into the living room.
"Hey everyone" I said.
"Yoo,Nevs. Bmt,I thought you died". Julian said.
He's the only reply I got. Junior,Lorenzo&Santana stayed quite and Morgan ain't even in here. What is Santana doing here?
"I've been so busy,you don't even understand".
"Yeah yeah,who's your friend though". He said,eyeing her up.
"Oh that's Nadia". I said. He gets up and goes to her and grabs her hand.
"Yo b,I'm Julian but you can call me bae". He said. He then kisses her hand. I swear down he was onto Morgan. His game is weak tho.
"Skeen,Neveah,chat to your friend please". Nadia said,wiping her hand in her clothes.
Julian howls and drops to floor creasing. The others start laughing too.
"Neveah,Bmt,chat to all your friends before I bad them up myself". Nadia said,she looks vexed. I don't understand what their laughing at.
"Bad us up? Your accent already done that job,it's cool". Lorenzo said. My mouth drops.
"You guys are so immature,grow up please". I said. They continue laughing.
"Ay,you man she's right,I'll allow you because you're buff". Julian said
"Julian your such dickhead" Sharee said.
"Neveah I'm leaving,before I kill someone".
Junior sniggers. This nigga🙄. Sharee nudges him.
"No,stay please. You don't even know your way back anyways".
"Erm,no way she's going". I then around and see Morgan standing at the door,with Faith behind her.
"Then I guess I'm definitely leaving,I'm not staying here if she's here". Nadia said.
"This is my yard anyways,so move?".
"Hey Nadia". Faith said.
"Shut up". She replied.
"Oi,don't talk to her like that. In fact don't speak at all. Your accent is poisoning my ears". Santana said.
"I swear I'm gonna fuck you up".Nadia said to Santana.
"Santana, I don't see why you're talking. You're irrelevant in this. Sticking up for your girlfriend but does she really like you?". I snapped back at him.
"Ahh,you're saying that because your jealous and Lorenzo don't wanna fuck with you anymore". He said.
"See,why are you always trying start beef". Faith said,looking directly at me.
Lordd,I'm gonna kill this girl.
"No Faith,it's not even her fault. It's this ones". Morgan is about to hit Nadia but I block her hand.
"Stop this,can we just talk this out rather than fight". I said.
"No,let her come at me. I'll just fuck her up again like I did at the station" said Nadia.
"You fucked me up? I don't understand why you're lying". Morgan said."Neveah,let me tell you what happened".
Everyone sits down and listens attentively.
"So I was at the train station,with Sandra and them lot from college. We were minding our own business and talking. Then this one" She said pointing at Nadia." She comes up to us and goes,'I Don't know what your problem is but if you wanna fight let's fight',I ignored her because we didn't do anything and I wasn't gonna fight for no reason. Then she starts going nuts and hits me. Obviously I retaliated and punched her back. She dropped"
"MAN LIKEEEEEEEEEEE". Julian shouted. Everyone chuckles except me and Nadia. Nadia just shakes her head.
"She dropped so I got onto of her and kept hitting her. Then Sandra and her lot joined in and we all basically jumped her. Then someone called the police and she got arrested". She starts laughing.
That was all a lie,I know Nadia. She never loses a fight. No matter how many people.
"But how do you guys know each other,in the first place?" I asked.
"She's my cousin through marriage. She beefed the bride,so nobody in my family likes her". Morgan said. I look at Nadia. She never told me this.
"Morgan are being serious". Sharee asked.
"She is you know. I beefed the bride". Nadia said. She laughs. "Good times".
"That doesn't make any sense,though. If you were jumping her,why would the police arrest Nadia?". Lorenzo asked.
"Thank you,at least someone has a brain in here. The police arrested me because I beat her up and her friends wasn't even involved so I don't know she dragged them in her lie .But also because I licked down the police officer. I got locked up for a month". Nadia explained.
"Lorenzo,how you gonna expose me like that. You're meant to be on my side?".
"His only side is Neveah". Faith said.
"Ahh,Faith you didn't have to go there". Julian said.
I stand up and walk towards Faith,she stands up too. I really don't fighting people. I like to solve problems in a calm manner but I'm not having this girl chat shit to me anymore.
"Sit down please,you're not gonna do anything. You're just gonna embarrass yourself". She said
"You think I'm gonna listen to you? You think you control me? You think you can chat shit and get away with it? Is my name Santana?".
"Shit den". Lorenzo said.
"LISTEN,I DONT KNO--" I cut her off my sending her a powerful blow to her jaw causing her to fall back. Something she should of done time ago. I grab her by her Locs and repeatedly punch her face. She then pulls my foot and I drop next to her. She pins me onto the floor and starts pulling my hair. I grab onto her hair too and flip her over so that I'm on top of her.
"YOU GUYS STOP SCRAPPING". I hear Morgan shout.
"SKN SKN THIS IS PURE ENTERTAINMENT". Julian replied laughing.
"NAH,BUT MY MUMS TV". Morgan shouts.
Anyways,still grabbing onto her hair I slam her head on the floor repeatedly,she's still has hold of my hair with one hand and she's using the other to scratch my face. I grab her hand and pin it down to making sure I'm putting a lot pressure on it. Once again,I send her a mighty blow to the face and she lets go of my hair. I get off her and stand up,she tries to stand up too but I kick her face causing her to drop back down. I begin kick the sides of her stomach until I feel myself being thrown over someone's shoulder.
"Omds,put me down please. I'm not done with her".
"Don't worry Neveah,I'll take over". Said Nadia.
"I dare you go near her". Said Santana.
I then get carried out the room and up the stairs. The person then opens a door to a bedroom and throws me onto a bed. He hovers above me,staring into my eyes. He's breathing heavily and quickly. He leans in even more till our lips touch and we share a kiss. He then breaks it and wipes his mouth. The disrespect. He sits down at the end of the bed with his head down.
"Lorenzo,what's going on please?". I asked him.
"You just got into a fight ini--"
"No,don't play dumb with me".
"Or what?"
"Nothing....Lorenzo look". I move closer to him. "Look I love you".

"Look I love you". Neveah said. "I love you so much but I don't know how you feel about me anymore but you need to stop playing with me. One minute you love me the next you're pushing me away....wagwarn?".
Should I tell her or not? Like I don't want to get her worried by telling her but I don't wanna break her heart by not telling her and giving her stupid reason.
"Listen,Neveah I love you too but I can't be with you Bec--"
I get cut off by Sharee bursting into the room.
"What do you want man?". I said.
"Shut up Lorenzo,Neveah come it's your friend. She just punched Santana".
"Nadiaaaa!". Neveah said in annoyance.
She gets up and follows Sharee out. I've actually missed her a lot. Today was the first I've ever kissed her since two years ago. But I wiped it away and I don't know why I did but I must've seemed like the biggest prick ever.
My phone suddenly starts ringing. I take it out my pocket but it's not even ringing. I look around in the bed and find Neveah's phone ringing. It's from a +44. I decline it. A few seconds later a message comes through.
📲+44:Neveah answer your fone b,it's Rafael x
Who the hell is Rafael? Has she been seeing other man behind my back? But then again she's not my girl😅.
The phone starts ringing again. This time I answer.
"Yoo b,sorry about lying to you. I just wanted to get closer to you. Can we link please"
"Who's this calling my girls line?
"What who's this".
"Huh? What the fuck"
📲He hangs up.
Suddenly Neveah comes back in.
"Santana and Faith left. Nadia hurt him boyy". She laughs.
"Yo,who's Rafael".
"Erm,why do you have my phone?" She snatches it out of my hand.
"Who's Rafael". I asked again.
"The boy who said he was your brother. He's a stalker too".
"He called you,said he's sorry about lying and he wanted to link you"
"Probably sorry about lying about him being your brother".
"Mhmm,what does he look like".
"Erm,he's tall,brownskin,curly hightop, has a massive scar on his jawline,has a tattoo of a 'S' on his face,peng".
"sticks?But he's dead?".
I've touched 2k viewssssss🎉Thanks to everyone that reads❤️Blessss
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