Chapter twenty four.

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"Kurtis what the hell are you doing in my house?". My mum asked in confusion.
"Really mum? I can't even get a Hello but the first thing you do is question me".
"Don't talk to me like that". She snapped back.
"Like what? What have I said that's so wrong ?".He whined. " I just got here and you want beef? Don't make me pattern you". He said brushing past her.
"Excuse me?". She began as you could see her in her eyes that she was about to go off on Kurtis.
Me and Nadia exchange shocked looks as she begins shout.
So my mum and Kurtis,my older brother, do not get along at all. All they do when they see each other is argue ever since my brother got his girlfriend pregnant at 16 and my mother paid the girl to get the baby aborted. When my brother found out they both got in a heated argument which led my brother to go move in with my dads parents. Obviously,my brother hasn't forgiven my mum and I understand why but honestly these arguments are getting annoying and just childish now.

"Nadia, why are you arguing with Alison?". My dad said as he comes down the stairs with Trinity in his arms.
"Erm,sorry Mr King but since when did I sound like mandem?". She questioned him.
"Well, I've always thought you were a bit manly".  He replied.
My dads a savage you know. Straight savage.
"Dad it wasn't Nads arguing, it's Kurtis". I said before Nadia could open her mouth and cuss my dad.
"Kurtis? He's back?!". He exclaimed. He literally dumps Trinity into Nadia's arms and runs into the living room.
"You're dad's rude you know". Nadia said kissing her teeth.
"I can't lie it was kind of funny". I said laughing.
"I'm going into the kitchen, you need to find out what Kurtis and Lorenzo were doing earlier on".
"It's kind of weird how Kurtis suddenly comes back especially when I've just found out that Stickz has been here all along"
"Yeah,that's mad you know. Did your brother ever know him?".
"I don't know but I don't think so. My brother was always the good boy, he didn't really mix up with people like Stickz".
"But he must know about all the things Stickz has done to you, I mean nearly everyone in North London does".
Nadia's got a point but I don't I want Kurtis to know about all the shit Stickz has done to me. I mean that knowing that people know makes me feel embarrassed and dirty in a way I just can't explain.
I go into the living room and my mum is leaning against the radiator looking heated and my dad and brother are sat down of sofa talking and laughing. I think my brother is my dads favourite child because when ever they see each other they always look like they're having the time of their lives,they're like best friends.
"Kurtis can I speak to you please?" I asked.
"Can't it wait Nevs? I mean we're right in the middle of a conversation". My dad said.
"Nooo dad it's important". I demurred.
"Dad, we've got bare time to talk later, let me go catch up with my sister quick". Kurtis said
"Alright". My dad said disappointedly. "How long are you staying here for Kurt?".
"I don't know, a month maybe ". He replied.
"You better be out of here tomorrow". My mum cautioned.
"Mum,why are you being like this? It's been like a year since he's visited and he is your son". I whined.
"You two leave and let me talk to your mum and Kurtis you can stay for as long as you want. Neveah take him into any of the spare rooms". My dad ordered.

Kurtis,Nadia,Trinity and I are in one of the spare rooms which is now Kurtis' room. Me and Nads are sat on his bed while he's on the floor playing with Trinity. It's the first time he's actually met her. She turns a year old in October.
"So Kurt,who called you here?". I questioned him.
"What makes you think someone called me here".  He asked.
"Well,you've just randomly appeared out of the blue when things in my life are a bit mad right now". I replied.
There's long silence.
"Why didn't you turn to me for help?".
"What would have you done anyways, everything was happening unexpectedly". I said.
"But you had this dickhead Lorenzo help you,he's trash". He scoffed shaking his head." Neveah the minute you had this Rafael boy stalking and lying to you should have came to me, the second you started having these crazy flashbacks you should of came to me, the second you found out Stickz was alive you should of came to ME".
He's right letting people like Lorenzo get involved wasn't really a good idea.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to worry you. I didn't know the situation would be this big".
"I'm your big brother I meant to worry,you fool".
"So how do you even know about all this". Nadia asked.
"Leon called me earlier and I had to get here right away". He said. "You could've let Leon know about everything from the start aswell".
"Making me feel bad isn't going to fix anything". I said. Kurtis is making me feel extremely guilty right now, like everything that has happened is my fault.
"I'm not here to make you fell bad Nevs,I'm just trying to fix things for you here". He said.
"I know and I love you for this Kurtis".
"If you really love me you'll break up with".

"Since when did Neveah have a brother?". Santana asked me.
"God knows. This nigga just turned out of blue talking about let's go for a walk".
"Is he peng?".Morgan blurted out.
"He basically looks like Neveah's dad,like they could be twins". I said. I don't even know I'm answering her dumb question at a time like this. Maybe I'm just trying to find a way to just block out everything that has happened.
"Oh so,he's definitely a peng ting then". Morgan said.
"Morgan,you're one nasty girl you know. You're basically trying to say her dad is peng too". Julian said is disgust.
"What's his name and what did he say to you". Junior asked.
"His names Kurtis and he was telling me how he knows about everything that's happened so far and how he's going to deal with it". I began to explain.

2 Hours Before.
"So I got a call from my cousin Leon earlier on today and he was telling me that Neveah's in some type of trouble. Have you got anything to do with it?". They guys questioned me.
"No,it's all to do with this guy--".
"I'm gonna ask you again, have you got anything to do with it". He said cutting me off mid sentence.
"And I'm gonna tell you again, No--". He cuts me off once again with his deep laugh.
"You're a brave guy you know...very brave guy. I mean I like that but don't lie to me big man".
"I'm not lying, why would I? I didn't cause all of this it was--".
"So you're trying to tell ME that you didn't know that Stickz,Andre, what ever his name is ran over Neveah?". He queried.
"I've know about that for time,but that doesn't mean I'm cause of what happened".
"Yes it does because as soon as you found out them couple years ago, you could of done something to stop Stickz from coming back for my sister but instead you decided that it was none of you're business and let him get away with it but you know correct me if I'm chatting shit". The guy has a point you know me keeping quite, has played a part in this situation.
"Nah,you're right. I have played small part in causing this situation and I'm ready to do anything to put an end to it".
"Have you ever caught a body before". He randomly asked.
"Yeah my sisters,by accident".
"Rah,that's cold. So you'll have no problem killing Stickz and Rafael".
"I'm not gonna lie,my parents didn't sign the permission slip you know".
The guy lets out a deep laugh.
"Do your parents know about your sister?".
"No". I replied.
"So they won't have a problem with you doing this then. I promise you nobody will find out not even Neveah".
I sigh.
"So what's the plan?". I asked.
"Me,Leon,Remarni and a few other man are going to be observing Stickz' movements and Jordan's got man kway in Scotland finding out if the real Rafael is actually out there. So as we're keeping track of his every move, we're going to wait a few days to unexpectedly make a move on him and then you're going to end him and then we're going to get his brother".
"Rah,that sounds like a movie. Like literally, I'm sorry but this whole plan you have sounds bare unrealistic". I said.
"Unrealistic or're still going to kill Stickz".

"You know the actual Rafael,he hasn't done anything so why is he getting killed". Sharee pointed out.
"I've asked myself that question too you know but I'm not gonna dead him. After I'm done dealing with Stickz I'm backing out". I said.
"Are you sure about going through with this plan, I mean it you're dealing with Stickz after all, what if it gets dangerous? What if you get caught". Sharee said in worried tones
"I'm definitely going through with it only because it's for Neveah and i feel like I owe it to her. I need to earn back her trust too".
Sharee kisses her teeth but I'm the only who realises she does. Wagwarn for her?
"Have you spoken to her,she's not answering her phone. Is she good". Santana asked.
"I don't know, i talked to her but I didn't talk to her properly. I might go see her tomorrow,you guys wanna come".
They all agree in unison.
"Lorenzo,someone's sent you a text". Sharee shouts. She's on the other side of the room and my phone is charging next to her. "It's from Nevs".
"What does it say". I asked.
"Ohh,you want me to read out loud?". She gives me an uneasy look.
I nod.
"Okay, I'm not gonna say all of it but basically she's broken up with you".

Im not even going to lie you guys but this chapter is probably the worst one I've written. I don't know but I feel like lately I'm running out ideas for this story line, I mean I've come to a writers block. So I'd really appreciate it if you guys could drop some ideas in the comments x

Hopefully Chapter 25 will be out tomorrow or the day after.

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes xx

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