Chapter Eighteen⚡️

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Next day🌝.

So I've finally found out the reason my dad has been so depressed lately and that he's a drug dealer. It's all too much for me to take in but who knows what he's feeling right now.
Leon told me so much things about my dad and his family. Also things about me. It's mad how I've been through so much shit by the age of 17(Turning 18 In August💁🏽) and I can't even remember a thing but everything I've found out so far hasn't been good so me loosing my memory has somehow been an advantage. Yesterday when i got home I was gonna talk to my dad but he wasn't there. I called him a thousand times but I got no answer. My mum didn't know where he went either,she didn't even know he even left the house. I was gonna tell my mum what I found out yesterday but I think it's better for my dad to tell my mum when he's ready. It's not really my business to tell.
I'm at Lorenzo's house chilling and talking to him about a few things. I haven't had him all to myself for while. The rest of the squad don't know were officially together. We want to keep it lowkey for a while because once the others find out,the entire North London finds out and suddenly everyone wants to become part of our relationship. So we don't want to rush into telling people and get used to being in a relationship with each other first. I'm definitely not telling my parents, I'm not that brave. Especially my mum since she don't like Lorenzo.
"Lorenzo,I need to talk to you". I said tugging on his shirt.
"What have I done now". He sighed with his eyes glued onto the his Tv. It's mad how boys actually deep playing FIFA.
"It's not even you,I've found out some shit and I don't know what to do".
"Is it that Rafael boy? Should I deal with him? I'll happily spark him for you". He said looking all concerned.
"No,we haven't spoken in a while actually. I should check up on him". I haven't heard from Raf since Lorenzo and the others went to confront him at his house.
"No you shouldn't, I still don't trust him. He gives off some bookey vibes". He said screwing up his face.
"He's nice person once you get to know him Lorenzo,trust me",
"I'm confused on how you'd rather talk to Rafael than Junior? I mean this guy was in gang. He was on job,he caught bodies. Neveah are you on dying?".
'Are you on dying' you know as if it's a motive.
"I'm guessing junior still hasn't told what he did to me".
"No? If it's about him taking you stickz to--".His phone cuts him off mid sentence as it starts ringing.
He looks at his phone and raises an eyebrows as he answers.
"Yo,what you telling me". He greeted the person on the phone.
"Alright,I'm coming down now". Lorenzo said ending the conversation on the phone.
"Who was that on the phone". I asked.
"Just come downstairs and you'll find out".
I sigh and get up from his bed.
"What did you want to talk to me about anyways". He asked. There's no point telling him now when he's got more company now.
"Nothing,it's not that deep anymore". I lied.
He kisses my forehead then grabs my hand and we both go downstairs. He goes and answers the door and I go into the living room. As soon as Lorenzo opens the door I hear two deep voices gassing up Lorenzo,being loud and laughing,just the usual stuff boys do when they're happy to see each other. My phone begins to vibrate as a snapchat notification pops up saying 'From Faith😒'. I open the snap and it reads:
'Come over to my house,I need to talk to you x'
I don't see why she can't just talk to me one here but I reply saying 'alright be there in half an hour' then lock my phone.
Lorenzo comes into the living room followed by Santana and Junior.
"Fuck sake,it had to be these two init". I thought to myself.
"Lorenzo I'm gonna go now". I decided
"Nice to see you to Nevs". Santana uttered.
To be honest me and Santana are not friends because of the stupidest reasons. We ain't friends because his relationship with Faith and because he thought I was doing a ting with Rafael and leading Lorenzo on. I miss him as a friend,I haven't forgotten the things he done for the first few weeks I came back to London. He was like a brother to me before I caught feelings,which ain't I ain't got anymore.
"Why ain't you two friends". Lorenzo asked.
"Who said we ain't?". I smiled directly at Santana.
"Trust me,who's been chatting shit". He played along.
"You people actually make my head hurt". Lorenzo said shaking his head.
"Paracetamol should do the trick". Junior butted in. Santana and Junior break into laughter as if what he said was hilarious. I swear boys laugh at anything?
"Ahh,you wouldn't understand how funny that was". Santana howled with laughter.
"Maybe because it wasn't?". I said.
"It's an inside joke that's why". Laughed junior. "Only if you was there".
"Don't talk to me or try crack a joke with me as if we're friends". I hissed.
"Neveah,what have you got against him? I swear you already forgave for what he done?". Lorenzo assumed.
"That day he got arrested wasn't because he saved me from that guy who apparently attacked me. He was the one who attacked me".
Lorenzo glares at Junior.
"Not involved still". Santana raised his hands in surrender as he took a seat.
"Junior what's she talking about?". Lorenzo questioned him.
Junior drags his hands down his face and sighs loudly.
"Alright so I must've of got angry at her because she wouldn't forgive me for what I did to her with Stickz. I just needed her to understand that I did what I had to do". He began.
"Look I know you've got bipolar and everything yeah but chill init. You need consider Neveah's feelings too".
"You have bipolar?" I asked surprised. He nods and looks down.
"I got it from the my mum,it's one of the reasons why my dad left my mum". Junior said.
"Junior, I would banged you in your face right now for lying to me but I understand why you did what you did but you didn't have to attack Neveah she's done nothing wrong. I'd get why it would of been hard for her to forgive you. You guys need work things out and be friends again because sometimes in life--".
"Shut up Renzo you're just gonna chat crud now,about sometimes in life".Interrupted Santana.
Me and junior chuckle lightly.
"Neveah I only did what I did because I needed the money init. My mum was off her meds, she'd lost her job,my dad didn't care,Julian hated me and I was extremely lost. I didn't know what to do until a friend suggested a way to get money". He admitted.
"Who was the friend". I questioned him out of curiosity.
"I can't say". Junior said.
"Junior,how can we possibly work things out of you ain't gonna tell me the whole truth". I said. He sighs and kisses his teeth.
"Ite,it was your cousin,Faith". He hesitantly admitted.
"Rah,that demon". Santana shook his head.
"I need to go now". I mentioned again.
"Neveah,I'm sorry".
"Stop apologising, I forgive you". I reassured him. Anything that's got to do with Faith is never anyone else's fault.
"Nevs,come here". Lorenzo said as he walked towards me. "Where you going". He said giving a peck on the lips.
"Going home,my mum called me time ago". I lied.
"Do you want me take you home?". He offered.
"I'll be okay, stay with these two". I smiled.
He leans in to give me a kiss but Santana interrupts.
"None of lipsing shit when I'm here please".
Lorenzo rolls his eyes and I laugh at his reaction. He's cutee❤️.
"I'll see you guys later then".
They all say their byes in their own little strange way and then I leave.
En route to end a bitch.

20-30 Minutes Later🐾
"Neveah,what you doing here? Your mother didn't say you was coming". She began, not even saying hello to me. My auntie Caroline still hasn't forgiven me for beating up Faith. It's really not that deep anymore,Faith basically asked for it. I bare came here to fight Faith as well but her parents are in so I have to reschedule.
"Faith invited me over she said she wanted to talk to me. She is in right?".
"Yeah yeah,come in. She's through there". She directed me to the living room where Larissa,Uncle Christian(their dad)&Faith sat. Well my uncle ain't exactly sitting he's standing up watching the news🤔.
"Hey Uncle Christian". I greeted showing bare teeth.
"Hey Neveah-Rose,it's been a while nuh". He said still watching the news. Him and Larissa are the only ones I allow to call me Neveah-Rose. And my parents of course.
"Nevss,ahh I'm gonna miss you". Larissa sighed as she came to hug me.
"Huh,where you going". I asked.
"She's going university in Coventry". Faith butted in.
"No,you're leaving me?when are you going". Nah,she can't go still. She's basically my second mother. I object.
"I'm leaving near the end of August so I can get settled in earlier since I'm not living on campus". She said playing with my hair.
"Please tell me you ain't going around the 29th".
"She said the end of August and the 29th is basically the end of August sooo...". Faith interrupted.
"Shut up Faith,why did you even call me here". I hissed at her.
"Well technically I did.". Larissa said. I want to make sure that you two are on good terms before I leave. I don't want to hear anything about you two scrapping".
"I think Faith won't be fighting anyone after that beating Neveah gave her,don't you think". My uncle Christian added. Me and Larissa share a look and she's looks as if she's about to explode with laughter. No ratings for Faith whatsoever.
"She's lucky I didn't go to the police a press charges". My auntie said walking in. Why is she acting like I nearly murdered her daughter? She's still alive and taking in oxygen isn't she?
"Mum,the situation wasn't that deep for you to go to the feds. Plus Neveah's family". Larissa argued.
"What do you mean it wasn't that deep?! I was in hospital". Faith shouted.
"And I apologised but moretime you asked for it. You provoked me so I acted". I said.
"Sorry don't mean shit to me". She spat. "Dad,please talk to some sense into this girl".
"Mi nuh care". He said as he took a sip of his rum.
"Neveah I want you to leave my house, you're not welcome here anymore". My auntie calmly spoke.
Faith has s smug look on her face which boils my blood. You don't understand how badly I wanna fight her but I can't fight here at my mums sisters house that's disrespectful and she hates me already.
"Alright I'll leave but before I leave,just know that me and my parents know what you used to do to me Faith". I said.
"What are you talking about Nevs?" Larissa asked.
"Ahilee,what are you on?". She laughs as she fidgets with her hands with an uneasy look on her face.
"Oh so you don't remember how you used use me as a source for money?". I asked as a glared into her eyes.
"What?". Larissa ,my auntie&uncle all said in unison.
Faith bits her lips and looks extremely agitated.
"You're chatting shit,why the fuck would I do that? Why would you do that to my own cousin,my blood?". She defended.
"Neveah,how? What did she do?". My auntie asked.
"My mum told me that faith used to do things to me but she didn't tell me what. But recently I she told me but begged me not to go tell anyone else that I knew". I started.
"Does any else knows?". Larissa asked.
"Yeah,this boy called Rafael. Stickz' younger brother".
"Ahh,that snake". Faith whispered frustratedly.
"Wait Stickz? The one that died? He has a brother?".
"Yeah,Stickz is also the guy Faith used to take me to have sex with when I was just 13. She'd get me heavily drunk and if I refused to drink she would hold a gun to my temples till I drank two or more bottles of alcohol. She'd them take to me Stickz and him and his friends would whatever they please with my body".
"No,no,no,no! This can't be true. My Faith did this to you? How long did this go on for".
"4/5 months, everyday".
My auntie and uncle begin to go ham on Faith. Cursing her out, giving her 2 2 beatings in between the cursing. Larissa sympathetically hugs me and keeps hugging me,telling me how she souls of know this was going on and how she would of done anything to stop it from happening. But it's not her fault and it's too late to take action. What happened is in the past now.
The same day once I got home, my auntie and uncle rung up my parents and give them a thousand apologises. My mum even told to me that my Auntie Caroline was crying over phone, making my mum cry too. What happened between me and Faith nearly made their relationship as sisters nearly fall apart but with Faith out the picture, things in the family can go back to normal. Well not just yet.
As with Faith,her parents booked her a one way ticket to Ghana and she ain't even Ghanian. But who cares along as she's taken all her bad vibes and devilish ways with her. Today was the last time I'll probably see her since she's leaving tomorrow.
Ngl,this chapters kinda dead😒.
But LEAVE COMMENTS OF WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS CHAPTER in the comments please it would be much appreciated💖.
Sorry for any mistakes x

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