Stupid Life...

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Chapter 2~ Stupid Life...

(Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto world?!')

I open up the manga and i escape to the shinobi world...

I slowly start to realize my eyes are starting to feel heavy. I yawn loudly and smile goofily. 'Maybe it's time to sleep.' I look at the time and witness it's 11:00 pm. I decide it's about time i rest.

I take out my head phones and wrap my phone in them. I place it on my desk beside my bed. I reach back over and cover myself. But still reading some more. 'I need help with this obsession... I'm officially going INSANE!' I realize. My eyes widen but suddenly soften as i think about a certain happy blonde ninja. I smile and think out loud,"Oh Naru-kun... how i wish you and all your other friends were real..."

Truth was... Ever since i got addicted to this anime a certain character caught my attention immediantly. Not just his looks but his personality aswell. The way he would strive and never give up on his dreams. The way he cared about his comrades. The way he's never giving up on getting back his old frenemy back to where he belongs. His cute whiskers. His marvelous blue eyes. His spikey blonde hair. Heck! The boy even has the same kind of personality as me! Hyper, goofy, and determined! We have ALOT in common too... it's getting kinda scary. Favourite colour. Orange. Favourite food.Pork Miso Ramen. Don't tell anybody...but i'm a bit perverted too...

I sweat drop as i think about that. I then sigh dreamily. Uzumaki Naruto... Why? Why do all the girls swoon over all the other characters and not you? I mean... you're the whole package for God's sake! I sometimes wanna slap some sense into those stupid Sasuke fangirls!

I fail to notice me forming a fist and a vain popping out on my forehead. I calm down and frown. How i wish we could walk beside eachother. How i wish i could of been the one flashing you a big white smile to make you know you're not alone...

My brown bangs cover my face as i think about MY life. 'Stupid parents and they're stupid decisions... Stupid life... It's all so STUPID!' I suddenly feel a tear start to run down my cheek. 'Why the hell am i crying?' i ask myself as i quickly whip away the single tear. I sigh and place the book down on my brown bed. I sigh again and cover myself with my comforter. I slowly start to close my tired eye lids and fall asleep.

I'm in a house. A white house. I'm lying on the floor. 'W-where am i?" i ask myself. I hold out my hand in front of me. 'I feel really weird...' I then hear a babies cry.I look to my left and see a little baby girl. A women steps beside her and slaps her. I jump. The mysterious baby stops. Instead, she whimpers. My eyes start to tear up at the site. A man walks in and walks over to the cruel lady. He grabs her waist and kisses her sloppily on the lips. I scruch up my nose in disgust. They both walk away from the child. I walk over slowly and cautiously to the baby girl. I look down in the crib where she's lying. My eyes widen at the site. "It's... It's me..." I say to myself in amazement. I hear footsteps again and see my grandparents. I look over and they come to me and my baby self. My grandma reaches in and picks her up. She sings to her soothingly and they walk off. I look below me and notice my reflextion in the ground. 'What is this? Water...?' As i look at myself i notice water streaming down the side of my face. 'I'm crying again...' I explain in my mind.

I was abannoned as a baby. My mom and dad were messed up in the head. My grandparents took me in when i was just a few months old. I'm very thankful... Without them... i don't know what i would do... I would even go as far to think i wouldn't even be alive right now.

I smile to myself.

I jolt up to a loud bang. I place my shaky hand on my face. I was sweating alot. I gulp loudly and get up to turn on my light. As i walk over i hear a loud bang again. I look outside my window to see rain. I grin. I loved the rain. Esspecially storms. I thought the lightning was beautiful. I walk over to my bed and see the 'Naruto' manga opened again.

"I thought i closed you..." I crawl over to it and hold it in my hands.

I suddenly hear a loud thunder and jump. 'Wow...' I say to myself in amazment. 'This one's big. They didn't call for this...' I look in confusion outside.

Then the power goes out. 'What the heck...' I put down my manga and walk over to the window.

Last thing i remember was a loud flash. Everything goes black.

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now