A Helping Paw

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(Previously on: 'I'm in the Naruto World?!' 

"And..." I look down sadly. She looks at me. 

"We've both had lonley lives..." I smile sadly. 

She frowns deeply and pats my back. "I think you two are going to make a friendship that you will never forget..." She smiles sweetly. I smile slightly back. 

I'm just like Naruto? 



I follow the directions on the paper Shizune gave me to get to my new apartment. 


I TRY to follow the directions on paper Shizune gave me... I groan as i keep flipping the paper over and over again hoping that method would magically make my apartment apear infront of me.  As i'm doing this, I fail to realize another person walking towards me. I curse under my breath while i flip it once again.
"Man... stupid map... Wait, hold on a minute... Does this street even exist?" I whisper to myself. I keep walking... 



I hit the floor HARD and my voice makes a weird squeek sound. I groan as i faceplant into the dirt ground. I stay there for a second until i gather up my coscienceness and try my best to push myself back up. I shake my head in the process. "Ugh... I am SO sorry!" I say to whoever the person is i bumped into. 

"Yeah, well... You should be." I gape at the reply i get. 

"Tch. Rude much..." I quietly say.  I hear the person gasp a little. I smirk at my comeback. I start to dust off my pants. Let's see what this guys got, eh...? 

Rude Persons (xD) POV: 

As i dust myself off i come to realize i have a headache now because of the collision i had made with the ground. People don't watch where they're going anymore? Jeez... 

I 'hmph' and raise my head up. I see it's a girl. She's in the process of cleaning herself off. I get ready to tell her off when... 

She raises her head. 

My eyes widen exceptionally. 

Here, standing infront of me, is defiantly the most beautiful girl i have ever gazed at... 

I feel my face get hot and i cover it with my left hand and look away. "Um... Actually! No. I'm sorry! It was my fault." I sigh smally.  

'I messed up big time...' 

Kumiko's POV: 

When i raise my head up i meet myself to look at... 


I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now