To Surpass

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[Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!]

"We presume that that's your specialty. Most likely. Those with a great amount of chakra, normally lead to a great amount of speed." My red eyes widen as i take in the imformation. "And i see potential in you. Lots of it. If you will allow him to work with you, of course." I furrow my eyes and begin to process out what's happening.

'Ay. The Raikage. Has the talent  of Manipulating lightning chakra and fought the Yellow Flash, Naruto's father and also the fourth hokage... He's obviously powerful...' I put my finger on my chin and close my eyes.'I'm missing something...' 

The light bulb suddenly goes off in my head. 'That's right! He's also one of the fastest shinobi out there! He could even compete with Minato in speed-- wait a minute....' I look up at the Kage's standing infront of me. 'Then that means....' My eyes widen dramatically as my mouth falls open. 

"Is he my..."

"So you've finally figured it out, Kumiko?" Tsunade points out. 

I look at Ay.


He smirks smuggly. "Call me Ay- Sensei."



That's all i could feel searing through my body. My breathing just got quicker as i went. My lungs dying for oxygen desperately as i keep forcing my legs to keep going. The surface of my sweaty pals starting to dry because  of the lack of sweat of my body from perspiring too much. My fingers start to shake because of the limit i'm pushing my system past. My being was aching and screaming,


    I could practically hear my heartbeat ringing right in my ears as if it was located right there. But even though my entire body was starting to numb, i was determined to not stop yet. I refused to give in to the maximum work the average human body could take.

     Sweat rolled down the sides of my face and my messy brown hair clung to my wet forehead. My mouth slightly opening and closing as i waited for Ay's signal to run again.

"You can't be that tired," My new Sensei began. "If you're that tired already, you'll never increase in power and i might as well give up on you now. You might as well give up." I clenched my chattering teeth as i heard the words escape from his mouth. "It's been almost a week and you still can't get those kunai in under ten seconds!" 

  I closed my eyes gently as i slowed down my breathing to calm myself down. Taking deep breaths a few times through the hole i made with my lips. I open back up my eyes and speak, "Not yet. I'll get it! I will. I know i will! Just don't give up on my yet because i'm sure as hell won't give up myself." I look straight into his eyes at the distance between us with my hands on my weak knees. He slightly sucks in a breath at my words but then finally nods.

   "Very well. Again! You know the drill! On my signal!" He yells. I move my body into a readied position. Right foot far back, left foot in front of me, right hand in front of my body, and my left hand behind it. This position was the position to start running a race.

   I take a deep breath and wait patiently for his signal. That's when i hear a loud,"GO!" 

  I spring forward, and finally start once again.

  This was how we were going to try to train my to increase my speed: In the training room, Ay placed 20 kunai located around it. Each one was labelled a different colour. I had to run to a kunai and look around for the same coloured one. Once i found a match, i have to throw them both at the target at the end of room. Once i did, i had to then find a next pair of kunai. I had to this 10 because of the number of kunai there was altogether.* So, once i found another pair, again, i had to throw it at the target. Ay said this was the exact same training he undertook when he was learning about speed. He said it would exponentially increase the difference of how fast i moved. But according to him, because he has the chakra nature of lighting, he could easily move faster than other people and hone his lighting to create an advantage for him because lightning's main traight was speed. Because i obviously don't own lightning chakra but fire chakra, it would be alot harder for me to train. However, with the immense chakra amount my body provided me, it would help me move even faster. He said if i worked hard enough, i'm most likely to surpass him.

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now