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"First, let's see how good you are right now. I want to see how much and what we have to practice with you."
He explains to me simply.
"Hai!" I say formally.
"Then...Let's get started."
I get into a fighting stance and look and Naruto. He gives me a supportive thumbs up with a bright smile. I smile back.  I suddenly hear a chime in front of me. I see Kakashi smirk.
"Ready?" He asks me. I look at the bells in his hand.

"I was born ready..."

I see Kakashi-sensei smirk at my new remark. I smirk back and strengthen my fighting stance.

I wait....  

I suddenly hear Kakashi yell, "Go!"

I immediantly leap in the air and start running towards him. As soon as i reach over to grasp the bells, it almost seems Kakashi literally teleports from his spot. I stand there stunned and look around shocked. "What the f--"
I see a shadow above me and i quickly move from the spot only to see Kakashi behind me with a kunai in his possesion. We circle and glare at eachother at the same time. I then slowly reach into my pocket to grab a few shuriken. 'Hopefully i can use these...' I think in my mind. I place them in between my fingers and throw them as quick as i can. They go flying towards Kakashi so fast, his eyes widen. But, he jumps out of the view of the sharp objects just in the nick if time. I suck in a breath to show my annoyance. 
Suddenly, a light bulb goes on in my head.
I smirk and Kakashi squints his eyes at my figure suspiciously.
'He always moves at the last second whenever i'm going to reach for the bells...

What if...'

I smirk wider.

I stroll my way to his precence and smile innocently. He gives me a cofused look. I see Naruto at the corner of my eye looking at me funny. 
As i make my way to him, he ready's his stance. I'm about a metre away from him when i say,"Why fight when i can just do this?" I walk closer to him and he backs away quickly. 
"I don't think so." He comments smartly.
"You're not getting these bells."
I smirk evilly and run VERY fast towards him.   

What do i do you ask?  

No ninja moves at all...  



I look at his crotch area and smile mischeviously.

You know what happends next...

I kick him as hard as i can in 'his area'. His eyes widen and i back away.
His face going all blotchy and red as his legs give away and he crumples to the grassy floor.
I see Naruto with his hands on his head with a WHAT-THE- HELL-ARE-YOU-THINKING face... I walk towards the jonin in a fetal position and bend down towards him.
"Hey, would ya look at that?" He slowly raises his shaky head up to my cocky face. "Looks like i win." I untie the bells from his side and toss it in the air and catch it swiftly.
I stand back up and skip towards Naruto. His face still filled with fear and astonishment. "What?" I ask the boy. 
"You. I... Kakashi- sensei is... WHAT?!" He rapidly changes his sight from me to the poor Kakashi-sensei on the ground holding 'his area'. 
I turn around towards Kakashi and place the bells in my pocket.
"Oh yeah. Sorry bout that. But guess what..."
"What?!" Naruto asks me frantically.
"I still got the bells." I say smiling with my eyes closed. "In 3 minutes too." 
Kakashi soon regains his pride and limps towards the two of us. I turn around to look at him and smirk. "So..." ,i begin. "Good enough for you?" I look at Naruto too.
He backs away and gulps.

I also noticed he closes his legs a little. 

"Um... Y-yeah..." Kakashi-sensei hesitates to say. 
"Great!" I reply. "Now what's next?!"  
They both look at eachother while i have a look of determination on.   

Naruto and Kakashi's POV: 'This is gonna be quite the lesson...' 

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now