A Powerful Emotion... Rage

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[Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!'

"So what of it? What's the big problem?" 

Kakashi- sensei's head decends. He looks at the ground while he answers,"We don't know if...  we don't know if your body can handle this kind of power... Naruto could control his chakra... but to a certain degree. Now that he has kyuubi mode, he has full control. The difference is, Naruto's body can physically handle the power of the kyuubi. Your body...that's a whole different story Kumiko. Naruto is physically AND mentally stronger then you." I see his hands clench slightly. 

"What are you... What are you trying to say...?" I ask with hesitation.

Tsunede speaks this time. "If you don't get control over this chakra immediantly..." I shut my eyes.

"You WILL meet death soon..."


"Choji! Don't eat all of it you pig!" A certain blonde girl yells angrily at her chubby team mate.

He continues to munch on the peices of barbeque.

"Mm...? But Ino! It's just so good~!"

"Well then let some OTHER mouths get the chance to be the judge of that!!"

"Tch. Ino..." A lazy voice interupts the quarraling pair. "There's no point in saying that. He thinks EVERYTHING is delicious." Shikamaru picks up some chopsticks and starts to dig in aswell. 

The hungry teen glares at his friend while slurrping on some rice noodles.

Suddenly, the door slides open. The three eating teens jump and turn their heads almost causing whip lash.

"THE REAL PARTIES HERE-TTEBAYO!" A certain boisterous shinobi noisily makes a 'grand' entrance. 

Shikamaru, along with Ino, both roll their eyes. 

"Naruto!! Come! Sit! Sit!" Choji pats the seat next to him and moves over to make room for his energetic whiskered friend. 

"Don't mind if I do!--Oh! Before that though, i want you all to meet someone!"

Their eyes instantly fill with wonder. 

"Eh? Who is it?" Ino asks.

"Kumiko- chan! Don't be shy!"

"Tch. Who ever said i was shy?" She pouts as she enters.

"Heheh... right..." Naruto sweatdrops and rubs the back of his neck. 

"Anyways... Meet my close friends!" He points to Choji. "Akimichi Choji! Boy, can he eat!" Choji blushes, grins and waves. Kumiko smiles back. 

Naruto then points to Ino. "Next, Yamanaka Ino! Explain the appearance of any flower, and she'll name it!" She cutely gives the peace sign. "Kumiko, Nara Shikamaru! Shikamaru, Yoshikuni Kumiko!" 

"Yo." He says coolly. 

The blonde moves closer to Kumiko and whispers in her ear,"I swear, this guy's IQ is like a bazillion..." She giggles in response. 

"Sorry to dissapoint you but, their's no such number." He then continues to eat his onigiri.

"Why you little...!" 

"Heheh... Naruto, calm down!" Kumiko holds him back. 

They all start to laugh as the teenage boy grinds his teeth and exposes his fist to his close friend. 


"Naruto~! Stop it!" I try my best to calm him down. I let go to get a better grip on his shoulders. When i let go and place my hand back on his body...

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now