The Next Step.

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"I still got the bells." I say smiling with my eyes closed. "In 3 minutes too." 
Kakashi soon regains his pride and limps towards the two of us. I turn around to look at him and smirk. "So..." i begin. "Good enough for you?" I look at Naruto too.
He backs away and gulps.

I also noticed he closed his legs a little. 

"Um... Y-yeah..." Kakashi-sensei hesitates to say. 
"Great!" I reply. "Now what's next?!"  

They both look at eachother while i have a look of determination on. 

            Kakashi coughs and begins talking,"Let's just get to the point here. You obviously have experience in combat and...other...things..."
I see him shiver and i smile proudly.
"But other then that, i know you have no chakra control right at this moment. So, we'll start with that." 
"Hai! Kakashi- sensei!" I start to follow him from behind to where he's walking.
I see him come to a stop and i stop walking aswell. I look around and notice a bunch of HUGE boulders infront of us.
"Uh... Kakashi-sensei? Why are we here?"
"Well, that's what you'll find out. Have a seat on the rocks." He gestures towards them an smiles. I give him a confused look but shrug my shoulderd and begin to walk away to the boulders. I scratch my head and turn around to him.
"Are you sure about this? It looks pretty dangerous..." He shakes his head.
"Just do it. Trust me." He reassures me. I sigh and look up at the huge rocks again. I bend my legs and jump up as high as i can to reach up and latch onto the edge of one of the rocks. I begin to climb and i soon after reach the top. I take a seat and wait for an order.  "Now, Kumiko, I want you to sit in a crossed-legged position."
I follow his orders and look back at him. "Now place your hands in your lap and close your eyes." I obey him and do what he tells me. 
"Now what?!" I yell to the bottom where he's standing with his pocket in his hands. 
"Concentrate." I gape at this order.
"Concentrate." He says to me again.
"Concentrate on what?!" I ask him getting frustrated. He sighs in annoyance and i hear him mumble,"So much like Naruto." I mentally glare at him because of my closed eyes.

"Concentrate on your centre of balance. Pick up all energy from your surrounding and mend them together to form something solid. When they do... release it all at once. As soon as you do this, you have what you call you chakra. Understand?"

I nod shakily even though i don't know what the hell he's talking about. I take in a deep breath and hold it for a little.

"Feel the flow of energy run through the vains that makes you live. Hear the blood circulating through you..." I listen to his words carefully while concentrating on my inner energy. As soon as you do, mend that energy all together to the middle. Gather it all up..."

I take in long gentle breaths and try my best to hear the energy and blood circulating through my body.       

And then it hits me.

    I suddenly feel a great sensation rush through all corners of my body. But i stay concentrated on my breathing.
I take advantage of this weird feeling and think about Kakashi's words.  'As soon as you do, mend that energy all together to the middle. Gather it all up...'
I concentrate higher and fail to notice beeds of sweat starting to form on my forehead. I manage to follow his exact words and i feel my heart start to pound due to the new found sensation my body is feeling at the moment. I ignore it and continue to create solid energy through my being. I soon feel a slight weight on my chest area.   
And then it happends.
  All my weight dissapears in a sudden flash, i fall back and fail to keep balance. As i do so, my eyes flash open and i hit the rocky floor. 

"Ow ow ow ow ow..." I say quietly to myself. I open my eyes again from the pain and look up to the sky.  'I feel so... relaxed.' I think to myself as i see the clouds rolling by. 
I sit up and look at Kakashi down below from the edge of the rock. I look back at my hand. My eyes widen drastically at the sight of it. On my hand, i witness a light blue aura alumminating from my palm.
I look down at Kakashi with astonishment.
"She's a fast learner..." Kakashi mumbles to himself. He walks closer to the boulder and looks up at me with a lazy but proud face. "Congradulations Kumiko. Ready for the next step?"   The corners of my mouth start to raise up and i look at Naruto down below leaning against a tree.
He gives me a thumbs up.
"I knew you could do it Kumiko!!" He says to me excitingly. I start to laugh and i jump up on my two feet.   

"Yosh! Let's do this!"

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