A Bright Smile

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(Previously on: 'I'm in the Naruto World?!')

"Oh and Naruto." He turns to me. "Please don't tell anyone about this." He grins and gives me two thumbs up. "You bettcha!" I smile showing my teeth.

We continue to make our way down Konoha streets.


After a few minutes of walking we finally reach the red building.

While we stand outside, I gulp.

'I can't believe i'm actually gonna go inside the hokage tower...' I think to myself.

I straighten myself out and proceed forward. We enter the building and make our way up the stairs and down the halls.

As we walk, lots of leaf ninja pass by us. Some bowing formally and some smiling or nodding at me and Naruto. Anytime they did, i would smile back but feel nervous.

what? They're ninja for christs sakes! I can't help it! I know they're not the kind of ninja's to go all 'UHWA! I'M GONNA CHOP YOUR FREAKIN NECK OFF WITH MY BARE HANDS!'

But still -.-''

We continue and the Hokage's door comes into view. We reach it and Naruto reached his head out and waltzes his way in freely without warning. I sweatdrop 'He's exactly like how i would expect...'

As we walk in i hear Tsunede lecturing Naruto about being rude and impolite. What a surprise...

I walk in and bow. "Hi Tsunede." I say while smiling and closing my eyes. She smiles back and gestures towards a chair infront of her desk.

"take a seat please." I nod and sit down on the chair. I place my hands in my pockets.

She continues,"So, i've got your keys to your apartment right here. And here's some paper work for you to fill out." She gives me a pen and paper and i stretch out and sign them quickly. I place the pen neatly on the stack. She takes them back and files them back in a folder marked 'N E W' From where she's standing, about across the room, she grabs the keys and throws them to me quickly. I swiftly catch it in my hand. She smirks and says,"This should he easy then." I give her a confused look. "Shizune!" She yells. A pretty girl with short black hair enters. 'Ah! Her assistant! Wonder where Tonton is...' Soon after, a little cute pig enters after her and she scoops him up into her hands protectivly. I giggle.

"Yes Hokage-same!" She closes the door begind her.

"Mind giving her clothes to her? Oh, and tell her the plan." I give another confused look and look at Naruto on my left. He shrugs. He mouths 'I don't know' and looks back at Shizune.

"Yes, of course! Kumiko-chan. After Hokage- sama explains to you about this plan, you will follow me and i will give you your clothes!" I nod my head. and look back at Tsunede.

"From this day on, you are an official leaf ninja genin." I blink with surprise.

"But... don't i have to go to the academy?" She shakes her head. she then turns around and grabs something from behind her desk. She waits. We all wait.

All of a sudden, she whips around and i see an object making it's way towards me. I quickly raise my hand and catch the pencil. I swore i saw the point of the pencil glimmer...

"What the hell Baa-chan!" Naruto yells.

"See... I don't think you need to go to the academy." She says to me smartly. "And i can already sense you have a large amount of chakra inside you. She gives me a funny look and sits back down. "And plus, you're reflexes are not of a normal person." She says while folding her arms.

I look back down at the pointy object and stare. I look back up. "But, some people have have good reflexes. I just happen to be one of them." I say raising an eye brow.

She chuckles and replies,"That's true. But not most people have chakra you possess Kumiko." I gape at her. 'How much chakra DO i have?' She gives me another funny look.

"Actually Kumiko. Come after your training with Kakashi and Naruto back here. I wanna do some tests on you."

"Tests?" I ask her.

"Yes." She reassures me. "I'm sure it's nothing. I just wanna make sure of something." She sas easing up a little. i shift my eyes worriedly.

"Kumiko- chan. You should come with me for your clothes." I look back and nod my head.

"Yes. Go on ahead Kumiko." She ushers me out of the room and goes back to some paperwork.

i get up and walk towards the door ad Shizune. Naruto follows.

"Oh and Naruto- kun. You will meet Kakashi- san on the training grounds tomorrow evening so you can teach Kurumi-chan aswell." I smile brightly and look at Naruto. I see him smiling widely too. I laugh.

"Alright! See ya Kumiko-chan!" He yells while running and waving his hand looking back. I wave back and yell a quick,"Later!" while watching him run out.

I sigh and turn back to Shizune. "Shall we go?" She asks. I grin and answer back,"Sure! Let's go!" I say it a little to excited. While gesturing my arm for her to follow she laughs.

"You know Kumiko-chan..." I look back at her.


She looks at me with a soft face. "You kind of remind me of Naruto." I get taken back by that comment.

"Eh... really?" I ask her loudly. She laughs and replies,"Haha, yeah you do. You're a loud girl. And you seem like you can't wait to train hard."

i smile the widest i've ever have. "And you both have the same contagious, bright smile." She tells me while giggling. I blush and rub the back of my head sheepishly. "Heheh. Thanks Shizune-san..." I say while looking up. She laughs more.

I turn to her and comment,"You know, it's kinda scary too." I fold my hands behind my back and continue to walk.

"Hm? Why is that?"

"My favourite colour is orange. AND AND AND! My favourite food is ramen!" I say dramatically. She gasps bur laughs after that.

"Oh Kumiko- chan. Haha." I grin.

"And..." I looks down sadly. She looks at me.

"We've both had lonley lives..." I smile sadly.

She frowns deeply and pats my back. "I think you two are going to make a friendship that you will never forget..." She smiles sweetly. I smile slightly back.

I'm just like Naruto?


Ending Song : Secret Base

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