Ouch! That Burns!

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"She's a fast learner..."
Kakashi mumbles to himself. He walks closer to the boulder and look up at me with a lazy but proud face. "Congratulations, Kumiko. Ready for the next step?"
  The corners of my mouth start to raise up and i look at Naruto down below leaning against a tree. He gives me a thumbs up.
"I knew you could do it Kumiko!!"
He says to me excitingly. I start to laugh and i jump up on my two feet.   
"Yosh! Let's do this!"  

           "Now, follow me" Kakashi orders me to come down from the top of the big rock. I nod and walk to the edge of it. I hop off the edges swiftly and successfully reach the bottom. I sigh in relief as my left foot hits the ground. I smile and walk over to him. 
"So. What's next?" I ask him eagerly. He smirks and calls Naruto over to us. He gives a confused look and walks over to both of us. 
"You know all about chakra natures now. Why don't you do the honour?" His face lights up with joy and he grins widely. I smile at the sight.
"Hai!" He yells happily. I see Kakashi hand him a peice of white paper and Naruto grabs it from him. He holds it firmly in his hand. 
"Next step: We gotta find out your chakra nature!" I nod my head fast and smile big. 

'I've always wanted to find out what my chakra nature is...' I think to myself curiously.

"Now, let's begin by telling you what chakra nature is." Naruto begins. "There are five types of chakra nature. Wind, which is my chakra nature, Water, Fire, lightning and finally, earth. Chakra nature let's you take your chakra too the highest point possible." 
'Heh. He actually sounds smart.' I think to myself trying not to giggle. I raise up my hand to my mouth and look up. "Go on." I tell him trying to forget about laughing.
"Now see this paper here?" He raises it up high to my sight. "It's what you'll use to find out YOUR chakra nature. Oh! And you can have more then one too." I nod. "All you gotta do is focus your chakra into your hand. Whatever happends to the paper, is how it will react with what your specfic nature type is." I see him squint his eyes a little and suddenly, the paper slices in the middle. I blink. 
'I've seen this before. On an episode.'
"See how it sliced perfectly? That means, i have the chakra of wind." He smiles brightly and continues,"It will soak up if your have the chakra nature of water, it will tear if you are lightning, burn if you're fire and for the last nature earth, it will crumble." I smile.
"Hai!" I reply.
"Now you try." He says to me and Kakashi hands him another peice of paper, which he hands to me. I look at it.
"You expect me to focus my chakra into my hand?" I ask dumbfounded. They look at eachother and back at me.

"Well...yeah." Naruto scratches his head while replying. My eyes widen.  

I glare at him and an irk sign appears on my head. But i obligue and shrug. I hold it carefully in both of my hands and grit my teeth.  I gather all the chakra i can, and minipulate it like i did to it before. Except this time...towards my hand. Automatically i see light aluminating from my palms.
I blink in surprise. I look up at Kakashi and Naruto and they have astonished faces on.

"Amazing..." I hear Kakashi say breathlessly.

I gulp and continue what i'm doing. I squint my eyes and concentrate harder than before. Soon i see the paper wavering.

My eyes widen and...            

The paper burns to ashes.
    My mouth opens in an 'o' shape and i look at my sensei's. They both smile. 
"Looks like you found your chakra nature, Kumiko." The jonin tells me with a happy face.
"So that means... my chakra nature is... fire?" I ask.
"Yup! Exactly!" Naruto replies. I start laughing.
"Yay!" I jump up and down hyperly. I hear Naruto laugh. Kakashi continues to speak and i stop.
"There's another thing. There's advantages and disadvantages to it." I begin to get confused and i tell him to continue. "Chakra natures can be weak against one chakra, and a chakra nature can be stronger against other chakra natures."
I straighten up and he speaks again,"Water is stronger against your nature, fire. Lighting weaker than wind. Wind is stronger then earth. Earth is stronger then fire. And finally, Fire is stronger then wind."
I smirk and turn to Naruto. He glares at me. 
"So what your saying is, if i train hard enough, i'll be able to kick naruto's ass in a chakra nature battle?" The blonde genin's eyes widen in playful anger. I laugh. "Yes, exactly." Naruto face plants into the ground.
I start laughing loudly.  "Why you little-" Naruto begins forming a fist to me. I put my hands up in front of me in defence. I hear Kakashi laugh.
"Now that you know all about chakra, it's time to get to the serious training. " He says seriously to me.  I turn to him. I smirk.  

 "Bring it on..."

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