Let the Training Commence

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[Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!'

"Naruto. These aren't any other kind of anbu..." She begins. "You'll need to go into kyuubi mode for this." I let go of the door. "These shinobi were trained by the first Raikage..." I clench my teeth and close my eyes. I open them back up and shoot a stern face at Kumiko and Shizune. I nod decisively and take my first step out. 

"Naruto!" I turn back my head at the sound of Kumiko's voice. I stare at her figure.

She gives me a thumbs up and flashes me a bright, beautiful smile with her eyes gently closed. "Get too it!"

My stressed frown turns into a confident smirk. "Hai."

  I then begin to make my way to the battle field once again.


   Kumiko's POV:

All i could do is keep my bright smile as he walked out. When he was gone, i made sure he was so i didn't have to hold that grin anymore. I soon place my hand back on the bed sheets and my smile falters into a blank face.

'Be careful, Naruto...'


  I see Shizune look at me from the side, frown on her face. I feel her hand come down and she places it on my shoulder. I look up at her with my ruby eyes.

"He'll be fine." She says to me while giving a reassuring smile. I return the gesture by giving her a weak smile. I sign and look out the window next to my bed. 

"I really hope so..."

Naruto's POV:

  These damn reanimations!!!

I clench my teeth as i run through the current shinobi fighting.

"Naruto!" I look the way my name was called to see Keichi, a ninja from the village hidden in the cloud, fighting a powerful reanimation. "I need your help!" He continues.

  I make my way there and yell,"KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU! (shadow clone jutsu)" My clones make a dash around the enemy and close in on him quickly.

"Thanks Naruto!" I nod to his direction and i run around  the field trying to find medic- nin. 

"Shit..." I mumble to myself as i clench my teeth. I look behind me to see injured shinobi lying on the dirt ground due to the last battle they just had. 

I suck in a breath as i find Shikamaru performing his shadow jutsu along the lines of the field. 

"Shikamaru!" I shout to get his attention. He turns towards me still holding off the reanimations currently trying to get out of the shadows grasp. 

"Yo, Naruto. We're having a little trouble here! Their's too much of em'!" I run over and analyze the situation. I take in all the former shinobi from different villages attacking their own people. I ball up a fist and turn to Shikamaru. 

"We need some reinforcements. That last attack did alot on them." I gesture towards the injured and i see Shikamaru grimace. 

We glance at eachother thinking the exact same thing.

'We need more power. Now.'

Kumiko's POV:

  I take in a shaky breath as Tsunade makes her way into my room. I slowly let it out freeing the distressed air out of my lungs. I give her a stern face as she makes her final stride towards me.

"Ready?" She asks simply.

"Hai." I stand up out of the bed and dust myself off. I take a fast and sharp breath out as i look at the Hokage in the face. She smirks.

"Don't worry Kumiko. We'll get that chakra of yours under control." I smile and nod. "But i won't lie. It's going to be excruciating training. You'll have to work night and day to get this under control. I highly doubt you'll make it through this but i believe in you." I gape at her bluntless and gulp heavily. 

  I need to learn how to get this chakra under control. If i want to help out, i have to get started now. It's not only for my survival, but for the people around me aswell.

My dark brown bangs cast a shadow around my eyes and i clench my light tanned hands tightly. 

I have to do this, and i have to do it now...

I look up at the Hokage of Konohagakure with a straight face. I furrow my eyes brows and smirk confidenly. I punch the inside of my left hand and yell,"Let's get to it then." I see a twinkle in her hazel eyes as she places her hands on her hips. 

"Well said! Follow me!"


"So, Tsunade? Where exactly are we going?" I ask as we both walk through a long corridor.

"You'll see." She answers simply. I puff up my cheeks as i continue to walk. 

We soon start turning a corner. I look around trying my best to figure out where the heck we're going too.

We suddenly come to a stop infront of a door. I blink owlishly and turn to Tsunade. 


"Well go in." She interupts my confused words. 

I give her a 'alrighty then' look and place my hand on the knob. I turn it and walk in right before Tsunade. Soon after stepping foot into a room, i come to see the Raikage, Ay.

My eyes widen at his size. I feel a gentle push behind me and i turn around to see Tsunade already walking ahead of me.

"This is the Raikage, Ay. He's one of the mose powerful shinobi's out there. He's also stubborn because he just doesn't want to admit i, the fifth Hokage and proud female, is obviously stronger than him." I see her smirk and she leans on the table. I sweat drop as i see a nerve bulging on the Raikage's temple.

I cough.

"Are you Yoshikuni Kumiko?" I hear his voice boom across the room. I gulp and gather the courage to walk closer to him. I look up and begin to speak,"Hai. That's me!" I say cheerily. He then turns to Tsunade.

"Really? You expect me to do this?" I give a confused face.

"Do what?" I ask curiously.

"Well, Kumiko, we've gone through your test papers and concluded something." I tilt my head waiting for her to continue.

"Speed." She says. I shift my eyes.

"Speed...?" I begin,"What about it?"

I listen to the words flowing out of her mouth carefully. 

"We presume that that's your specialty. Most likely. Those with a great amount of chakra, normally lead to a great amount of speed." My red eyes widen as i take in the imformation. "And i see potential in you. Lots of it. If you will allow him to work with you, of course." I furrow my eyes and begin to process out what's happening.

'Ay. The Raikage. Has the talent  of Manipulating lightning chakra and fought the Yellow Flash, Naruto's father and also the fourth hokage... He's obviously powerful...' I put my finger on my chin and close my eyes.'I'm missing something...' 

The light bulb suddenly goes off in my head. 'That's right! He's also one of the fastest shinobi out there! He could even compete with Minato in speed-- wait a minute....' I look up at the Kage's standing infront of me. 'Then that means....' My eyes widen dramatically as my mouth falls open. 

"Is he my..."

"So you've finally figured it out, Kumiko?" Tsunade points out. 

I look at Ay.

He smirks smuggly. "Call me Ay- Sensei."

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now