The Cold Hard TRUTH

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[Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!']

"Let me inform you on something." I jerk my head back to Tsunede as she takes a deep breath and continues. "The shinobi world is at a stand still. We're also at our most raw and vulnerable state." I furrow my eyes more and pay close attention. "I don't know if you were aware of this but...."

I wait for the rest as she looks towards Kakashi. He nods.

She continues.

"We're in the middle of war right now."


I feel my hands clench tighter as my teeth grind. 

'I haven't been this angry in my life...' I think darkly to myself.

"I know, Kumiko. We should of told you before! But we had no choice but to keep it! I'll tell you every single detail about this war--" 

"I know everything already..." I speak deeply. I hear a growl creep out of my throat on the way aswell.

They both give me confused faces before i speak again. "And let me ask you guys a question..." I raise my head to look at their faces. "Why are you telling me this now."

I wait for words to escape their mouth. Instead, without being able to control myself, they come pouring out of my mouth instead.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS BEFORE?! YOU KNEW EVERYTHING! EVERY SINGLE DETAIL ABOUT WHAT WAS GOING ON!! DIDN'T I DESERVE TO KNOW?! ESSPECIALLY ME?!" My breathing was fast. I clenched my mouth harder to avoid saying anything else. I see faces filled with shame infront of me. 

"Why didn't you tell me about all this before...?" I say quietly.

"Tell me... what's exactly wrong with me? What did that seal say?"

They both exchange looks. Tsunede looks up at my face after staring at the ground for a long time. She begins to open her mouth.

Do i really want an answer?

Do i really want to get involved with all of this?

Last time i checked, I was watching all this happening behind a computer screen... Now look at me...

I'm scared... Scared of the words about to come out of this womens mouth.

"Kumiko..." She begins. "You're special." I furrow my eye brows.

She speaks again. "This seal... According to this seal... You..." She closes her hazel eyes. "Your chakra is very powerful. More powerful then of what a girl of your size can handle."

Now i'm confused. "What exactly do you mean?" I ask fast.

"You're aware of what a jinchuuruki is. Right?" I turn to Kakashi's question.

"Yes, i do."

"Alright well. Here's an example. Naruto, the holder of the nine- tails. You're aware that people who carry tailed beasts have immense chakra in them." I nod. "Well for you... You're not a jinchuuruki but..." I wait for him to continue as he looks at Tsunede for approval to continue. I shut my eyes to control my short tempered nature.

"You don't have to exchange looks to ask wether or not you can continue..." They both look at my red eyes. "You'll tell me what's going on... Because their's no going back now..." I accidently add menace in my tone aswell. They both gape at me while my stressed pupils glare at them.

Tsunede nods. Kakashi continues. "As i was saying, you're not a jinchuuruki. But according to this seal..." I wait.

"You have as much chakra as one of them... Possibly even more..."

My eyes widen.

I gulp.

"I... You mean... My chakra..."

"A jinchuruuki's chakra is large enough. So with your chakra being more powerful then a tailed beast, we could practically say you have an endless supply of chakra."

'So that's why i picked up on manipulating my chakra so much... It wasn't because i was a prodigy... It was because my chakra was leaking out of my body already...' I look up at them. 

"So what of it? What's the big problem?" 

Kakashi- sensei's head decends. He looks at the ground while he answers,"We don't know if...  we don't know if your body can handle this kind of power... Naruto could control his chakra... but to a certain degree. Now that he has kyuubi mode, he has full control. The difference is, Naruto's body can physically handle the power of the kyuubi. Your body...that's a whole different story Kumiko. Naruto is physically AND mentally stronger then you." I see his hands clench slightly. 

"What are you... What are you trying to say...?" I ask with hesitation.

Tsunede speaks this time. "If you don't get control over this chakra immediantly..." I shut my eyes.

"You WILL meet death soon..."

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now