Calculations Gone Wrong

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[Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!'

She takes the seal off of my forehead and starts to search it as she walk back towards her desk. She slams it on the desk. 

I look at it.

When i look back up i furrow my eyeborws worringly. 

At this moment, I witness Tsunede's eyes filled with astonishment, amazement, shock...

And terror.


"Kakashi- sensei. The Hokage requests you at her office. She says it is urgent."

The jonin furrows his eye brows with confusion, but nods with understanding.

'Wonder what it is...' He thinks as he walks through the village to the tower.

Meanwhile, inside the office, a certain kage has beads of sweat showering down her temple. She looks up at the worried girl infront of her. She continues to stare but then grits her teeth and shuts her eyes tightly while crumbling the seal in her right hand. 

She looks up at Kumiko again.

"T-Tsunede- sama... What's the matter?" The innocent girl asks the leader. Tsunede takes a deep breath. 

'This is impossible...' She thinks as her stressed face scruntches up slightly. 'She's just a girl... A 16 year old girl!' She begins to shake as she closes her eyes again. She continues to lean on the table infront of her. 

"Tsunede!" She looks up at a frantic voice. "Please tell me what's going on!" Kumiko takes a stride towards Tsunede.

"Tsunede- sama. You requested me?" A male voice interupts as Tsunede begins to open her mouth to answer the teens request. She closes it right back up.

"Yes. I did. Kakashi... It's about your student... Kumiko." Kakashi turns his head towards his impressive pupil. 

"Okay. What's wrong?" He asks.He places his hand in his pants pockets lazily. 

The hokage clicks her teeth and places her thumb nail in her mouth. A habit she's formed ever since she was a young teen. That, and gambling...

Her heels click on the floor as she makes her way toward the silver haired shinobi. 

"Look." She hands the seal over to Kakashi. He takes his time and evaluates it.

His eyes widen in horror.

"This is..."

Tsunede nods her head and closes her eyes. She sits back on the desks edge. "I reacted the same way..." She replies.

The jonin then turns around to the confused girl. 

"Please..." Kumiko begins. "Tell me..."

---somewhere unknown---

~play while you read~

"This is perfect. She'll find out soon enough. Then, her chakra will be filled with ripe rage. Rage i can manipulate." 

"Yes Master. Your plan is perfect."

The bodies make their way through the dark narrow halls. The clicks of their shoes echoing and bouncing off the walls. 

"Do you have everything in order master?"

"Of course." He answers. "They'll be bowing to my feet by the end of all of this. This girl is perfect... Her power is very impressive. We can't let it go to waste."

"Yes Master."

They both come into a dark room where a tablet is set up. Almost like checkers... He takes a seat.

"Let us prepare."

A mysterious slither sounds throughout the cave as a boy fixes  his glasses. The slight ray of sunlight coming from the outside burts in and causes a gleam to show on the clear lense. So perfect to show the menace in the teens eyes. He chuckles lowly and dangerously.

" No need to worry Orichimaru- sama. Your plan is going perfectly..."

-Back in Konoha-


 My hands start to tremble. My eyes widen and dialate. I take a step back from the two worried adults infront of me. 

"W-Wha...?" I ask unsure of my ownself. Unsure if i heard right.

"Kumiko. You have to understand this. I had a strong intuition that this would happen oneday."

I gulp loudly as i see Kakashi- sensei bend his head down. I clench my fists.

"Let me inform you on something." I jerk my head back to Tsunede as she takes a deep breath and continues. "The shinobi world is at a stand still. We're also at our most raw and vulnerable state." I furrow my eyes more and pay close attention. "I don't know if you were aware of this but...."

I wait for the rest as she looks towards Kakashi. He nods.

She continues.

"We're in the middle of war right now."

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now