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And finally, Fire is stronger then wind."
I smirk and turn to Naruto. He glares at me. 
"So what your saying is, if i train hard enough, i'll be able to kick naruto's ass in a chakra nature battle?" The blonde genin's eyes widen in playful anger. I laugh.
"Yes, exactly." Naruto face plants into the ground. I start laughing loudly. "Why you little-"
Naruto begins forming a fist to me.
I put my hands up in front of me in defence. I hear Kakashi laugh.
"Now that you know all about chakra, it's time to get to the serious training. ",he says seriously to me.  I turn to him. I smirk.    

"Bring it on..."  

        "I like your attitude Yoshikuni." Kakashi smiles and at me and says. I smile back and make a tight fist. 
"If i wanna be the best, i gotta act the best! Am i right?" I grin widely at him. He stared at me with curiosity. I blink confusingly.  "What?" I ask him bluntly. 
"It's just... You..." I blink and gesture for him to continue. "It's just... You remind me so much of Naruto most of the time..."
I gasp. 'Is it really that noticable?' I ask myself in my head.
I mean... I always knew Naruto and I had alot in common, but... this is getting officially WEIRD. I look to my right to see Naruto zoned out of our conversation getting frustrating from his stubborn tilting headband.
"Damn it..." I hear him mumble I blink again owlishly and shrug. I turn straightly at him.
"Well. Let's get this show on the road! YOSH!" I run over to the middle of the field again and wait to hear foot steps behind me. I wait a bit, but hear nothing. I turn around slowly to the two ninjas.
"Coming?" I speak. Kakashi scratches his head while walking slowly towards me.

Haha. He's still being cautious about the last "incident".

"Uh... Well how bout' we take a little break? You've been working very hard. Not to mention Naruto's getting a little grumpy over there." He turns to the genin. I look over to see Naruto grinding his teeth trying to put on back his jacket... the right way... with no luck... I sweatdrop and chuckle.
"Yeah. I guess so. He's getting fussy." I laugh even more.
'He's like a little kid!' I stop laughing and smile gently. Naruto stops and innocently turns his whiskered face to me.
He tilts it cutely and asks,"Eh ?" I secretly have a war with my inner fangirl.
I blush. 'KAWAII!!!!' I put my hands on my cheeks and smile widley.  

As the three of us walk into the bustling village, I turn to Naruto to see stars in his eyes, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, and his hands on his head with a wide stance. I slightly and ever so slowly turn. 'That could only mean...' I fully turn my body to face the famous Ichiraku Ramen. 'Yup.' I say to myself while i sweatdrop. But i then smile the widest i ever did before as i realize something. 'THIS IS MY CHANCE TO TASTE THE BEST RAMEN OUT THERE. AND IN THE NARUTO WORLD!'  I start to jump up and down as Kakashi and Naruto turn to me.

I look up at Naruto's face and yell,"Ramen! Ramen! Ramen! Ramen! Pleaaaase~" I clasp my tired hands together as i plead for us to go inside. I continue with my puppy dog eyes as Kakashi- sensei and Naruto turn to look at eachother. They blink and Naruto turns back to me.
"So i'm guessing you like ramen too Kumiko- chan?" Naruto asks me smiling brightly.  I nod enthusiastically and continue my hyper self to bounce around a little bit. Naruto grins wider and quickly grabs my hand. We make our way like little kids. Our faces filled with anticipation thinking of warm, yummy miso pork ramen on our taste buds. He continues to drag my almost druling self to the small resteraunt.  He takes his free hand to lift of the flaps out of our faces as we take a seat on the red stools. I sit down and Naruto let's go of my hand. I frown a bit and pout. He turns his face towards me.  "Hm..? What's wrong Kumiko- chan?" 'Oh nothing. Nothing at all. I just want to hold your warm, soft hands all day.' 
"I'm just tired." I smile fakely as i sit up.
"Oh. Okay!" Gosh, i'm glad he's such an idiot... I look up to a booming voice of an old man.
"Naruto! Expected you sooner! Oh..." He looks at me as he notices my surprised figure. "And who's this young lady?" He leans on my front counter and waits for an answer from the famous shinobi. 
"Oh! Yeah. Old man Ichiraku, i want you to meet my new friend, Kumiko-chan! Kumiko- chan, this is Old man Ichiraku. He's only the best ramen chef out there!" Naruto gives his signature thumbs up as the old man laughs and blushes a little. 
"Haha! Well! If it's one of Naruto's NEW friends, i'll make this one on the house!" He quickly begins to set up.
"What would ya like?" I grin appretiatevly. And look at Naruto, the same look on his whiskered face.  "Thanks Old man!"
"Yeah! Thanks!" I repeat after him. He laughs and replies,"No problem! What would ya like?" 
"PORK MISO RAMEN!!!" Naruto and I yell EXACTLY at the same time. We look at eachother with surprised faces. We turn to the resteraunt owner. He let's out a loud laugh.
"Well, if it isn't thing 1 and thing 2!" He continues his making of the ramen naruto and i yelled out.  We turn back to eachother and blink a few times. 
We soon begin to laugh... HARD.
After wiping our tears away we continue to wait for our food to get finished. I place my head on my hand and gently smell the food getting made infront of me. I smile warmly.  

        That was unexpected.... She's different. I can't really explain it... She's just... easy to talk too.  We obviously have alot in common. I even heard Kakashi- sensei chatting about how similar we are to her back on the field.  Speaking of which... Maybe i should get to know a little bit more about her. She clearly knows everything there is about me. So now, it's her turn.  I turn my head slightly to begin shooting out question when i notice her relaxed face facing the food being done by the busy chef. I can't seem to turn my sight away. 

There's something about her... 

So interesting...
So unique...
So mysterious...  



I snap out of my thoughts when i see a wave of a hand infront of my dreamy face. I follow the limb to see it belongs to Kumiko.
"Naru-kun... You okay?" I immediantly go all red. 
"N-Naru-kun?!" She tilts her head and nods. 
"Yeah... We are friends. So it IS okay if i give you a nickname... right?" My face cools down as i think about it.
'Yeah... i like that...' I smile thoughtfully. 'I've never had a nickname before... Well... Except dobe...' I twitch as i think about those days. But i feel warm all inside at the same time. I continue the smile right after. I see her soften her facial features and she turns away. 
"Good..." I hear her mumble. "I like that name anyway." She smiles more.  I sigh happily. 
"Here ya go! Enjoy!" Old man places the two steaming bowls infront of us. Both our eyes light up like christmas trees. 

"ITADAKUMASU!!~" We say in unison. We start to dig in. I slightly face her as i stuff noodles in my mouth. I see slurping away, clearly enjoying the best food in the world. I chuckle and continue to dig in.

Best meal yet.

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now