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(Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!')

I try my best to control my fangirl jumping for joy inside as i reply,"Well!... I DO BELIEVE IT!" I give him a thumbs up while i give him the most flashy smile i can give him. He gapes and has a look of surprise on his face.

"W-wha...?" I look at him confused.

"What'd you say?" He asks me.

I tilt my head and reply,"Well... you said that you were gonna one day be the Hokage... and... I said i believed it...? Did i say something wrong?!" I put my hands up in front of me as i start to worry.

"N-no! It's just that... No one's, you know... ever believed in me..." He scratches his head and looks down. My face softens and i touch his shoulder. "I do!! BELIEVE IT!!" I mimic him. He laughs and i join in.

We stop and look at eachother.

Kumiko and Naruto POV:

I'm pretty sure... This is gonna be the start of a great friendship....



Naruto and I were talking and walking through the streets of Konoha. While he was teaching me all the things about the shinobi world (which i already knew) I was off in my world which Naruto was oblivious too because i'm naturally excellent at zoning out.

I wonder if my grandparents miss me...

I wonder if my friends are worrying...

When will i get home?

Will i EVER return home?




This is awesome, i admit that...

But i can't help but feel home sick...

I fail to notice the depressing auta starting to surround me. I clench my fists and fight to hold the tears threatening to fall out of my eyes.

I just wanna go home...

I stop walking and about 2 metres infront of me, Naruto finally notices me in my state.

"Kumiko-chan?" I don't answer back.

Please...just... leave me alone.

I clench my fists tighter begging the tears about to fall not to.

Suddenly, with no surprise...

They do.

Naruto's POV:

I stop in my tracks to see her behind me. Her bangs casting a shadow on her face. I look down to see her hands trembling. I give a worried look as i begin to make me way back to her precence. As i reach my hand out to touch her shoulder...

I begin to see tears falling from her eyes.

"K-Kumiko....chan...? Why are you crying?" I begin to panick as i realize the state she's in.

What's going on?

I make my way to her body and place my hand under her face.

I don't really know how to handle these kinda things but... i'll give it a try.

"Oi... Kurumi-chan. You okay? Why are you sad?" She whimpers more. I begin to lift her face and ny eyes widen a bit.

Streams of tears falling down her face.

Her face turns red and she tries to turn away, but i force her to look at me. "Kumiko-chan! Tell me! What's the matter?!" I begin to get frustrated at how she tries to turn away but i keep her there. My voice is softer as i ask her,"Please...Tell me." I wait for a reply.

A few moments later, barely a whisper, i hear her say,"I...I miss home..." She tries her best to stop the tears from falling out of her eyes like a waterfall.

I frown deeply. "Then... I can help you get home if you want." I reasure her and tell her in a bold voice. She opens her swollen eyes and whispers to me,"It's not that simple Naruto-kun...I don't know if i can go back." More tears start to fall freely from her eye lids. I give her a confused look as i let my hand fall from her face.

Then i ask her,"What do you mean?"

She stops whimpering and turns away slightly. "I don't think i can tell you..." She shifts her eyes.

I continue to give her a curious stare. She can't go home? Why is that? And why can't she tell me? I mean... we're friends now.....


"kumiko..." I begin,"Are we friends?" She quickly looks at me and her face softens.

"Of course! I like you alot too!" She says in a excited voice but still sniffling. I blush a bit but grin widely.

"I like you too!" I reply to her just as excited. "Now..." I change my voice to a serious tone."Why can't you go home?" She widens her eyes but soon turns away completely from me. "If i tell you... Will you promise not to think i'm lying?" She turns back around and on her face is a stern face. I open my mouth a little to say something but close it back. She takes a step closer towards me and continues,"Promise?" She looks at me straight in the eye. After a few moments of silence...

I nod.

Ending Song : Secret Base

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