Ruby Eyes...

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(Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto world?!')

Then the power goes out. 'What the heck...' I put down my manga and walk over to the window.

Last thing i remember was a loud flash. Everything goes black


I feel my body consious again. I flutter my eyes open and look around. I try to move. A spark of pain rushes through my body and i collapse on the soft grass again. 'OK! OK! BAD IDEA! BAD IDE--Wait... grass?' I furrow my eye brows and slowly get up ignoring the throbbing of my whole body. I look around and notice i'm in a "Feild? What the fu--" I drop to the ground again as i feel a extrutiating pain rip through my body. I don't black out. But i don't move at all.

My visions blurry and i notice a figure walking towards me. I close my eye lids.

Kakashi's POV:

I yawn as i walk around the feild for a bit of a nice stroll.'Got a S-rank mission so might aswell enjoy myself while it lasts.' I take my eyes off my Icha Icha novel and notice a body in the bushes about 10 feet away from me. I look around in confusion. I keep walking and put my book away. I pull a single kunai just in case. You can never be too careful...

As i inspect the body i notice it's a teenage girl. She doesn't look like she's around here. Maybe another village i suppose? No... That's not it...

I put away my kunai in my back pocket and inspect even closer. She's quite beautiful. I notice she has dark brown hair. Her body is well toned so maybe she's a shinobi? As i lean in closer i see her eyes begin to open. My eyes widen at the sight. When she fully opens them i see the most beautiful, brilliant, sparkling, saphire red eyes. I snap out of my trance and ask the young lady,"Why are you here lying on the ground? The sun is setting so maybe your parents would be worried?" She doesn't answer. I slowly and carefully place my hands under her body and roll her over. To my horror, i look at a big, bloody gash in the side of her torso. I start to panic slightly. I quickly but carefully pull her up and turn her around to place her on my back. I look down to see a huge pool of blood on the dirt. My eyes widen even more as i leap off towards Konoha.

As i'm traveling i slightly turn my head to see her resting on my back. I give a worried expression but then think,'She looks about Naruto and Sakura's age... I wonder how this happend...' I continue on my to the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

When i reach my destination, i run to the hospital. I yell,"We've got an emergency here!" I see a nurse turn around and she gapes at the trail of blood behind me on the white floor. She then looks up to look at the mysterious girl. She runs over to me and says,"Mind carrying her to the room?! Oh my goodness! How did this happen?!" "I don't know. I found her in the training feild." She gives me a confused look but then some other nurses rush in. One of them pulling a gernie. I slowly let go of her and place her on the moving bed.

"Kakashi-san. You better clean yourself up." I furrow my eye brow and look at my green jacket. I notice it's covered in blood. I sadden but smile at her.


She smiles sadly at me and makes her way to the rushing group of nurses trying to save the mysterious girl with saphire ruby as her eyes

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now