I Felt Lucky!

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(Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto world?!')

"Kakashi-san. You better clean yourself up." I furrow my eye brow and look at my green jacket. I notice it's covered in blood. I sadden but smile at her.


She smiles sadly at me and makes her way to the rushing group of nurses trying to save the mysterious girl with saphire ruby as her eyes


Naruto's POV:

Why does Tsunede-baachan always have to bother me at the worst times? I mean, C'MON! I'm on my way to ask Sakura-chan if she wants to have some ramen with me and then BOOM! And i was feeling lucky today...

I sulk as i make my way to the hokage tower. 'I wonder what she needs anyway?'

As i make my way to the tower, i pass the hospital. I see Kakashi- sensei walking out of the hospital. With clothes covered in blood. I inwardly gasp and run over to him.

"Kakashi- sensei!! You okay?!" I make a few circles around him to find any injuries. Surely if he was just in the hospital, they would've fixed anything wrong, right? I find nothing. I look at his face with confusion. He suddenly chuckles.

"Nah. I'm alright Naruto. Just a little incident. It was someone else who got hurt." My eyes widen.

"Well, are THEY alright? Who was it? How did they get hurt? Was it a bad guy? Was it a mission? How come i wasn't invited?!" I keep shooting him multiple questions due to my adhrenaline.

"Slow down Naruto. First. I'm not sure yet. Second. It was a girl i found in the training feild. Third. I don't know. Fourth. No, it wasn't a mission and Fifth--.... Wait... what was the next question again?" I let out a dramatic sigh and make my way past him but then stop and slowly turn around.

"Wait. It was a girl? How bad is the injury?" I ask him.

"Yeah, she was actually about your age." I blink and ask again.

"Is it bad?"

He lowers his head and replies," I don't really want to say Naruto. She looked pretty beaten up to me..."

I frown a little. 'I wonder how that happend' I wonder silently.

"But what i can tell you is that the injury was quite serious." I raise my head in interest."She had a big opening on the side of her waist. She lost alot of blood." I frown more. I see his eyes close in amusement. "And she was quite pretty. She's not from around here, i can tell you that. So why don't you see if she needs any company?" I grin big and nod excitedly.

"Hai! Kakashi- sensei!" I run over to the hospital and enter the doors. I go to the front desk and ask the nurse,"Any girl just enter the hospital recently?" I look over the counter and tap my foot immpatiently. She stops flipping through the pages and looks up at me.

"Why yes, there was. Do you know her young man?"

I sweatdrop and lie,"Uh...yeah. A good friend of mine."

She then looks at me funny and i try not to shift my eyes nervously. "Alright. Room 279."

I smile and bow slightly before decending my way through the hospital rooms.

Ending Song : Secret Base

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