Chakura Dentaku no Jutsu!

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[Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!']

We soon let go of our tight hug. Not letting go. Just loosening.

She looks up at me and gives me a sparkling grin.

I feel my cheeks heat up and my mouth opens a little in amazement. 

But then her red eyes widen in wonder...

'It can't be...' I think to myself as we stare at eachother.

'I'm pretty sure that...'


'I'm in love...'



"Master. We have confirmed that the jutsu was a success. Her precense is now in our universe."

An evil kakkle bounces off the stone walls creating a dark echo.

"... Excellent. Now we can begin..."

~Back in Konoha~

"YAAWN! Ngh... That mission was a bore..."

"Ugh. Naruto! I'm pretty sure we're all aware that you thought that mission was a bore! What'd you expect idiot?!" A pink haired konoichi's pale hand quickly comes down to the face of a complaining individual. A hard slam voices through the forests.

"GAH! SAKURA- CHAN~!" Naruto rubs his red hand stained cheek starts to throb after a good smack from his long time crush, team mate and close friend, Haruno Sakura. 

"Tch. C'mon Sakura! You don't have to be so hard on him!" A brunette says walking between her two bestfriends. "Just leave him be!"

As a result, Sakura sucks her teeth and turns around quickly. "Hmph! Fine! Only because you said so Kumiko- chan!" The female shinobi continues to sulk with her body facing the opposite way of her team mates. 

Kumiko smiles gently but then soon starts to laugh. She turns toward the poutting blond. She pats his spikey hair. "There, there. No need to cry. It's just a little boo boo." 

The teen gasps at the girls statement. "OI! I'M UZUMAKI NARUTO! DON'T TREAT ME LIKE A BABY!" He curls up his fist and glares playfully at the happy female genin. 

"You know, according to one of these books i have here, you aren't really supposed to make rough physical contact with one of your 'friends'." A soft voice enters the enthusiastic conversation. "See. Look here. Page 234, secion 18." He places the book infront of Sakura's face but she snatches it away and crumples it up in her hands. She grins her teeth too. "

"I know that..." She says darkly.

"Then why did you--"

"SHUT UP SAI!" The poor and pale shinobi sweatdrops and backs away. 

A voice cuts them off. "Looks like this mission ticked all of us off. But i still gotta pay a visit to Tsunede's." Kumiko sighs heavily and rolls her eyes. She hangs her head low. "I just wanna go home and sleep..." 

Sakura walks beside her and gives her a curious stare. "Oh? Why do you have to visit Tsunede-sama?" She asks. 

"I don't know... Before i started training with Naruto and Kakashi- sensei, she said she wanted to do some tests on me? But we never got the time because i was so occupied with the training." The pink haired teen furrows her eyes brows. 


Kumiko turns her face towards hers. "I have no idea either." She admits. "Anyways. Gotta go!" She begins to run deeper into the village they just entered. 


The running girl gives him a salluting sign as the continues down the pathway to the Hokage tower.

-10 Minutes later-


I make my way to the Hokage's main office. I soon reach it and knock. 

"Come in." I hair a women say sternly. 

I turns the door knob and enter slowly. I turn around to the red door and close it again. I bow as i walk to her front desk curaintly piled up messily with papers that had old dates on it. I try not to smile at the leaders procrastination.

"You wanted to see me Tsunede?" I ask as i sit down. 

"Yes." She continues to stare at me with eyes i can't read. Wonder maybe? Is that amazment i see aswell? I shift my eyes to show my awkwardness. She sighs and keeps her folded fingers together while she sits back in her chair. She closes her eyes and looks up at the sealing. I wait patiently to know as to what the point of me coming here was. 

The blonde kage suddenly stands up from her chair. She walks over to a shelf and searches. She pulls out a small scroll. She turns to me. 

"See this?" She asks holding it up. i nod. "This is a special scroll. It hasn't been used for 16 years." I tilt my head. "It's name is Chakura dentaku (literally meaning chakra calculator). What it does is it calculates how strong a person's chakra level is. We mostly use this for academy students to know which categories we can put them in."

"How's it work though?" I ask wondering.

"Well..." She begins."You know what a ninja seal is?" I nod immediantly."It's similar to that. However, it's exactly the opposite." Igive her a stupid confused face.

"Eh..." She chuckles. 

"Yeah. I hadn't quite caught on aswell." She chuckles more while nodding but then continues. "Basically, it's like this. How a seal is used is putting someone else's chakra into the paper so it connects with the solid's chakra." I nod. "But, for this. It takes AWAY the chakra. Thus, letting us see the amount of chakra your body is capable of sustaining.

"Oh! So it's basically just a reverse type of seal!"  She nods.

"Exactly." she answers.

"So then uh... what about it?"

She walks up to my sitting figure. 

"I'm going to see how much chakra you possess Kumiko." I tilt my head. 

"Um yeah, about that. Why have you been so fixated on the amound of chakra i have in me? Is something wrong with my chakra?" 

"Not exactly." She speaks. "I have this feeling. It can be good..." I nod happily in understanding. "But it can turn out to be the worst thing possible..." I stop nodding and look up at her. 

"You lost me again."

"Here." She opens the scroll And pulls out a piece of paper that read 

'計算する' on it. She slaps in onto my forehead and does quick hand signs.

"Chakura dentaku No Jutsu!" 

I stand there shocked and scared

I look around. 

I blink.

I turn my body around and search myself. 

I look up at Tsunede. "Hm? W-What did you do?" I blink again confusingly. 

She takes the seal off of my forehead and starts to search it as she walk back towards her desk. She slams it on the desk. 

I look at it.

When i look back up i furrow my eyeborws worringly. 

At this moment, I witness Tsunede's eyes filled with astonishment, amazement, shock...

And terror.

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now