Get too it!

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[Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!']

"So uh... how was your sleep?" He asks me. My ruby eyes widen and they dart towards his face. He grins happily and innocently, unaware of what i'm thinking about... "Uh..." I begin.   Should i really tell him i met the nine- tailed- fox sealed inside of him?


Tsunade's POV:

This is bad... real bad...

I bite my nail as i tap my finger on my wooden desk. I look up at my assistant currently looking at me with a frantic face.

"Tsunade- sama--" "I know!" I interupt her. She jumps at the irritation in my voice. I sigh and bend over, rubbing my temples with both hands. 

'What should i do...?' I think to myself. 'WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?!' I squeeze my hazel eyes shut as i hear the clashes of medal outside. 

The lightbulb suddenly and finally goes off in the head. I turn too Shizune. "Get Naruto." She responds,"Hai! Right away Hokage- sama!" 

"Also inform him this is a critical situation. We're being attacked my reanimations." She nods abrubtly and begins to walk towards the door.

"Oh! And Shizune!" She turns around to me. "Also tell him he'll need kyuubi mode for this." Her eyes widen and she furrows her eyebrows. "H-hai!"

As she walks out, i make my way too my window. I cross my arms as i look at the war currently taking place outside. 'Naruto...' I begin. 

'I'm counting on you...'

Naruto's POV:

    My cheeks were starting too hurt by now. The giant grin on my face wouldn't go away! HOW COULD IT!

"S-so... She actually said that to you? NO JOKE?!" I ask Kumiko-chan happily.

She nods brightly and smiles. "Yup! I'm good to go! She also says i'll be fine!" I jump up and punch the air. I hear her laugh. But soon, i hear her speak again. "One thing though..." I stop celebrating and slowly bring my right hand down too my side. She looks up at me with serious eyes. "I have to learn how to control this chakra. If i don't get right too it, i'm still in the same situation as before." She looks down. I frown. I clench my fists and look at her.

"Oi!" She jumps at my loud outburst. I push a thumbs up in her face. She looks at it and back to me with a confused face. "THEN GET TOO IT!" I say supportivly. She looks at me with wide eyes, but a happy smile soon replaces it. She places her thumb infront of my face aswell. "HAI!" 

"Naruto- kun!" We both get startled at the sudden slam of the door. Shizune...? "We need your help!" She says frantically. Kumiko and i exchange looks. I start to walk towards the black haired women. "Eh...? W-why? What's the matter?" 

"We have a code red! We've been ambushed by reanimated anbu! A team of shinobi were put to fight them around the out skirts of the village!!" She reports to me. My eyes widen drastically. "WHAT?!" I begin to run too the wide opened door. I stop and look back at Kumiko, currently with a face of worry. I gulp heavily and look at Shizune.

"Naruto. These aren't any other kind of anbu..." She begins. "You'll need to go into kyuubi mode for this." I let go of the door. "These shinobi were trained by the first Raikage..." I clench my teeth and close my eyes. I open them back up and shoot a stern face at Kumiko and Shizune. I nod decisively and take my first step out. 

"Naruto!" I turn back my head at the sound of Kumiko's voice. I stare at her figure.

She gives me a thumbs up and flashes me a bright, beautiful smile with her eyes gently closed. "Get too it!"

My stressed frown turns into a confident smirk. "Hai."

  I then begin to make my way to the battle field once again.

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now