The Truth Comes Out

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(Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!)

"kumiko..." I begin,"Are we friends?" She quickly looks at me and her face softens.

"Of course! I like you alot too!" She says in a excited voice but still sniffling. I blush a bit but grin widely.

"I like you too!" I reply to her just as excited. "Now..." I change my voice to a serious tone."Why can't you go home?" She widens her eyes but soon turns away completely from me. "If i tell you... Will you promise not to think i'm lying?" She turns back around and on her face is a stern face. I open my mouth a little to say something but close it back. She takes a step closer towards me and continues,"Promise?" She looks at me straight in the eye. After a few moments of silence...

I nod.


Kumiko's POV:

After Naruto agrees to listen to me i take his hand and we make our way to the park. I soon spot a bench and i take a seat on it. Naruto not so soon after takes a seat beside me.

I place my shaky hands in my lap and look down at them.

What am i even suppose to say?

'Oh hey yeah. So naruto. I'm from another universe and i have no idea why i came here. Oh! And by the way! You guys are anime characters in this awesome series called Naruto! AND I'M A BIIIGGG FAN!'

Yeah... no...

I sweat drop at myself thinking about what to say. I slightly look to my side to see Naruto waiting patiently for me to explain why i can't go home.

i take a deep breath and decide the best angle of this situation.

I got no choice but to be blunt about this.

I look up and smile a little. He smiles sadly back at me. I lower my gaze and begin to talk.

"I'm not from here, Naruto." I say clearly. He tilts his head cutely and replies,"I know that. But, what i wanna know is... Why can't you move back if you don't like it here?" I shoot up my head and explain,"No! No! No! I LOVE it here actually! I don't wanna leave! But... i can't help but feel a little homesick..."

He nods slowly. "Again. I can help you get back if you want me to. I insist!" He yells with a thumbs up. I laugh.

"It would be an honour if you could assist me in doing that. But this situation calls for serious problems." He opens his eyes again from the smile and he gestures me to continue on.

I take a even deeper breath.


Here goes nothing...

"I from... another universe..." I close my eyes and wait for the are-you-freakin-crazy laugh from the blond shinobi beside me. Instead, after waiting awhile for it, i look up to see what the deal is with the silence. I stare at Naruto to see him with a blank face. "It's okay if you think i'm crazy now. But! I can prove it to you!"He blinks.

"Kumiko-chan... This is--"

"Please! Give me a chance..." He nods his head hesitantly. I look down at my fidgeting hands, then back at his face dead in the eye. "Your favourite food is Pork miso ramen. You're favourite colours are Red and orange. You're 16 years old. You're birthday is October 10th. You're parents name's were Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. You're sensei's name was Jiraiya. They're all deceased. Cause of death was by the Kyuubi trying to protect you. And pain killed your sensei. You have a crush on Haruno Sakura. You're dream is to become the hokage. It used to be to be awknowldged but now it's to protect those innocent and those you care about. Uchiha Sasuke. You're bestfriend and rival. Left the village 3 years ago to get revenge on his brother Uchiha Itachi. You won't stop until you get him back to this village where he belongs. And you're ninja way is 'I never go back on my word'. Last but not least... You're a jinchuuruki. The vessel to the Nine Tailed fox, Kurama..." I took a deep breath and shut my eyes tight. I opened one eye to see Naruto staring at my with a look mixed with shock, astonishment, confusin, disbelief... And... I squint my eyes to look closer in his cerlean blue eyes... and i think i see scared...

I gulp and wait for a response. "H-how did you... how did you..."

"I told you already Naruto. I'm from another world." I tell him in a stern way. He swallows and places his mow pointing finger down again.

"B-but this is... this is impossible. How did you even--" "I don't know." I interupt him. "That's what i'm trying to figure out." I tighten my fists as i think to why i even came here. Or more importantly, how.

"You weren't kidding when you told me you couldn't get back home huh?" He says sheepishly. I laugh in return.

"What do you think i should do?" I ask him with hope in my eyes. He rubs the back of his heads.

"I have no idea. I guess until we figure out something, you'll just have to hold up a little." I smile.

"Yeah... you're probaly right." There's a sudden silence. Comfortable though.

"We should probaly head back. Tsunede said she would give me my keys to my new home!" My voice breaks the long pause. He smiles up at me.

"Yeah!" I grab his hand and pull him up. He places his hands in his pocket and we start walking back to the Hokage tower.

"Oh and Naruto." He turns to me. "Please don't tell anyone about this." He grins and gives me two thumbs up. "You bettcha!" I smile showing my teeth.

We continue to make our way down Konoha streets.

Ending Song : Secret Base

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I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now