You're late!

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chirp chirp chirp chirp ...

  I slowly open my eyes to the soft noises of birds outside. I immediantly start to sofly smile. 'Another day...In the NARUTO world...'
I pull the covers off of me excitedly as the rays of the bright sun hit my pupils, but i didn't care. I start to wiggle and squee in my cool blanket hyperly. I come to a stop a few moments after. I make a sigh as i drop my hands to my stomach again. I turn my head to the right to look out the window. I decide it's best to go nearer so i step off my bed. My feet making pitter patter noises as i walk to the bright opening. As i place my elbows on my windows ledge, i place my chin on my right palm.  I look out to see the village waking up. Kids playing. Chasing eachother. People shopping at little stores. Two little puppies playing tag. And finally, the Hokage mountain.
I sigh dreamily. "I can't believe this is really happening..." I think to myself outloud.  I witness a butterfly elegeantly making it's way infront of my windows view. I watch curiously as i stick out my hand and wait to see if it's brave enough to make a soft landing on my out streched finger.  It hovers above my thin tanned index finger, and then finally decides. It slowly flutters it's way on it. I smile. I sigh sadly when i decide it's about time to get ready to go to the training fields. "Maybe we can hang out next time little buddy. But for now, i gotta practice my ninja skills." I say proudly to the blue and gold insect currently sitting patiently on my hand.
I flick my finger a bit and the beautiful animal makes its way into the bright blue sky. I watch it fly off into the distance. I turn around and walk over to the clock on my desk. It said 7:05 am. And i was supposed to meet Naruto and Kakashi by 8:30. Or in this case, just Naruto... That little pervert and his stupid little erotic books. Speaking of which, i've always wanted to see what's inside...   I fail to notice the evil thinking glint in my eye. I escape from my current state and stroll over to the bathroom to get ready.
After i've put on my clothes, i get the bandages and wrap it around my forearm and hand. I then get my kunai pouch and strap it on like a belt. I walk over to the bag of weapons and grab a few shuriken and kunai. I nod in approval and finally bend down to pick up the Konoha headband. I grin enthusiastically. I tie it on slowly as to remember this very moment when i offically can say i'm a Leaf Ninja... Well, a very bad one.
        I make a double naught and fix it in place.  "Yosh!" I walk over to my mirror and stare at my reflection. I make a tight fist. "Make all those combat skills from your world come in handy, Kumiko..." I encourage myself.  I walk out of my room and to my front door. I grab my keys and walk out. I then lock it behind me. I walk out of the building and into the lively village.  As I walk around i place my eyes on different people...things...items, things like that. 
A little girl runs infront of me getting chased my a boy about her age. "Sorry pretty lady!" The boy apoligizes as he runs away laughing. I flush a little. 'Me...? Pretty? Whoa...'  Forgot to mention too, when i popped up in this world, i wa no longer flesh and bones. I was an ANIME character... Surprised? Don't be. It IS the Naruto world. But i do gotta admit it, I have red eyes in my world, but they're even brighter in the anime universe! I've always hated my red eyes but i guess it's a different story over here.

        I begin to walk around to see if there's any market places to get a quick snack. I see a local dango stand and i smile happily. I jog over and order. "Two mitarashi dango sticks please!" I say as i give the old man 350 ryō.
"Coming right up missy!" I wait a bit impatiently for my food but not so long after he hands me both dango sticks.
"Thanks!" I say smiling and walking away at the same time. 
"Anytime!" He replies happily back to me. I devour one dango stick in a minute. I then eat the other one just as fast. I sigh in relief and laugh.
"Now! To the training grounds!!" I say running towards the feild.  

When i finally reach the training grounds, i begin to search for the blonde genin. I look around the feilds and spot a body throwing some weapons at a wooden trunk. I smile widely and start running towards it. "Naruto!" I yell towards him waving my hands. I see him stop what he's doing and he turns towards me.  "Ah! Kumiko-chan! You're here right on time!"
"Yup! I was so excited! I made sure i was on time! Unlike some people..." I say to Naruto thinking about a certain jonin who's silver hair defies gravity.
"Haha. Yeah..." Naruto tells me while sweatdropping.
"Anyways, what do you want me to do, Naruto-sensei?" I ask him. I see a blush creep onto his face while he inwarldy gasps at what i just told him. I titl my head in wonder.
"What?" I ask Naruto.
"Y-you called me... sensei?" I giggle slightly while closing my eyes.
"Well, yeah. You ARE going to teach me to become a good shinobi like you, right?" I say while smiling slightly towards him. He puts his hand on his chin and looks up with a thinking face. I stare curiously. "Hm... I guess you're right... But! Just call me Naruto! It sounds a bit weird to be called that..."
I laugh and reply back,"When you become Hokage, don't expect your people to call you just by your first name." I explain in between slight giggles.
He turns to me and gives me a warm smile.
"Yo." We turn around to hear a deep voice behind us. 
"Ah! Kakashi-sensei! You're late!" Naruto yells childishly to the silver haired shinobi.
"Not my fault. I got lost on--" "You got lost on the path of life. Yeah yeah. Like i never heard that one before..." Naruto interupts him while walking away.
I start to laugh and i turn my red orbs towards Kakashi- sensei. I see his dark eyes glaring at me. I immediantly stop laughing and suck in a breath. "Heh heh... sorry..." I say sheepishly while rubbing the back of my neck and sweatdropping. 
"Yeah yeah... Well, shall we get started with your training Kumiko?" He asks me while pulling something out of his pocket. I nod and we head to the field.
"First, let's see how good you are right now. I want to see how much and what we have to practice with you." He explains to me simply. 
"Hai!" I say formally.
"Then...Let's get started." I get into a fighting stance and look and Naruto. He gives me a supportive thumbs up with a bright smile. I smile back.  I suddenly hear a chime in front of me. I see Kakashi smirk.
"Ready?" He asks me. I look at the bells in his hand.

"I was born ready..."

I'm In The Naruto World?! (Uzumaki Naruto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now