"We're sorry..."

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warning: strong angst

"Here ya go! Enjoy!" Old man places the two steaming bowls infront of us. Both our eyes light up like christmas trees. 

"ITADAKUMASU!!~" We say in unison. We start to dig in. I slightly face her as i stuff noodles in my mouth. I see slurping away, clearly enjoying the best food in the world. I chuckle and continue to dig in.  

Best meal yet.

NARUTO'S POV: After finishing our ramen, we decide to take a walk around the village. 
  As we're walking i decide in my head that it's the perfect moment to get to know her. I start to speak,"So... Kumiko-chan..." She turns towards me. 
I smile and begin,"What's your favourite colour?"


What the hell is wrong with me?  

I mentally facepalm myself as she giggles. 'What's your favourite colour? That's the best question you could come up with, Naruto?!' 
I was about to tell her nevermind, when she speaks.

"Orange and red." She grins towards me. I tilt my head. 
"Same here!" I grin back. I put my fingers on my chin as i think of another question to ask her. "Favourte food?" She looks at me with wide eyes.
"Oh! Of course. It's ramen, right?" She laughs and nods. 

I think of another question.....      

"Tell me about your family."    

Her face instantly drops. 

I slow down my walk and wait for an answer. 
"Kumiko-chan?" She looks towards me.

And then it hits me. "Oh... Um... Sorry if i made you feel more home sick..." I apoligize. 
"It's okay! I actually needed a little time from my family anyway..." I give kumiko a confused face. 
"A little time?" She nods. 
"It's nothing." She reassures hesitantly. I frown. 
"What's the matter? Did something happen?"  She stops her strolling. I stop beside her and wait patiently. "Is it your parents?" I ask. She looks down a bit and starts walking again. I keep my precense and wait again. She turns her face to me and smiles sadly.          

"They're dead."

  I immediantly stop in my tracks and look at her in astonishment. "I-..." I begin. "I'm so sorry."  "It's okay..." She answers.
"You're in the same situation." I gape at her response. I frown more.

I continue to look at her saddened expression and forward my eyebrows.
"There's more to it then that. Isn't there?"  


I jump a little at that remark. 
'This boy isn't as stupid as he looks...' I look around.  I Look around in hope to see if i can find a comeback. Something to hide my problems. 
I don't want him worrying... 
"No. There isn't. I promise." I force myself to smile at his worried face.
His face turns not to a smile... but serious. "Tell me." He demands. I continue to look around trying to find a reassuring answer.  I don't want him finding out. If he finds out, i'm sure he'll over react... I don't want that. I hate sympathy!  
I gulp...  

I can't find a good enough excuse...

I look up hesitantly and blink. He waits for my answer. "And don't lie." I cringe at the comment.  "Fine..." He gestures for me to go on...

  I begin.  
"I was adopted. My grandparents adopted me because my real parents didn't care about me at all." I shut my eyes tightly. "One night, i don't know why, but my parents decided to visit me. They asked if i could stay with them a little. My grandparents were worried, but i was the complete opposite. I was happy my mom and dad were finally showing care. So... stated at there house for a little bit. Those few days were like a dream to me... They actually loved me. But then...." I turn away and i see Naruto walk closer to me.  "Go on."  "But then, when we were all asleep... i heard scratches. Being only 10, i was curious... So i snuck out of my bedroom and to the front hall.  I saw a black shadow... That's all i could see. I got so scared... I ran back to my parents room to wake them up. But by time i went back..." I felt tears prickle at the corner of my eyes. "By time i went back, i found out there wasn't only 1 intruder. I saw it all... The second intruder already ruined my life by time i went back to the room. Again, i could only see a dark shadow. I looked closer, and could only see a shiny gleam in the hands of that thing..."  

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkbQ71K3n1M (play while you read)


All i could do is panick. Panick and scream.  I wanted help. 

My parents are still young.  

They don't deserve this.  

God... Are you trying to prove something?

Are you doing this for a reason?

"KUMIKO!!!!! LISTEN TO ME!" I let go of my thought as i run towards the lying figures. 
"Daddy! I can't! I can't leave you!"
"Just do it..." I hear the sound of my dying mom's soothing voice. 

Soothing... That's a first for her...

I run to the closet to get my baseball bat.
As i run, i see a shadow lurking behind me.
And it's fast... VERY fast. I feel beads of sweat forming at my temples as i run as fast as i can towards the bat. I soon reach it.
My heart racing like a gazelle, i grab a hold of it with my shaky, sweaty hands. I squeeze my eyes shut and gather up all the courage i have...
 I turn around and hit the figure as hard as i can. I hear a grunt and a hard fall. I start to wheeze and i make a beeline to the room. My small figure makes a dash for it towards my yelling parents.

"IF YOU HURT HER--" "What are ya gonna do?" I hear a sinister voice reply to my dad's yelling voice. 

"You can't do anything actually... By time we're finished with you... you won't be able to do anything at all... Not even hear the screams from your 'little girl'" He chuckles darkly and i see a gleam again. As i here my mothers sobs i hear from her...  

"We're sorry sweetie..."        

I stare in horror as i see a hand bring down the object towards my parents bodies.

I see it hit them...  


and over...

and over again.

I drop to the floor as a thick liquid splatters against my face. My pupils dialate and my mouth drops open. The gurgling sounds from my mom and dad stops...    


    That's all there is...    
Silence...     I'm in such a state, i don't even cry. I don't sob. I don't whimper... I don't make a sound...

  And i don't dare too.  

The figure clean themselves off and look towards me. They start walking. "Just so you could suffer... We'll let you live..."

And they dissapear...  

I wanted to beg them. 
Beg them to kill me. 
Beg them to end it all here...    

'We're sorry...'  

~End of flashback~   I stare at the ground and wait for words to come out of the ninja's mouth. I look up at him with sad, deep, dull red eyes. 
"You don't have to say anything..." I say as i walk away. I walk past him and he turns around to me.       

"I don't want you too..."

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