An Important Request

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[Previously on 'I'm in the Naruto World?!']

"What are you going to do?"  I jump as the things wicked voice rings in my thoughts.    My mouth drops open slightly. "Yeah...What am i going to do...?" I ask outloud.   Suddenly, i feel an uncontrollable desire to kill erupt all over my body. My teeth grind together and my hands ball up a fist so tight, it would almost bleed. My body begins to shake with anger. Eyes burning with passion.   "Oh, i know exactly what i'm going to do..." My voice comes out quite deep and growled. It sounds dangerous and truly dark.   My eyes abruptly snap open in the real world and i sit up from the nightmare i just had. My face still filled with rage.      

"I'm going to get my revenge..."    


     Piece by piece, I let my good nature go. As I got up from the couch in the fifth Hokage's office and walked out that door, I came to realization.

The realization that I finally broke.

    I broke to reveal a vengeful, blood- lusting, merciless girl. Forunaly, only towards the ones who made me like this. However, those I still care about, I would not let them stand in my way of reaching my goal. My goal of getting those bastards in between my fingers, and hurting them until they begged helplessly for mercy. Although...

they wouldn't be getting any.

   "Kumiko? Where are you going? You can't go out ye--" I walked out the buildings main room and ignored the comments and questions by other shinobi as I kept on shutting door after door on their faces. The rage still evident on my face and tears prickling at my eyes out of frustration.

    I kept on holding in the storm of feelings  and tried not to scream and go haywire right there and then when yet another worried glance made it's way to my fast walking form. I swallowed down the confused emotion and it lay still in the pit of my floppy stomach, making my fists shake with fury.

   My eyes suddenly notice somebody that can help me and I dart towards that person.

"Shizune!" ,my voice calls.

Her body turns towards mine and her eyebrows immediately furrow. "Oh. Kumiko- chan! What's wron--" "Where's Tsunade?" I interupt.

  She gapes and points to a direction. I look there and start to head to my destination without another word. I feel her worried eyes stabbing from behind.

    When I reach the room Shizune pointed out to me, my shakey hand lightly touch the cold, silver door knob. My breathing was hard as I was thinking that this might be my only chance to avenge my parents' gruesome deaths. This might be my only chance to fill the hole in my heart.

   I finally turn the knob and my foot makes it's first step. Tsunade notices and her head turns towards mine, making her blonde hair move with her movements. "Oh, Kumiko. What are you--" "I have something to ask you."

  Her eyebrows furrow and the ice in her glass that she's holding clinks together in the tense silence surrounding us.

"What?", she asks me. She places the alcohol filled cup on the desk beside her. Her form begins to walk towards mine and she gives me hazel eyes filled worry. "What is it?" I gulp and my fists tighten. Tsunade takes notice of this and she places a hand on my shoulder. "Tell me.", her voice urges.

  She continues to search my eyes for answers as quiet engulfs the room completely.

The words finally cut through the silence and I request,

"Let me go to the battlefield."

  I feel her hand twitch on my shoulder. Her eyes widening considerably and staring at me like i'm crazy. "Please." I continue. "Please let me fight as well." She continues to just look at my determined face and she swallows thickly.

Her features say she's taken fully notice of my unwavering face. She's taken full notice of the passion my eyes hold in them. She's taken full notice of the anger, sadness, and unsatisfaction my soul holds. She taken full notice of what my intent is. She's taken full notice of how much I changed.

  "Very well." She concludes. Ruby eyes glisten with hope as I take in the permission  i'm getting from the fifth Hokage of the Leaf Village.

"Thank you." My voice comes out quiet, almost sounding vulnurable. "Thank you..." I say over again.

She forces a smile and pats my shoulder. "But are you sure, Kumiko?" I look up back at her face. "This is not a game. This is real life. This is a war. No doubt about it, you will see comrades die in front of you, and their's a chance you might die as well."

I take a deep breath.

"Whatever it is, i'll do anything and go through anything to reach this goal."  Tsunade's eyes sadden and she nods firmly.

"Yosh. Let's head to HQ then." She begins to walk away. I turn around and begin to follow. I catch up and speak,"But why do we need to go to HQ?" I ask.

"Every corner of the field is where fights with white zetsus are taking place. Know what they are?" She says. I nod.

"Yeah, i do." She gives me a confused look and I shift my eyes.

"You know what I've noticed?" I blink.
"What?" I ask back curiously.
"You know alot. You're a pretty smart girl, aren't you? You know alot about this war." 
I laugh sheepishly. "Y-yeah... I guess so..." She smiles.

'If you only knew...' I sweatdrop as we continue to walk.

"So, we need to get intel on where it's safe to place you to fight first. Afterall, you were just in the hospital. However, you're strong. So, you're lucky. Very lucky indeed." She continues.
I listen intently and nod. "So most likely, you will be placed in the centre." 
"Why the centre?" I ask.

"That's where us five Kage's are fighting."
My mouth opens in surprise. "Naruto placed different clones of himself on each section of the battlefield. The centre is where Naruto's main body is." I look forward and my body tenses.

"So i'll be fighting along side with Naruto and... the five great Kage, eh?" I whisper more to myself.
"Exactly." She answers.

I stop in my tracks. Tsunade halts her walking as well and looks back with a confused face. "What are you doing? Come." I look back at her.

"Has..." I think before I speak for brief moment."...has Uchiha Madara arrived yet?" She faces me.
"Yes, he has. But how do you know tha--"

'That means i'll be witnessing quite the experiences.' I gulp. 'The manga's right... Even the mention of the name Uchiha Madara is spine tingling..." I shudder.
I escape my thoughts and I begin to walk again.

'This is it...' I think. 
'Their's no turning back now...' My eyes spot the light of the opening to where every united shinobi is fighting for their freedom. My hands form a tight fist and my eyebrows knit together angrily.
'Mom...Dad... I'll figure out who ruined our lives forever. I'll put you both at peace. I'll find and kill that son of a bitch that ended your lives just as you were getting involved in your only daughters.

And at the same time... i'll help my friends win and end this war with the best of my ability.

I hope the both of you are smiling down at me.
I hope the both of you are proud of me.
I hope the both of you... will guide me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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