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A portal appeared in the middle of the night, in a silent neighborhood. A woman emerged from within carrying a little boy of about six years of age in her arms. Another woman followed suit with a man carrying a little girl of about seven years of age in his arms. The portal vanished like a vapor instantly as they walked towards a house.

“Lili, you sure about this? We can protect them in the manor, and this place… it's too new, for you.” The second woman said.

“I'll be fine, Ezra, it's better this way. I wouldn't want to put you in trouble, you know?” The woman called Lili replied.

“You're no trouble to us, we should be by your side, especially… Zander... Hon, tell her.” Said Ezra and Lili just chuckled.

“Lin, I truly respect your decision, but don't you think… this… it's too much.” The man said.

“Zabe, they are better protected here. This place, no magic, no power, they'll be safe. We'll be safe, don't worry about me… us… you should be worried about your son. He seemed so upset, talk to him.” Lili told him.

“I know…” he replied with a hint of sadness.

“Let's get inside, shall we?” She told them.

They entered the house and settled the kids in a bedroom upstairs. The three of them stood in the middle of the living area, creating a circle. A faint line started drawing on the floor, creating a symbol as it glows. The ceremony began as they mutter words hard to decipher, the symbol expands until it covers the entire landscape. A blinding light was released, it covered the entire house like a transparent dome until the light fades and vanished completely like nothing happened.

The three of them gazed at each other, feeling triumphant that the ceremony went well. A protective dome has been installed on the entire landscape of the house. A barrier that will keep the enemies from ever finding them.

“Thank you for everything, both of you.” Lili told them as they went to the room where they let the kids sleep.

“We're friends, it's natural.” Ezra replied and Zabe nodded.

“You're sure you'll be fine, we can visit you if you like. My daughter will miss all of you so much.” Lili smiled at the mention of her friend's daughter.

“I know, but best if you don't. They'll use you to track us.” She replied sadly.

“I know, just maybe we could do more than just this.” He said.

“You've done enough, thank you. I can handle the masking spell alone, so I'll be fine myself.” She assured them, and Ezra cried and hugged her.

“We'll miss you, we'll wait 'till you come back.” She told her.

Another portal appeared as they bade farewell, the couple entered the portal, and it vanished in a blink of an eye. She was left alone with her two kids in the room. She approached them and started muttering words. A symbol appeared on their foreheads before slowly fading.

“Now no one will be able to track you, you'll be safe as long as I live. I'll protect you even if my life depends on it…" she thought to herself as she planted a kiss on her children's foreheads.

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