Chapter 4: Disarray

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Lunar POV

All eyes turned to me when I pushed the doors forcefully, I went straight for the door, ignoring the murmurs around me. I vaguely hear the voices calling my name. I entered the very 1st door I saw to my left and ran in the hallway that led to a beautiful garden, a gorgeous pond with a fountain stood in the center. I stopped and stared at it, it was very lovely. I turned back to the path, another door stood at the end. I didn't know which part of the manor this was. Then I heard the rustle of leaves...

I turned to my right, I saw many tall, beautiful trees. The sky was blue, and the sun was warm and the wind blew gently, a perfect day... but wasn't... I was about to turn and head to the door up ahead when my eyes caught something. I felt myself instinctively moved, leaving the hallway out to the open. Walked past the trees as I followed him walk.

What was he doing here? I was gonna call out, but then I saw a tall bush as tall as the trees. There was an opening that probably lead somewhere, he stood there. What is this place? Before I could figure out the answer, Evoll entered the opening of the bush. A moment of curiosity led me to follow inside. As I walked, I looked up at the tall bushes, wondering why they were so tall. What's their purpose?

I kept walking while occasionally making turns... where did Evoll go? What is this place, some kind of maze? When this thought came to me, I froze. A maze... the thought suddenly filled me with dread, was I even supposed to be here? Was it right for me to follow inside? I was walking slowly, moving forward in this cold, dark maze... This suddenly felt so familiar, like déjà vu... I've never been inside a maze before, but I suddenly found myself slowly getting less hesitant with my steps until I saw light.

I ran towards it thinking it's the exit, when I reached it, I stopped at its mouth. It was a wide space, there were ruins at the center, I saw a sign written from the ruins... Celestial Sanctuary... it said. What is this place supposed to be? I saw 3 other opening across, to the left and right, as I moved forward looking around. I heard something rattle, and I finally focused my view on one spot, there was Evoll. He was kneeling near a misshapen rock at the center of the ruins that seemed to look perfectly oval before, but was now broke. Should I talk or just leave? I slowly back up when I slipped on a rock and fell down, he immediately turned to my direction.

"What are you doing here?" He demanded, his eyes were piercing and a little scary. They almost looked like they were blazing or glowing.

"Are you deaf? I asked what you're doing here. You answer." His voice sounded so hard and flat. I felt very unsettled about it. I looked away from his piercing glare when my eyes landed on his left hand gripping something shiny until in shattered from his grip. I gasped as blood trailed along his fingers, falling to the ground.

"E-Evoll, your... your hand." I looked at his face, he didn't even wince. He remained expressionless, as if he weren't bleeding. When he moved forward, the white wolf he had just materialized next to him, and I felt so scared. He proceeded to ignore me as he climbed the back of his wolf as if leaving.

"Wait!" I called and he stared at me. I wanna ask him to help me get out of here, but I felt so uneasy talking to him.

"You're so stupid, entering a maze without knowing a thing or two on how to get out." He said, a smirk drawn on his lips. He must find this amusing, I saw that glint in his eyes. I gathered all the shame I have, it's no time to feel annoyed 'cause he's still right anyway.

"Sorry, I didn't realize I was entering a maze... I mean, why a maze? In a place like this? I got curious, so..."

"You blabber too much." He said, rolling his eyes before offering me his left hand. When I took it, I was quickly seated behind him... did he just make me float? Being next to him feels so awkward, he's the type of guy you normally wouldn't want to hang around with, you never know what to say to him... but wait... his hand, isn't it wounded?

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