Chapter 19: Daggers

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Eanna POV

It's already been two days since the darks attacked, and it's Monday, and I still haven't exactly talked to either Lunar or Aria yet. I simply couldn't get a chance for some reason… apart from that, Aris has been MIA for the last two days and I couldn't contact him either. And my dearest brother is being his stubborn self, again. Every time I approach him, he always finds a way to avoid me… he gets so difficult to handle when you upset him, it's frustrating.

He gets so sensitive over these matters, and I'm used to it, truly… just doesn't make things any easier. We're both elites so whatever must be done had to be done, this is already expected. And being children of an empyrion raises that expectation.

I know it's concerning, I understand his actions either… but must he act so cold towards me like this? I understand he's mad I brought Lunar and Aria with me then, but it's not like I had a choice.  I've been worried for him, and it's not like he doesn't know it.

He just hated the idea of experiencing something like we did when we were kids. I do too, but he gave me no choice. He shut me out, can he blame me for my actions as well?

I hated it too… but we can't always run, eventually we'll drop and fall over…

I heaved a sigh, looking down at the view of the wide lawns of the academy stretching towards the forests on the roof of one of the academy towers… probably the library tower, I couldn't tell…

It was a moment of peace that my mind needed after all the disorganized thoughts running in my head… the test-off nearing is one. There are just many things that need to be taken account of.

I wasted the entire morning on the roof, skipping all of my classes. I could easily catch up either way, so it doesn't matter. When the bell rung for lunch break, I decided to leave my current location and headed to the cafeteria. Lunar and Aria will be there for sure…

“Eanna! You're here!” Mishka exclaimed when she saw me approaching their table.

“Hey.” I smiled at her as I sat down.

“Lune, Ria, can I talk to you guys alone?” I asked them as Mishka eyed us.

“I'm picking up some tension here, did you guys fight?” She asked.

“No, of course not. I just wanted to talk to them about something.” I explained.

“This is about last Friday, isn't it? I am aware, something bad happened that day. We all heard an explosion and everyone was sent to the dorms right away by other elites. Am I not allowed to hear about it?” Mishka asked and I nodded.

“Sorry Mish, I don't want to involve you into this like I did to Lunar and Ria. I hope you understand, I can't put you in trouble too.” I gave her an apologetic smile as she heaved a sigh before nodding.

“You didn't drag us to that situation, Yanna. We put ourselves there.” Lunar interjected.

“It's ok Yanna, I understood, besides… Ella and Ami asked me to go to the library with them for a group study. Oh! I almost forgot to tell you the big news!” Mishka paused, smiling cheekily, changing the atmosphere.

“What?” Ria asked.

“I now have a training partner!” She cheered.

“Really?!” the rest of us reacted in unison as Mishka nodded with delight.

“I waited for either of you to realize my different uniform, but no… you guys saw nothing.” She said sarcastically.

“Oh, that's why it's a bit different… so who?” Ria asked.

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