Chapter 2: The World of Empyreal

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Lunar POV

I saw a boy walking outside a mansion. I was like looking at him from a veranda, then my vision moved as if going downstairs going after the boy…

“We're here!” the image then faded before my eyes and I saw the blonde guy looking over me from the driver seat while the other guy went out of the car. Who are these guys again? What was going on? What did I just saw, just now?

“Did you see that?” I blurted out, and he gave me a confused look.

“See what?” he asked, and I shook my head, dismissing it. Was I imagining that scene? I was in a mansion? That boy… who was that? Still in a daze, I didn't realize the guy had also gone out of the car until the door next to me opened on its own, startling me.

“Lunar, we need to hurry.” The white-haired guy appeared before me, he held a hard, cold gaze. For a moment, I was confused when he suddenly raised his hand and reality finally sunk into my brain. Luki floated out of the car and I found myself hurriedly leaving the car. Luki... it really happened, he was dying and mom… she's gone…

“Lunar, everything's gonna be ok. I promise you that… we just need to get Luki to the hospital. We'll get your mom back. I promise…” he assured me, I didn't realize I was standing there crying, feeling so numb.

“It'll be fine. This place is amazing, it's safe here.” the blonde guy flashed a bright smile, I think his name's Aris.

“Dalcephon.” the white-haired guy suddenly called, I still don't know his name. My eyes widened when an intricate circular symbol appeared on the ground, then a streak of light burst upward. When the light faded, an enormous white wolf as tall as he is having piercing blue eyes appeared. I stepped back at the sight, scared of the beast.

“He won't attack unless I say so.” he said, is it just me, or can he read minds? I couldn't trust his words though, then I saw Luki's body settled on the back of the huge wolf.

“Wait! Why are you laying him there?” I panicked, that's a goddamn wolf!

“Dalcephon can get him to the hospital faster, you don't want him to die, right?” he said coldly while a holographic image of a message bar with a keyboard suddenly appeared. He typed something and swiped it and the message was gone, then tapped his watch and the hologram disappeared. I was perplexed at that…

“N-no, of course not!” I managed to say after that display of incredible technology.

“But that's a goddamn wolf!” I protested, and he gave me a piercing cold stare, I even heard a low growl from that wolf, making me back up farther. I didn't offend him, did I?

“Dalcephon… take him fast…” He said, caressing the wolf's fur as it growled in response. His gaze directed towards me felt so deadly, I wanted to stay away from his line of sight. I couldn't meet his eyes, then I heard a sigh and I saw him facing the wolf who's now growling softly before it vanished in a flash of light. Will Luki be safe on that wolf's back? What if it hurt him? I should be with him. I should-

“Dalcephon is my aquellia and he follows no one but me. I assure you he's safe transport to the academy hospital.” He assured me before turning his back, walking ahead of us.

“You need to excuse him, Evoll's a bit… cold, you see? Come on then.” Aris chuckled, ushering me to walk. That white-haired guy's name is Evoll?

“Where are we going?” I nervously asked.

“You'll see.” Aris smiled brightly as I reluctantly followed.

We were walking in a spacious corridor, the sound of our shoes echoed as we walked on its marbled floor. The walls reminded me like one of those medieval times designs. There were small-sized chandeliers on the ceiling and torches attached to each pillar, oddly I saw no candles or bulbs in them. By the looks of it, where I am is a massive place, seeing as we've passed so many corridors and hallways.

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