Chapter 15: Troubled Conceptions

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Lunar POV

      As I walked through the hallway looking for a certain person named Evoll, I couldn't help but wonder about the events the other day. Aside from the apparent shift of treatment of other students towards me, I noticed something about my friends… Aria and Aris to be specific…

 I'm probably not the only person who noticed how Aria blatantly avoids Aris for who knows what reason. I always thought their usual banter was just common, but I never thought it could go in this direction. I couldn't even ask them what was going on between them. Truth be told, I don't think I actually know much about their history… it was never on topic and Ria always waved questions away.

 I heaved a deep breath as I made my way to the training rooms, still no sign of the person I'm looking for. Wherever could he be? Did he go ahead to our assigned training room already? We're all instructed to be with our partners in the training room, but he just disappeared in the hall.

“Hey stupid…” I heard a voice spoke in my head, making me turn abruptly. He was leaning on a pillar in the corridor, looking bored.

Just why do I have to deal with him for the entirety of my training? And when is this guy gonna stop talking to me telepathically when he sees me? Is it so hard to just talk normally?!

“You know I haven't cut off the link yet, and could still hear your thoughts right now.” I heard his voice in my head, making me feel a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance. He's unbearable, I swear!

“Tsk stupid.” I heard him mutter as he walked forward, passing me.

“Yah, I'm not stupid, you jerk. And would you mind? Stop going through people's minds, do you ever know what privacy means?” I scoffed, crossing my arms whilst glaring at him.

“I do, but your mind won't probably understand if you get an explanation.” He said, walking ahead as I caught the smirk on his lips.


“Hurry up, the instructor's waiting inside.” He cut me off as he entered our training room. I didn't realize we've already arrived at our assigned room… I must breathe deeply and not lose my patience with the likes of him…

Inside, I bowed as a greeting to our instructor, but this guy just went to the opposite side of the room, ignoring the presence of the instructor. How rude of him.

“Ms. Scirus, shall we start warming up?” He said and I nodded.

We did some stretching for a while, after that, he started teaching me basic combat without using our emperials. He said it's also important to not only rely everything on your emperial. He made me run some laps to build agility and endurance. He also taught me techniques on how to move my body with coordination so that I could move faster.

 All this basic physical education stuff I suffered, drenched in sweat, and all my training parter do is sleep in a corner with his damn wolf as a pillow. How is this fair?! The only explanation I got from our instructor for his behaviour is because I'm new to emperial training and thus, I need to work hard more. My entire morning spent that way as I lie on the floor, heaving deep breaths.

“For a first timer, it's quite impressive that you learn fast, so I think I've taught you everything about none-emperial combat. Now, Mr. Xros if you please, help her get used to her emperial and help her improve?” Hearing these words made me bolt up from the floor.

“Yes sir.” Evoll simply answered.

“Wait, he's a student. Why would a student teach a student?” I reacted.

“I believe Ms. Scirus, you're a new student, right?” He asked and I nodded.

“Better go over the students' guidebook about training sessions. Pairs were made to be tested in actual combat against other pairs. Paired students will be the one improving themselves, instructors only instruct students about rules and regulations and none-emperial combat only.”

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