Chapter 6: Eyes of Criticisms

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3rd Person POV

Evoll dragged Lunar in front of a familiar door, it was the door to the headmistress' office.

“Ayase! Open Up!” He harshly knocked on the door. When it swung open, he dragged Lunar inside harshly, letting go of her wrist, which actually quite hurt.

“You're starting to become Mr. Hiega by way of rudeness, Mr. Xros. I do not tolerate such disrespect.” The headmistress calmly said.

“So you tolerate breaking oaths?” Evoll snapped.

“Is there a problem?” The headmistress feigned ignorance that clearly annoyed Evoll.

“Just cut the chase and tell me why she's wearing that uniform.” His voice sounded dangerously on the edge of anger while appearing neutral.

“As you can see, Mr. Xros, Ms. Scirus would be your training partner. End of story.” She said simply.

“You promised I won't have a pair.” He coldly said.

“Oh, I did, but you never were specific about it for your time in the academy. You simply asked not to have a training partner, nothing less, nothing more. And I gave you that for the past 2 years.” She said, smiling as Evoll shot her a glare.

“Fine… if you're so willing to go against your word, then I would demand a different pair. How in heavens does a weak pair would be helpful for my training? She's a burden…" He regarded Lunar with a cold glare, words stung her like the cold sharpness of ice.

“Hey, I know I'm not as strong as everybody else, but at least talk shit about someone when they're not literally in the same room as you.” Lunar said with edge, barely containing her temper.

“And that's supposed to mean something?” he turned to her with bored eyes.

“I'm sorry… but the way you regard me is just downright rude! Considering I'm new to all this shit, you don't even know me-”

“I know enough that you're weak. People's words easily affect you. You can't even assess yourself a null or not.” Evoll cut her off.

“You said I am.” Lunar answered indignantly.

“Did I? Tsk... how narrow-minded of you.” He said coldly, making her skin boil with heat.

“Narrow-minded? Yeah, 'cause I was always aware that I was an empyrean all my life. You know nothing! I'd rather you stop acting all-knowing, you're not GOD Evoll!” Lunar snapped.

“Doesn't really change the fact that you're incapable… Why? Does the truth hurt that much?” Evoll looked stonily at her, his words pushing her on edge.

“Sure! I admit… I Am Weak… as you say… but that doesn't give you the right to look down on me. If you're so strong, why not make use of yourself and help others get stronger, you inconsiderate piece of jerk.” Lunar burst out, glaring at him.

“Inconsiderate? Yeah, I guess saving your life was being inconsiderate, my bad.” His face remained stone-cold, yet his voice laced sarcasm in it.

“And I suppose you call this being considerate, after the life I knew fell apart.” Lunar answered with equal sarcasm, fisting her knuckles in anger.

“If you can't handle it… then leave.” He said, with no remorse, silence settled in the air. The headmistress was just about to intervene when Lunar spoke.

“You are a jerk… Evoll Xros...” She told him, trembling with blind rage.

“I told you, not everyone you'll meet will regard you nicely.” He said, as if sending a warning.

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