Chapter 1: The Worst Encounter

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Third Person POV

Lunar woke up with a start from a weird dream. There was this strange light that seemed to swallow her. It felt warm and hot at the same time, like she could feel the sensation herself.

Somewhere in that dream, she could vaguely hear a scream… as if calling out to her or the other way around. The voice was muffled, which made it very unclear. When she propped herself on her bed, she wondered what it meant.

This very dream had haunted her, ever since she turned 16 last May. She couldn't understand it and often gave her chills everytime she dreamed of it, like it was real.

There came a loud knock on her door, snapping her back from her thoughts. It kept getting louder, so she groggily went for it.

“Who's there?” She asked, yawning as she opened her door.

“Kè-na what the heck? It's almost 7:00, and you're still in your pajamas?! I thought you've already gone to prepare 30 minutes ago since I called you. I just finished breakfast and if you aren't down there in 3 minutes, I swear kè-na!” her brother ranted, sounding amused and irritated at the same time, before her mind really processed what he was saying.

“Holy sh- ok, hold on, I'll be downstairs in a flash!" Lunar hurriedly says before moving around her room to grab all her necessities.

“Hurry up, or you're walking to school alone!” She heard her brother calling out outside her room as she dashed to the bathroom.

“Yah you little-wait for me!” She called back before entering the bathroom for a quick bath.

“Tsk, it's not like you're walking with other people.” She added.

“Kè-na I can still hear you, ya know? Hurry up!” Her brother calls.

“Alright! Just wait!” She yelled inside the bathroom. After bathing for the fastest record she's ever made, she hurriedly changed into her uniform, grabbed her bag fast and sprint out of her room.

When she got downstairs, her brother was waiting irritably in the living room as she flashed him a smile while heading to the kitchen to grab her breakfast.

“How's your sleep, dear?” Her mom asked when she approached the table, grabbing a sandwich fast.

She paused and looked at her mom upon hearing the question as she ponders.

“It's fine… just… something's been-”

“I'm heading out!” The voice of Luki came to them that made Lunar drink her glass of milk in one go.

“Sorry mom, gotta go. Be back later!” She bid after wiping excess milk on her lips before giving a peck on her mom's cheek.

“Can't you two work it out in the mornings? Seriously, everyday...” her mom followed her out of the kitchen as Lunar let out an awkward laugh.

“Luki you hold it right there!” She called to her brother, who was already at the gate, rolling his eyes at her.

“Bye mom!” Lunar bid again.

“Alright hurry up...” Luki pulled her.

“We'll be home early!” He added while pushing Lunar out the gate.

This has been a very common scenario in the Scirus family household. Their mom couldn't help but chuckle at the scene with a hope that things would remain the same… somehow…

“Be careful! Watch over each other, okay?!” Her mom called out from the door.

“Okay mom!” She replied.

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