Chapter 18: The Unexpected

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Eanna POV

While Aris and Aria were flirt- I mean arguing, Mishka seemed really entertained. And I looked over the doors to reveal my twin and best friend, whom I hadn't seen the whole morning.

“Lunar! We're here!” I called out as soon as I saw her. She waved at us before heading to get food. I hope Evoll didn't give her a hard time during training, he can be very moody.

Just then, he entered the cafeteria and our gazes met. He seems a bit... distracted... the reason, I will never know. He does that, he tries so hard not to be read even by me... and it is hard... to read him at times.

However... he seems a little less guarded since the last time we talked. It gave me hope for him... to be better than he was before.

“You ok, Eanna?” I turned to Lunar, who just seated herself next to me, cutting my gaze with Evoll as I nodded. He still worries me so...

“So, what happened in your training Lune?” I asked, keeping a light tone, shrugging my thoughts off.

“Uhm nothing much, I could control my emperial now... a little?” She said, quite unsure.

“A little? Seriously, Lunar, did Evoll even help you?” Ria asked.

“Huh? Uh-well, it's not like he didn't... he did help.” Lunar said looking sideways.

“Really?” - Aris

“Yeah, I actually learned something.” She smiled at us, which made me feel relieved. I turned in the direction of my brother, who just got his food, so I decided to call him over to our table. This startled the girls, but I ignored it as I motioned for him to come over.

“What?” He said the moment he came.

“You're eating with us, right?” I smiled sweetly, and he just rolled his eyes but sat next to me either way. In times like this, when he isn't very particular about others' presence, really pleases me. He always chose to isolate himself from most people.

“Yo Ev! Mind telling us what happened in the training room?” Aris elbowed him.

“Oh which part? The part where she destroyed one of the mini-chandeliers?” Evoll said in an indifferent tone that made Lunar choke her food.

“Yah! Do you really have to bring that up? It wasn't that terrible really, it was actually his fault and that wasn't even in the training room.” Lunar frantically explained defending herself, but we just laughed.

“Oh yeah, Xavier told us about that, Yanna was getting hysterical hahaha!” Aris laughed, making me frown.

“I was not! Being worried doesn't equate hysterical, vinehead.” I crossed my arms, but they just laughed at me.

“Wait, that junior prefect told you? Please tell me I'm not going to detention for that.” Lunar asked.

“Don't worry, you're not going to detention, I swear.” I told her, and she let out a sigh of relief.

“Yeah, 'cause you've been there twice already.” Aris laughed out loud, that earned him a hard knock on the head from Ria.

“You really should watch over yourself, Aris.” Mishka giggled giving Ria a high-five, I simply laughed with them.

“Please try not to get so hyped up, it's a little annoying.” Aria said with a tight-lipped grin, as if trying not to laugh at the pout Aris was giving her. As usual, a conversation with this two would never end peacefully. So, in the end, our table was filled with their banter as we laughed at them...

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