Chapter 7: The Bet

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Lunar POV

I never knew someone apart from Luki was capable of understanding how I feel and could comfort me. Eanna did that for me, it was the 2nd time she was able to make me feel relieved, and I couldn't be more grateful for having to know her.

The rest of the afternoon, she stayed in our dorm room helping me and Aria finish our assignment, 'cause apparently she's already done... I want mine to be over too... I was still halfway with mine and Ria's almost done... after hours, we decided to share what we've made with each other.

"Aria that was great! Better than the last time." Eanna enthusiastically commented.

"Really! Oh, what a relief. How's yours going, Lu?" Aria asked.

"Well, it's not done yet. I've been checking out references as you guys suggested..." I slowly stated.

"Oh, come on! Just a sneak peek." Eanna pushed as Aria agreed.

"Ok, but I think it's still lacking." I said as I showed them parts of what I've done so far.

"So?" I gave them expectant glances.

"Lunar, are you sure you've never done this before?" Aria asked, looking at me like my hair grew to bean sprouts.

"What?" I uneasily said.

"For your 1st time Lune, it almost seemed like it's not your 1st time." Eanna chuckled.

"Are you serious?" I asked and they both nodded.

"The 1st time I did this? It wasn't on par to that." Aria gave me a thumbs up, making me feel a bit shy.

"But you guys know I made this myself, right?" I said, and they both laughed.

"Lune of course. You won't be able to explain that properly with ease if not. I'm really impressed, it's quite delicate you made there." Eanna said smiling...

"Really? Do you think I could... you know... win?" I asked.

"Definitely..." they both said in unison.

"I'm kinda excited how my brother would react to this, imagine if you really beat him." Eanna told me, and Aria agreed with equal excitement.

"You guys are making me nervous..." I said, and with that, we all laughed as we continued making fun of Evoll. We didn't realize we finished our assignment so late that the three of us had to use foodmail for our dinner.


It was already Tuesday, and we're all seated in a semicircle as each presented their battlefield plan one by one. Everyone presented their assignments so confidently that I feel so pressured right now. Aria and Aris were already done, they were both so good. Aria's focus was incredible and Aris was so chill, I heard Aris does best in stuff like this. He never even mentioned, so he can help me... Anyway, the presenters reached S, my name is drawing close... I'M SO NERVOUS!

"Lunar Scirus..." Our professor said as I slowly went to the center. I was trying to control myself from quivering as everyone started whispering to each other. I saw Aria in the corner giving me a thumbs up, and I gave her a small yet genuine smile. I closed my eyes and gathered my courage as I remembered a memory...

It was summer, so Luki and I stayed home playing games, since we're not fond of outdoor activities. We only ever liked outdoors when there's a pool with waterslides around. Going to malls is quite boring, so we stayed home playing boardgames, movie marathons and making snacks. It's how we bonded...

I was making popcorn in the kitchen while Luki prepared the bowl. When we're done, we went back to the living room with our laptops on. Luki has been into this certain video game, and he's been forcing me to play with him since last week. The game allows you to build your territory, create an army of archers, swordsmen, hunters, wizards, and mages even healers. I find its features a work of art, it allows you to fight or invade other player's territories by challenging them, which is cool, especially when you win.

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