Chapter 12: One Big Commotion

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Aria POV

“Now, you will pay… stupid null…” Zaphira said as I pulled myself up from the ground and saw Lunar inside one of her pain circles. That's like torture!

“Zaphira you psycho! Let her go!” I cried out when she used her emperial on Lunar. I tried to use my own emperial but I was once again pushed by Maika's emperial farther from Lunar.

“That's what you get for trying to defy me, bitch!” Zaphira's laughter came as I got up, her friends laughing along.

“You piece of insecure bitches!” I called with rage as I lifted my hand and teleport rocks to Zaphira's direction.

“How dare you?!” Alice screamed when she got hit by falling rocks and sent a surge of the same rocks towards me.

Despite my arm hurting a bit from the first fall earlier, I was fast enough to avoid the rocks. I smirked at her irritated expression but was immediately gone when I heard a few people around placing bets on who will win. What in the name of holy Aetheria?!

“You stupid people! This isn't a damn game!” I screamed at them with rage, making them shut themselves.

“Watch your temper, Aria, you'll get wrinkles.” Zaphira snickered which got me annoyed, but I'm not about to give in, so I smirked.

“I'm flattered you're worried for my skin, but you should look after yours. After all, you get stressed a lot when people don't really pay attention to you.” I countered, I heard people mutter and snickering about my remark, even Zaphira's friends almost laughed if not for her glare towards them and everybody else.

“You know I never liked you-”

“Likewise.” I interrupted, making her more annoyed, then she smirked. And I heard Lunar's stifled scream before she tried to speak.

“Stop it… please stop…” Lunar managed, she was clearly hurting. From what I learned about pain circle emperial is that it traps its target in place, sending them multiple feeling of pain… to what level? I don't know, but sure enough, it's probably unbearable.

“What exactly do you expect to gain from this Zaphira? Superiority? You have that already, so let her go.” I told her and she merely smirked.

“Admitting defeat are we, Aria? Aw, I thought you're feisty.” She mocked.

“I never admitted to anything to you Zaphira because let's be real here… you're jealous and insecure, you act as if you sit on a pedestal compared to us, but you stoop this low?”

“Who's more defeated now? What you are right now is a petty little brat just because you wanted attention from people who care less about your presence.” I told her, and I'd be lying if I wasn't satisfied to see the rage burning in her eyes. I simply told her the truth.

“You meddling piece of trash!” she yelled, unable to give a comeback as she sent pain circles my way.

I guess being paired with Aris for training isn't such a bad thing, I improved a lot with my reflexes. That guy was crazy swift and fast despite being unbearably annoying. I did learn a lot…

I teleported Maika who reappeared falling over Alice just before either of them could strike me with their emperials, toppling themselves on the ground. They were both wincing from the fall as I laughed at their rage.

“You'll pay for that!” Alice yelled as she sent a surge of energy from her telekineses towards me. I managed to dodge as other students ran towards the nearest corridors to avoid involvement in the fight, albeit still watching. Mindless people… call a goddamn professor!

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