Chapter 14: Everything Changes

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3rd Person POV

Lunar woke up in a jolt, she was sweating and catching her breath as if she were actually experiencing the dream she had.

She looked around her and found herself in an unfamiliar room. Where is she? The very first question in her mind. Why was she here? And what exactly happened to her? She can't remember all that's happened to her…

But that strange dream was reminiscent of what kept haunting her since she reached 16… lights, flashes of lights and clouded screams… she keeps dreaming of it. This time, however, she could remember scenes… a boy and a maze…

She could feel her heart thrumming fast and loudly, heaving deep breaths as she tried to think about the dream… it only made her head sting.

“That dream again, what's it mean? Was that me? But… how could it be?”

“Why am I overthinking? It's just a dream, nothing else.” She said, shaking her head, trying to calm her nerves from the nightmare. She's not sure what to make out of it… It's just a dream, isn't it?

“Lune?” She abruptly turned to the voice's direction.

“Lunar! Thank the heavens, you're awake!” Eanna immediately rushed to engulf her in a warm embrace before she could even greet her and her companions.

“Yanna hey slow down, I'm not going anywhere…” she said with a giggle.

“I've been very worried...” Eanna said when they parted.

“I'm fine Yanna, chill…” She assured her friend as she looked at Aria looking sorta concerned and Aris smiling at her.

“What exactly happened?” Lunar felt the need to ask, aside from wondering herself why she's in a white room, but her friends' concerned look made her feel uneasy.

“Well, personally, I'd like to tell you all about it but in retrospect I'd rather not because I might probably do something nasty that'll either ruin my reputation or…”

“Ignore him, Lu, Zaphira attacked you, and you were badly injured and brought here to be treated.” Aria explained to her, cutting Aris off, who only pouted as her friend rolled her eyes at that.

“Treated? Am I in the academy hospital?” all three nodded in response, she wanted to press more questions regarding what happened, but then she felt a grumble in her belly.

“You must be hungry, we'll get you something to eat.” Yanna told her.

“Yeah, I feel like I haven't eaten for days.” With that, Aris chuckled and earned two glares.

“What?” Lunar wondered.

“Uhm… it's been five days, Lune.” Eanna slowly explained as her eyes widened with realization.

“Are you telling me I've been asleep for… for days?” she asked incredulously.

“On the bright side, you didn't have to go to classes.” Aris laughed and Ria had to slap his arm hard to stop.

“Can you get her food already? You're not helping here…” Aria said annoyed.

“I thought we're all going?”

“Aris for the love of Aetheria, just go on already.” Eanna massaged her temple.

“You girls keep pushing me away.” Aris said dramatically before being engulfed by some plant in the room.

“Why must he be so dramatic?” Aria muttered as Lunar and Eanna chuckled.

“You know Aris...” — Eanna

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