Chapter 10: At Town Square

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Lunar POV

Time skip to Saturday...

“What's taking them so long?” Eanna complained, stomping her feet with crossed arms, clearly impatient.

“Ugh, aren't they boys? They're supposed to be earlier than us.” Aria seconded as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes from annoyance.

“They're probably on the way, guys, let's just be patient.” I said, trying to calm them. We're currently waiting by the academy gates for Aris and Evoll apparently, who seemed to be running late. And yeah, they're guys, both of them could also appear out of nowhere fast, so why are they so late?

 Early this morning, Yanna bombarded us in our dorm room about going to town square to shop for clothes to wear at the party. I almost said no because I'm apparently new to this world and well… penniless at that…

 To side note, money here isn't made of paper, they used actual gold, silver and bronze coins. One gold coin is the equivalent of 100 silver coins, one silver coin is the equivalent of 50 bronze coins. The value of one gold coin is 100,000 and one silver coin is 1,000 while one bronze coin is 20. I think I got what Yanna and Ria explained to me right… I guess?

I also just found out this morning that my parents have their savings saved in Emperia Bank, which we were all heading before shopping.

“Eeeeey! Sorry to keep you guys waiting!” Aris ran towards us catching his breath with Evoll falling behind him seemingly bored.

“What took you so long?” Yanna demanded, Aris simply smiled sheepishly.

“We were early, but he suddenly went off somewhere.” Evoll answered, and all eyes turned to Aris.

“What? Can't I have a little private call or something?” Aris shrugged.

“That was little?” Evoll raised a brow.

“Oh, come on, don't be such an Evstone.” Aris grinned, I almost burst out laughing, another nickname!

“You know, none of your nicknames sounds interesting or better.” Evoll smirked.

“Hey, the nicknames I made for everyone are-”

“Enough Aris! It really was lame.” Aria interrupted and he acted shocked.

“Yeah Aris, just give up making one for Evoll. It sounds weird.” Eanna chuckled.

“I shall not! He made vinehead canon, I have to have a counterattack for that.” He declared, and I laughed as Yanna tried not to laugh while Ria grimaced.

“Really?” Evoll said bored and Aris merely smiled that infectious smile, and he rolled his eyes at that.

“We're using Evoll's car, by the way!” He cheered, and Evoll's brows furrowed at that.

“Why mine? You have yours.” Evoll's said.

“Oh come on, your car has bigger space than mine.” Aris whined and he grimaced at the sight.

“Evoll let's just use it, ok?” Yanna looked at Evoll, her eyes sparkling, and Evoll's distaste disappeared before sighing.

“Fine.” He said and turned to get his car… somewhere…

We're now on our way to town square in Evoll's luxurious white car as we passed by numerous trees with leaves on the spectrum of yellow, orange, and red. Autumn here looks so beautiful…

About thirty minutes of the ride with Aria and Aris arguing, which Yanna and I found entertaining, we arrived in front of a huge gate which opened on its own to let us through. And I thought we'd be able to get to town already, apparently not.

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