Chapter 20: Lifting the Burden

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Lunar POV

It was Friday, another day of training... a day I dreaded. It hasn't been long since the announcement of the test-off, another thing that kept me on edge these past days.

Currently, I'm heading to my assigned training room with Evoll. I have no idea how to act in his presence. The last time I've seen him was during the announcement with Aris whom I haven't been seeing as well lately.

I know I should get it over with, whatever thoughts I have since that day in the forest... but... every time I recall those darks, the way they died... it always gives me chills.

I found that I'm actually moving slower, I normally would hurry up to get to training because Evoll's got a bad temper... I don't know, I feel kinda intimidated by them...

As I was walking, I came to an abrupt halt when I saw a potted plant suddenly grow and expanded, uncovering a person...

"Jesus Christ!" I yelped.

"Uh- who's that?" Aris asked, making me shook my head.

"Nevermind that, could you please refrain from doing that? You're giving me a heart attack." I told him, which he merely chuckled.

"Well, I wouldn't know you'd coincidentally be right next to the plant I'm appearing from." He shrugged, smiling his usual infectuous smile.

Seeing that bright smile brought me back to the events that happened back in the woods. How is this charming, sweet guy capable of doing what he just did back then!?

"Lunarin, is there something wrong?" He snapped me from my thoughts, making me nod while smiling at him as I continued to walk.

"Do you mind me walking with you?" He asked catching up to my side fast which made me halt. Why am I even nervous? It's just Aris and I adore this guy.

"I guess, you're still uncomfortable by it." He sighed, making me turn to him.

"What do you mean?"

"Look, in the woods... you're not supposed to see that, you and Aria..." he started, making me fall silent as he continued, it's exactly as Eanna said 'we're not supposed to see'.

"I know, it must've scared you both, but believe me. What must be done has to be done. Those people would not hesitate to take someone's life either, just to get their goal, whatever that is." Aris explained a little seriously, which gave me a different side to him.

"I'm sorry if it gave you a bad image of me or the others, I don't blame you if you want to distance yourself from me." He added, making me speechless as he started to move away, making me realize what just happened.

"Aris hold on! Stay still will you, I'm trying to process." I held the hem of his sleeve as he turned to me before proceeding to laugh.

"Yah, what's so funny?!" I crossed my arms.

"It's cute, you needed a moment to digest what I just said. Oh, and for the record, I do know who Jesus Christ is. It's just funny, you still sometimes use terms from Mōrs." He smiled, making me slap his arm hard, making him wince whilst still laughing.

"Really Aris?" I said in disbelief, he just gave me a cheeky smile... Yeah, there is absolutely no reason for me to be nervous around a guy as bright as this one.

"I admit, I was slightly wary but..." I paused as I sighed, he merely gave me an innocent wondering eyes that looked too cute to be ignored.

"...I don't think what you did will tamper my view on your character, Aris, just because of one event. Besides, you said they were really bad people, right? I've seen worse than seeing people turn to ash, right?" I said, and he burst out laughing, making me frown.

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