Chapter 16: Deep Feelings

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Lunar POV

It was Monday, and we're currently in class, having a test in history regarding the different kinds of emperials. It wasn't that hard since Ria and Mishka gave me copies of the other kinds of emperials so hopefully I'll do well. Have I ever mentioned its October already? And it's the 2nd week, the weather's getting cold already and the first drops of snow arrived today. The academy will be covered in snow soon, and I can't wait.

During lunch break it was just me, Ria and Mishka. I saw Eanna leaving the academy with Evoll earlier, so I guess they're off on a mission. While Aris is… well, I've no idea where he is, whether he's on a mission or not. Huh… I really don't know my friends well enough, do I? I can't guess where they might be off to or what might be going on with them.

Aria and Mishka were having a fun conversation, while I just stared at my food, picking on it. I stared at Ria, she seemed better than she was last week, but there's still something that's bothering her. I wish I knew what's bothering her then maybe I could help, I heaved a sigh.

“Lunar, are you ok? You seemed troubled.” Mishka asked.

“Huh? Uh yeah, I'm fine. I'm just worried about my test score, that's all.” I lied, trying to look convincing while avoiding eye contact with Ria whose looking at me. I diverted my gaze elsewhere when I saw a familiar face entered the cafeteria.

“Aris!” I waved at him happily, making him notice me. He waved back, smiling happily at me, but something's not right, he seemed a little lost in thought earlier. He went to get food before coming towards us. I faced the others and saw Aria deep in thought, and her eyes weren't focused on what she's doing. Mishka seemed to feel a change in the atmosphere, since she became quiet as well.

“You guys were the ones left? Where's Yanna?” Aris asked as he sat between me and Ria.

“They probably went on a mission, they were out a while ago.” I answered.

“Oh, I see, why didn't they take me?” He pouted.

“'Cause you're nowhere to be found.” Ria answered without looking as usual, but her tone was a little different, something's really wrong between these two.

“Why Riari? Did you miss me?” Aris joked, smiling, and Ria shot him a glare before she stood up and left. Normally, she would counter a curse at him, but she just left without a word.

I watched her leave while Mishka kept calling her, which she ignored and didn't bother looking back. What's happening here???

I turned to look at Aris and caught the expression his eyes wore… he looked hurt? Before I could even say anything, his eyes then met mine, swiftly replaced with an eye smile. He started to talk about fun things that would make us laugh, like how he usually works. However, that expression lingered in my head until lunch break ended. He went ahead of us, leaving me with Mishka.

“What's wrong Mish?” I asked her when she heaved a sigh.

“Did you feel that, Lu? They were awkward with each other, I wonder what really happened.” She said, and I nodded as an answer.

“Mish do you have any idea why they always fight?” I asked her, and Mishka turned to me instantly.

“Didn't Ria tell you?” She asked, completely shocked, making me frown.

“Tell me what?” I asked.

“About what Aris did to her.” She said, making me confused, what did Aris do?

Eanna POV

Evoll and I are in a dark alleyway in town square for some private business to handle for the academy. I had Harmonika in spiral lift, so I can move faster. We're chasing this void magician for some time now and no normal attack can slow him down. Well, actually we've been looking for this person for so long, and we finally caught him, but not literally.

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