Chapter 5: Emperial Academy

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3rd Person POV

It was the beginning of the term and Lunar had been dreading the day. She had been up early, and now she's in the academy's great hall next to Aria for the welcoming term ceremony. All the students were seated on a very long table perpendicular to the long table upfront where the professors were. The great hall had a high ceiling of which was filled with floating glowing glass orbs that would remind you of stars.

"Good morning my dear students, professors... good morning to all! I welcome you all to this year's beginning of term ceremony..." a holographic image of the headmistress appeared on the stand on the stage as everyone applauded.

"Now, as per tradition, you know full well that this day will be a very busy day despite exemption of classes... renovation of the campus grounds will be of high-key event, no exceptions..." she continued.

"Why isn't the headmistress personally here to address the school?" Lunar whispered towards Aria.

"The academy is very vast in area Lunar, she can't be in 3 places at once..." Aria answered.

"3 places?"

"...for the Secondary level students and professors, I have a quick announcement. Room 205 is under strict prohibition, under no circumstances shall anyone enter the said room located on the 2nd floor east wing. Only allowed personnel under my permission are allowed to approach the said room. Those who're stupid enough to try. I assure, you will never step foot of the academy grounds again..."

"...for all secondary and tertiary students, might I remind you not to stay out later than 8:00 pm, that's the curfew unless you want to face a horrible experience in your life? Also, students must get permission from professors if you wish to research in the library's restricted section. Primary students-"

"Aria... what's the headmistress talking about primary, secondary, and tertiary?" Lunar whispered again.

"The academy levels, I thought you knew that?"

"Well, Aris never actually explained it much." She replied.

"To daimõn with him..." Aria muttered.

"That's a bit-"

"It's the division of the academy... levels... like specific areas situated separate from each other." She started.


"Well, you can't just mix teenagers with children, right? Primary level takes in students ranging from 7-13 years old, secondary ranges from 14 to 19 and tertiary from 19-22 years old, then graduation." Aria thoroughly explained to her.

An applause brought their attention back to the front when the headmistress announced for a feast for the start of the term. The doors of the hall opened and different kinds of food entered floating mid-air towards the tables placing themselves neatly. It was the grandest breakfast Lunar has ever seen or even encountered. After that, all the students and professors proceeded with the Academy renovations, in which Lunar simply hung around Aria to deliver stuff around the academy. As the headmistress said, it was indeed a busy yet tiring day.

The next day...

Lunar was walking to class with Aria staring at their schedule, she was assigned to the same class together. Class A, which to her doesn't seem right considering she didn't have an emperial and there are 4 other sections.

"So Monday, common classes... what does that mean?" She asked Aria next to her.

"You know, grammar, maths, history, science..."

"Science?" Lunar asked shocked.

"Yep, science and magic are quite related, also charms class and potions... usually during Thursdays." Aria added as she clicked 'Thursday' in the holographic schedule they have, which listed the subjects for that day. She felt a little stupid for not trying to click the 'days'.

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