Chapter 17: His Other Side

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Lunar POV

In the past days, I noticed how Ria and Aris seemed to act like their usual selves. Whatever caused the rift between them seemed to have been settled. So I dared to ask Aria about what happened to them last Monday. Mishka gave me a brief explanation of what may be the cause of Ria's behaviour towards Aris. It just didn't make sense to me that Aris could be so… harsh.

Aria cleared things out for me when I asked about it. I was glad to know they just had a misunderstanding. But now… I am pretty much sure that I can tease her about the fact that she liked Aris.

Currently, I'm on my way to train my emperial since I can't use it outside the training room. I've received a few warnings from the student body twice already. I can't risk thrice, I'll definitely go to detention for it. Just like I did last Friday, I'm looking for my training partner… again. And yeah, it's Friday afternoon already. Lunch break had just ended, and I haven't got any training since this morning due to the lack of presence of my partner.

“Now, where the hell is that Evoll?” I sighed, looking around.

“Tsk stupid.”

I got startled as I turned and throw him a glare. He has no right to look irritated when he didn't even show up this morning to train.

“Can you stop calling me stupid? I have a name.” I said firmly.

“Make me, stupid sounds better as your name.” He said, bored, and I resisted the urge to strangle him, he is so annoying! I heaved a deep breath to calm my nerves, I need this person to help me, so I must resist arguing.

“Look, I don't have time to argue Evoll. Can't you just teach me how to control and use my emperial please? It's your job as my partner, the instructor says so.” I said calmly, but he merely walked past me. Find your inner peace Lunar, don't let him ruin your moo-

“You're weak and stupid, I refuse to teach someone like you.” He said that made me turn and snap at him. I cannot take it anymore!

“Do you have to be such a jerk? What did I ever do to you? If you don't want to help, just say so! It's like, you can't live without throwing an insult every time!” I yelled at him, I've been trying to put up with him, but he is just so infuriating.

“Should I feel sorry for you, then? It's not my fault that stating the truth irks you.” He simply said, with not a hint of care for the words that left his mouth. It just made me angry, the fact that he's so heartless.

“You are such an asshole! Evoll Xros!” I snapped and without realizing, my body emitted electricity on its own. Then came some yells that made me realize what was happening. When Evoll pulled my wrist, that's when the electricity stopped that I saw the damage I made. It made me hold my breath for a second.

“No one's hurt?” he asked the students, eyeing at the destroyed mini-chandelier right above us before nodding in response. Evoll then sent them off, they were probably still in shock as they hurriedly left. I am so going to detention for this, I sighed in disbelief.

“Yah, if you wanna kill someone, make sure you aim at your actual target. You're so reckless.” He said coldly, making me shiver as he threw a sharp glare at me.

“Y-yah, I never knew that would happen, and I was not being reckless. It's not like I'd go around destroying school property and harming students.” I reasoned like it was my fault I snapped. I didn't want to reason out 'cause obviously, it wasn't my fault… but his aura felt so dangerous at that moment, and it's very unsettling and scary.

“You crossed the line, don't make it look like it's all on me…” I added, gaining my composure back as I levelled his hard glare.

“I don't want to intrude, but I happened to have heard the explosion. I'm sorry, senior, but-” he didn't have time to finish when Evoll interrupted him.

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