Chapter 9: Emperials

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Lunar POV

It's Monday, and I wasn't really looking forward to history since the last time. Professor Heralia talked on and on about the division of the world into three, that honestly took the entire 2 hours of our class. Comparing his discussion to the headmistress' explanation of the world's division, I honestly understand the headmistress better. Currently, we're told to turn our books to page 304…

The Beginning of Emperials…

Emperials are what empyreans abilities are called. They are also known as the heaven's gift bestowed upon empyreans by the holy deities. Every empyrean born is bound to have an emperial. Long ago, when the world was simple and united in one, people were just humans as mortal as ever. No demons and no dark magic, a less dangerous world and a more peaceful place to live.

I stopped reading when professor Heralia talked.

“In our last meeting, we discussed how our world started. How the heavens and the darkness came to war, destroying the balance of light and dark existing in the world. As you know, that war resulted to the bouncing and spreading of light and dark particles all over the world. Those are tiny specks of power from either the heavens or darkness that merged into the mortal human souls, causing the change and thus the creation of a more powerful human race.” He summed up.

“Empyreans.” One of my classmates said.

“Yes, we empyreans are one, but so are vampires and waeres.” he paused.

“Now, can anyone sum up the role of emperials in our last discussion?” Professor Heralia continued, and I saw Mishka raised her hand.

“During the war before the division of the world, demons had also started appearing, along with other empyreal races known to date. These demons typically attack any living thing but more so to empyreans because they are polar opposites, they are attracted to light. Empyreans are born because of the light shards that merged with their mortal souls, which provided them the abilities beyond mortal that were called emperials.”

“Emperials wielded by empyreans became a form of jealousy over normal humans, which resulted in losing faith in the heavens and siding with darkness. This is one of the reasons why the world was divided into three and empyreans emperials are considered some kind of threat or accessory to normal humans.” She explained.

“Very well said Ms. Sareal... because the world had been in total chaos due to demons and mortals developing unnatural abilities, the deities decided to split the world into three. Separating mortals, demons and the human races created by the light and dark shards.” Professor Heralia explained further.

“Sir, I have a question. The division of the world also created a powerful barrier that kept the 3 worlds from meeting, right? Then why do we use portals to cross worlds if the worlds have to be separated?” Aria raised a question.

“It is necessary for us to cross between worlds, empyreans are chosen to keep the worlds in peace. Unfortunately, some empyreans took advantage of the gifts given to empyreans in a very despicable way.” Sir answered.

“Sir, why didn't the deities just take those light and dark shards from the humans, so the world become peaceful again?" I'm surprised I'm paying attention that I raised a question. It was very appealing the idea of how empyreans came to be called empyreans.

“Hmm… let's see, horrible events in the past cannot be rewritten as easily as erasing a pencil mark. The deities chose to move forward as how it should be, trying to fix such complex tragedies may well upset the balance and cause more tragedies. It's like life, what has been done cannot be undone, you can only move forward and do better.” Professor Heralia finished.

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