Chapter 8: Aquellias

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Lunar POV

Aria and I were trying our best to be as quiet as possible as we crept in the silent hallways carrying some snacks we had from our mini-fridge in our dorm room.

"Ria, you think this'll work?" I asked.

"Maybe, if we won't get caught." she replied.

Yes... we actually went with Aris crazy suggestion... if we get caught, we're all gonna be in serious trouble... it's way past curfew...


"Aris, are you crazy? Or are you just insane? You guys are prefects, you'll get us all in trouble." Aria strongly rejects Aris' offer.

"Uh... aren't crazy and insane one and the same?" he joked, earning a glare from Aria.

"Ok relax, I got this... I aced charms for the past two years, even Evoll can't top my grade. I'm the best at magic in our year! No one'll catch us." He proudly said... REALLY? HE ACED CHARMS? BETTER THAN EVOLL XROS?

"As much as how fun that sounds, Aris. We are indeed prefects, we should set a good example, or we'll be stripped from our prefect badge." Eanna said pointedly.

"You guys are no fun..." he muttered, sulking... then he smiled.

"Such a shame Eaice... (sighs) I was thinking of dragging Evsie around. You know... So, he can apologize about those terrible things he said to Lunarin here... Oh well, I guess you're cool about it... enjoy your girl's night then." He said as he moved to leave...

"Eaice?" I glanced at Yanna.

"Evsie?" Aria supplied as we stifled our laughter, Yanna just rolled her eyes.

"Stop using my twin to get me to agree, Aris and stop calling people names." She glared at Aris who shrugged.

"Is it not working?" Aris grinned.

"Don't get too excited, vinehead, you just got lucky." Eanna smirked.

"Yanna, you can't be serious, right?" Aria asked her with disbelief.

"Just this once... let's risk it!" she cheered, and Aris joined her.

"Don't I get a say on this?" I made a point.

"No..." they said in unison.

"This is crazy." I concluded.

"I can't believe this." Aria sighed.

End of flashback...

As we moved on, my shoes made a small squeak, which echoed through the silent dorm. Our eyes met as if conversing through our eyes, then a door creaked open… We were about to panic when it was only Eanna, she was carrying a small basket…

“Heaven's sake, Eanna, we almost had a heart attack there.” Aria and I sighed with relief. Yanna just chuckled before giving us a peace sign.

After that, the 3 of us moved along shushing each other when someone made the slightest noise, then I stopped them… they both threw me glares as Ria almost dropped a snack and Yanna almost lost her footing… I almost laughed…

“You know… we could always teleport. What's the use of your abili- emperial, I mean if we're not using it in situations that calls for it.” I pointed out, and I saw their eyes widen in realization, I stifled a laugh.

“Ugh! How did that not come to me? How stupid of me!” Aria burst out.

“Ria~ shush! Listen…" Eanna shushed her. I focused on what they were trying to feel or hear… but lord I don't feel anything and I don't hear…

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