Chapter 21: A Shed of Blood

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Lunar POV

It's Monday, and I'm glad that everything seems to be back the way it was before. Aria and Aris were arguing over something, while Yanna and I just laughed at them. Mishka's been doing well with other students now since the incident between me and Zaphira. And Evoll is… well, since last Friday during training, we haven't exactly talked again, so I'm a little unsure.

 We're all in the cafeteria eating lunch when Aris suddenly shouts.

“Whooooo! Finally!” yelled, startling us.

“What the heck is wrong with you?!” Aria said annoyingly at him since they were sitting beside each other, and he just smiled like crazy.

“I just decoded my technowatch, this way I can't be easily tracked by anyone wherever I am!” He cheered.

“Decoded?” I wondered, then he pointed at his watch.

“You know that these things have their own built-in tracking system, right? And that is quite a bummer honestly, so… with just a little tweak and discovering here and there… Viola! I've overwritten its system to my liking!” He cheered.

“Now I just have to test it.” He added.

“And why is that necessary?” Eanna raised a brow.

Upon hearing this, he stopped checking out his watch and his smile grew awkward as his eyes looked elsewhere. I never really thought about it much, but Aris is kinda secretive sometimes.

“Its so that you can sneak out of the academy again, right? Maybe you'll disappear for two to five days after this.” Aria said, rolling her eyes at him.

“That doesn't concern you guys actually, besides is it bad for me to leave the academy?” He asked.

“No, but it is when you have no permission and setting a bad example as a prefect.” Yanna crossed her arms.

“Come on, you guys! It's just some little absences, it's not like I'm doing something wrong.” Aris pouted.

“Don't you think it's odd when you suddenly go missing for how many days? And you always sneak out late at night!” Aria explained.

“Wait, how'd you know that? Were you following me? If it's Eanna I'd understand, prefects take rounds at night. So how come you know that I-” he was cut off by Aria, who immediately stood up.

“Whatever! Like I care wherever in daimón you're going, tsk.” Aria said, storming out the cafeteria, her face flushed.

I stared at her as she slammed the cafeteria door loudly, startling a few students, I giggled at her reaction. Aris really brings out a side of Aria that no one else can, it’s cute.

“She must really be embarrassed to be caught that way.” Eanna chuckled, I looked at Aris who's now smiling like crazy.

“Told you, she still likes me.” He smirked.

“You're really nuts.” I said as the bell rang and Yanna and I got up as well, leaving him there smiling stupidly.

“Yah! Wait up! You guys!” He yelled after us.

“Hurry up! Loverboy!” Yanna called out laughing, not even looking back at him. I merely laughed at Aris pouting face when he reached us.

Aris POV

 As we headed back to our class, both Yanna's and my technowatch ring a signal, making both of us halt staring at it. Lunar looked at us confused as Yanna and I exchanged glances.

“What's with the alarm?” Lunar asked.

“Lune… can you go ahead without us? We… we need to go elsewhere.” Yanna uneasily said, and Lunar glanced at me.

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