Chapter 13: Just A Dream

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I was reading a book on the sofa when I heard an annoying voice echoed from the hall all the way to the living area…

“Yanna! I'm here to play! Where are you?!” She yelled as the door creaked open, and her footsteps came into the silent living room. I ignored her presence as usual and continued to read when her footsteps got closer.

“Evoll have you seen Yanna? I can't find her.” She said.

“No.” I said without sparing a glance.

“What're you reading?” She asked, which I ignored, then she sat next to me and checked out my book.

“Physics? Isn't that too much for your age? And that's advanced physics, how do you understand that? Aren't we just kids?” She rained questions on me, which irritated me and disturbed my studies. I closed the book hard, that startled her before looking at her in annoyance.

“I'm not stupid like you.” I didn't even try to hide my irritation.

“That's a bit rude of you, Ev.” She said, and I ignored her once more as I continued. I don't have time for annoying beings like her.

“Lulu? You came!” I heard Eanna yelling from the stairs above.

“Yanna! There you are! Come on, let's play! What should we do?” The annoying, stupid girl said as she approached my sister. I ignored them and just finished the book I'm reading.

“Let's go to the garden…” Yanna said…

“…and make flower wreaths and tiaras and crowns.” They said excitedly and giggled.

“Ev do you want to come with us?” Yanna asked.

“No.” I answered without glancing, but I could feel my twin's downhearted feelings.

“Come on Ev, just this once, play with us. We'll make you a crown, then you'll be king and…” the stupid girl said, and I cut her off.

“King? You trying to make me laugh? I'm the village's next empyrion and that doesn't involve your petty stupid childish games, so stop disturbing me.” I snapped and continued reading.

“Ok, let's go, Lu.” Yanna said.

“Oh sure, but if ever you change your mind, you can always go to us, k?” The stupid girl said as they turned to leave, chatting with each other. I'm never gonna go to them, especially with her around.

“Evoll what are you doing all alone here?” A familiar deep voice that I looked up to for a long time said. I stopped reading and turned to my father.

“I'm studying physics, dad.” I said and he smiled.

“That's very good, you're studying, but don't you want to go out and play with your sister? I think you earned a break yourself, son.” He placed a hand on my shoulder.

“I don't want to do useless things, dad. I want to take my responsibility as your heir of being the village empyrion seriously. Those useless childish games won't help me and will only get in my way.” I said before turning to the very last page of the book.

“I appreciate you taking this responsibility seriously son, but you're also a child, I want you to experience the joy of being a kid, so I hope you'll take some break sometime. I know you'll be able to handle the obligations well in the future, but son, I'm not rushing you. Go have fun with your sister.” My father patted my head, but I slapped his hand off.

“Dad, stop doing that, I'm old enough to handle myself and I don't need that experience. That won't help my leadership, I'm going to the library.” With that, I closed my book and left. I heard my father sigh.

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