22 ; scooby snacks

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22 ∞ scooby snacks

He took an arrow for me but then he stabbed my friend in the back, Lily thought as she stared up at the ceiling. He seems to care about me but I have no idea where I stand with him. She closed her eyes for a long moment but after seeing flashes of a burning Peter, she snapped them open again. It's over now. I mean, I know I saw all those weird things but I'm not going crazy right? I'm not losing my mind – not like Mom did. Lily hated herself for it but she was worried that she was going to become like her mother; she wished she could be like Stiles and forget all that happened to her near the end of her life.

Huffing, she turned to her side, facing the teddy bear she kept on her bed. Pulling a face, she asked it, "What do you think I should do, Sir Hugs-a-lot? Should I give Derek a chance to explain or would it just be my stupid crush talking?" Sitting up, she exclaimed, "And what's up with that 'stupid crush' statement thing anyway? Does he just hate love and all things good?" Frustrated and getting worked up, she picked the teddy bear up, shaking it about as if that would shake the answer out of it. "But I still like him and I still want to talk to him even though he did that. Why is that? Come on, Sir Hugs-a-lot, tell me what you want me to do."

"I think he wants you to stop shaking him," a voice said, surprising her. Panicking, she dropped the teddy bear, turning in surprise to see Derek stood in her room. He looked amused which annoyed her because it made her feel like she was the only one concerned about the state of their relationship. It made her feel like this was all just a big joke to him – which was saying something, considering she was usually the one who struggled to take things seriously.

Eyebrows furrowed, she narrowed her eyes at him, "Did you just teleport into my room?"

Derek eyed her as though she was being weird, gesturing to the open window, "I came through your window."

"How?" Lily exclaimed suddenly, standing from her bed and walking over to the window. "Look," she said as she shut the window and then opened it again and the shut it. "You hear that? You do right? Well I didn't hear that just now so I'm finding it really hard to believe that you came through that window without making any noise."

Derek smirked, "You seemed kind of distracted, that's probably why you didn't hear me."

Realising what she'd just been doing, her cheeks flushed and she looked back at Sir Hugs-a-lot in embarrassment. How was she supposed to know that Derek was coming when she'd started talking to the bear? Walking over to him, she hid him under her blankets, turning to Derek and raising her eyebrows, "How much of that did you hear?"

"Well, I'm a werewolf so I could hear it before I even got into the room," Derek shrugged.

Lily's mouth gaped open for a moment before she blurted, "No you couldn't."

"What?" Derek furrowed his eyebrows.

"You couldn't hear," she continued.

"But I could-"

"-pretend you couldn't," she exclaimed, "Please, for the sake of my dignity, pretend. Could you do that for me?"

"You know," Derek still looked and sounded completely amused, "You're being weird... well weirder than usual."

That was because she was still trying to figure out where she stood with him. He was in her room as though nothing had happened in the woods, as if he hadn't taken an arrow for her – as if he hadn't ruined that by betraying Scott. How was she supposed to react? She couldn't be normal after everything that happened that night so instead of explaining her behaviour, she only huffed, "I'm not weird."

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