25 ; non-sexual banter

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25 ∞ non-sexual banter

Lily sighed, why was every guy in her life so overdramatic? Jackson was home filming himself, her father had just locked up a teenage boy, Derek and Scott were still arguing and now this. "Guys," she spoke, "Could you contain the werewolf testosterone for just a second please?" They both stopped, turning to look at her in concern. Clearly after what had happened in Isaac's basement, they were still worried. And yet they still found time to argue, Lily thought, doubting both of their self-control.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"Stiles just texted me, a hunter is on his way to kill Isaac," Lily announced, "One of you should call him and by one of you, I mean Scott because lord knows that we don't have time for Derek and Stiles' flirtation."

Derek scoffed, a look of disgust on his face, "I don't flirt with your brother."

Lily rolled her eyes, "And I don't cry every time I watch The Lion King." Derek sighed, seeming to realise that all arguments would be futile and giving up. She smirked in victory, watching as Scott pulled out his phone to call Stiles. "Oh and Scott," she said, suddenly making the decision, "Please don't tell Stiles about what just happened."

Scott frowned, mouth gaping open in shock, "Lily, you just had blood coming from your eyes and you don't want me to tell Stiles?"

"He'll over react," she justified. It was true – Stiles would make such a large deal out of it and she didn't want that; she didn't want to spend a large amount of time discussing how she was crazy and why that might be. "Let's just figure out what's going on with me first and then tell Stiles afterwards. Peter once told me that I didn't smell human – so maybe what's going on with me is supernatural."

"Peter once told you that you didn't smell human and this is the first time you're mentioning it? In fact, how long has this been going on, Lily?" Derek scowled at her. He seemed angry and she couldn't understand why he was so upset about her not telling him; she didn't want to be a downer on their relationship with this information. Scott seemed to be sniffing the air around them, probably trying to decide for himself how normal Lily smelt. She swatted him away, sending him an exasperated look before turning to Derek.

She shrugged, "It only started happening recently and there were more important things to deal with than my maybe insanity."

Derek glared at her, clenching his jaw and huffing, "I've never seen anything like it but I'll look into it. It definitely does seem supernatural."

"See?" Lily smirked, "Problem solved. Now go call up Stiles and form some kind of plan. I mean – your plans are never really good but we're still alive so you must be doing something right."

Scott scowled, "He's gonna be so pissed off when he finds out that I was keeping your relationship and this weird supernatural thing a secret – and he's gonna completely blame it on me but fine." With that, he hit dial, walking away slightly to start the call. Lily watched him go, conscious of the fact that Derek was staring at her. Her eyes flickered from Scott to Derek, noticing that he wasn't even trying to hide the fact he was staring.

"What?" she finally exclaimed, when she was unable to ignore his stare any longer.

"Are you okay?" Derek asked, eyebrows furrowed and face etched with concern. Lily was kind of glad that he didn't seem to hide his emotions from her as much anymore.

She raised an eyebrow, staring at the floor, "Why? You gonna give me a hug if I'm not okay?"

He shrugged, "If you want one." Lily looked up at him, tempted by his offer. She never imagined Derek to be the type for PDA, especially with his bad boy image – it would ruin his street cred but he seemed dead serious, continuing, "Seriously. If you want one, you can have one." Lily bit her lip before giving in, standing from the hood of the car and wrapping her arms around his back. Her head rested against his chest and he pulled her closer, hand gently brushing her hair. Everything about the hug was comforting, Derek's warmth, his smell, his solidity – she just felt completely safe.

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